PAN International, issue 43

PAN Provisional Astroshamanic News
International Abridged Edition, 3.1-6, 20 May 2006, Issue 43
Cluny Hill College, Forres IV36 2RD, Moray, Scotland. (+44(0)1309-672289.
What is Astroshamanism?
“Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.” Gerard de Nerval (3.2.9)
© 2006 Franco Santoro. All rights reserved. Permission must be granted by the author for publishing and use on websites. For permissions contact
Dear Friends,
Welcome to the Gemini issue of PAN and to the vibrant concluding part of spring!
As I journey through the outer landscapes of the globe and the inner territories of the emotional realms, I increasingly become aware of a Sacred Cone network of connections that unites us all. This Sacred Cone comprises two major channels, aimed at distributing two apparently dissimilar energies, which could seemingly be described as blessings and grievances. The point is that in the gigantic operative spectrum of the Sacred Cone perceptions of blessings and grievances change radically, and what looks as a blessing for one being may be considered as a grievance for another being. Hence I would rather say that there are merely two types of energies flowing, which I now call the ebony and the ivory channel, and that the differences I ascribe to them are merely due to my provisional perception. Yet, to make things ostensibly more complicated, the Sacred Cone holds a third channel, which evidently brings the other two together, or merely unwraps their veritable nature. This channel is the mystery zone, the access to non-HAC,[i] the way to our multi-dimensional nature. The point is that, since within HAC and its related games ebony and ivory, the first two channels virtually receive all the available attention, in order to grasp the third I need to enter into a non-HAC zone, and this is the realm of trance, mystery traditions and any kind of HAC paradoxes. Then, the next step involves creating a connection between HAC and non-HAC aimed at bringing awareness of the third channel, while also being aware and respectful of the fact that perception of the third channel within HAC is illegal, or simply not part of the rules of the HAC games. Yet, I can still contribute to the creation of a mystery network, without disrupting or threatening HAC and on the contrary honouring and supporting it. Yes, for I do not aim to change HAC, whose function in the multidimensional universe, as I provisionally see it, is simply that of being HAC. My aim, or, more genuinely, thrill, which for educational purposes I will call Intent, is to establish connections and enhance viability of communication. This is, as I experience it from the Gemini perspective, the healing intent, the way to the retrieval of the perception of unity, the mystical marriage between ebony and ivory.
It is this healing intent that allows the mystery network to unveil through our HAC interactions. In this respect any moment offers the opportunity of establishing healing relationships and stepping out of the perception of separation. These relationships involve whoever or whatever surrounds me, and in order to be implemented requires the capacity to communicate at a vibratory or energetic level rather than though ordinary languages. It is the attention to the common vibratory and energetic essence of all components in life that brings about the awareness of unity. Although this essence is constantly threatened and obscured by the separating functions of ordinary HAC communication, it immediately emerges whenever two or more beings open up to alternative forms of transmission. Once these subtle forms of interaction are encouraged, then it is much easier to align ordinary HAC language to the essence of the web of life, which may eventually result in the production of inspiring texts and effective communication. All this belongs to the realm of Gemini, which is also related with the major arcana of the Lovers and includes all those blissful moments when the ebony and ivory couple operates together and manages to employ the same language.
In this PAN you will find an article by Erik Månsson, titled Franco in Francoforte, which will shed rousing light on the above dissertation, together with other treasured reports from Maria, Hannah and Sonja on the workshops held in Germany this month. These workshops were organised by the couple Erik and Valerie, who offered outstanding examples of ebony and ivory interaction at its best. You will also get a sermon on the upcoming New Moon in Gemini.
In the meantime, in Northern Scotland, namely at Findhorn, I have just concluded an astonishing one-week workshop with Sverre Koxvold, titled Working with the Spirit of Cluny Garden, about which you are probably going to read more in the next issues. Sverre, as I perceive him, is a most genuine and innocent lover of nature in the widest sense, encompassing whatever or whoever is seen and unseen. It was extremely delightful to be in his presence and to hold our first workshop together. In the opening picture you can see Sverre in his sacred role of beekeeper, together with some workshop participants who also were involved in the exploration of the realm of bees.
On Tuesday 23 May I fly to South Africa, where I will stay for two weeks in the Benoni area, near Johannesburg, at The Grange, a most fascinating healing centre immersed in the African nature. The place is located on the highest part (1700 metres) of the vast South African interior plateau known as Highveld. The Grange is run by a remarkable couple, Fay and Michael, who have lived there for more than 40 years. The centre is embraced by an aura of pungent serenity and multidimensional elation, which is sheer enchantment and delight to experience. It also abounds with esoteric constructions. One of its major features is the Henge, a wide astroshamanic circle consisting of 16 high columns, one for each Sector and Direction. Other features include a large labyrinth, a spectacular Eneagram star, and a Cabalistic Tree of Life natural arrangement. At the Grange I am holding a four-day course on Astroshamanic Touch, which is the longest course on this ground-breaking practice I have offered so far, and a week-end on Astroshamanic Trance Dance. Following my courses in South Africa, the next astroshamanic workshop at Findhorn will be the Original Quest from 1 to 7 July 2006. This will be followed by the Emilia Summer Retreat, or Astroshamanic Touch Intensive, in Italy, from 24 to 30 July, which is probably the most advanced week I am holding this year and that is aimed to further explore the astroshamanic touch realm.
Sacred Cone Blessings,
Astroshamanic Sky:[ii] From 10:40, 20 May 2006 to 13:25, 22 May 2006 the Moon will be in Pisces. During this time, precisely at 4:33, on 21 May 2006, the Sun will enter Gemini, initiating the final stage of spring ending at 12:27, 21 June 2006. The Moon will be in Aries from 13:25, 22 May 2006 to 16:02, 24 May 2006, then it moves in Taurus until 19:20, 26 May 2006, when it will enter Gemini, forming the New Moon at 5:27, on 27 May 2006, in 5° Gemini 48’. The Moon leaves Gemini at 0:35, 29 May 2006 and journeys through Cancer until 8:53, 31 May 2006. From 8:53, 31 May 2006 to 20:18, 2 June 2006 the Moon transits in Leo, then it moves into Virgo until 9:10, 5 June 2006.
Frankfurt: I have spent five amazing days in Frankfurt and Hessen giving two workshops superbly organised by Erik and his wife Valerie, a most loving and amazing couple. I particularly enjoyed the open and mulit-cultural nature of Erik and Valerie’s family environment. Erik is Swedish and Valerie is French, and in their house I could hear conversations in German, Swedish, French and English happening simultaneously. The major amazement was to see and hear Maxence, their lovely three-year son, fluently speaking all four languages. I returned to Frankfurt after 28 years and found the town completely transformed. When I was last there in 1978 it was at a most crucial time of my life. I had just left a spiritual community where I spent two years of committed service. At that time arriving in Frankfurt was for me like accessing the ordinary reality again. I did not know why I chose Frankfurt, perhaps it had a connection with Italian name for Frankfurt, i.e. “Francoforte”, which in Italian literally means “strong Franco”. However, the effects were rather traumatic and confronted me with the shock of having lost the security of where I was coming from, to which it was clear I could not return to, and the terrifying confusion of where I was heading to. Indeed in the present time Frankfurt appeared in a totally different light and I could see the effects of my previous composting time reflected in the astounding arrangement of skylines, which during my first visit were still in their gestation process. Frankfurt is a town that deeply resonate with the energy of Gemini combined with the grounding force of Capricorn and the expansive nature of Sagittarius. It is a climax of communication, commercial transactions and international spirit. Frankfurt is the site of the European Central Bank, the German stock exchange, the Bundesbank, the country’s central bank, the national library (Deutsche Bibliothek), die Frankfurte Buchmesse (the annual international fair for the publishing industry) and Rhine-Main Airport, the most important in Germany. Another perhaps less known fact is that disco trance music (a genre characterised by fast, energetic hard beats, aicd sounds and psychedelic atmospheres) started in Frankfurt thanks to DJs such as Sven Väth, Jam and Spoon and Paul Van Dyk.
FRANCO IN FRANCOFORTE: Sharing on workshops lead by Franco in May 2006 Frankfurt am Main, Germany, by Erik Månsson
A busy Friday on the physical level
Friday 5 May was a busy day. Before Franco’s arrival I had to arrange to get my new company car that was unexpectedly ready for delivery one month in advance. This meant travelling by train with 2 connections to a place 100 km south of Frankfurt. I arrived back in Frankfurt only at 4 p.m. Next step was to organise the collection of meditation cushions and yoga mats that we were going to use for the weekend. While getting a new car may seem a trivial event to start an astroshamanic report with, I believe it is an experience worth sharing in this context. In a sense it was logical that the car turned up just in time for the workshop as it was my original dream that it could also be used to support the transportation for the seminars we organise. When I received the possibility of a company car without asking for it my impulse was to opt for a nice SAAB to please myself. However, after meditating on it I clearly saw that the purpose of this extra and unexpected car was rather to have a car I could use not only for my own pleasure but also make use of this gift of abundance to enable us to transport workshop participants to our weekend house in the mountains outside Frankfurt. I chose a 7-seat car which came one month ahead of time, the very day of our first astroshamanic event with people to transport from the station to our place and later to other locations. The advanced delivery before the workshop taught me once more that when I follow the higher plan things work out by themselves also on the material plane. In fact I had received a workshop car and therefore decided to make the number plate match it. My number plate is now F-FM 2288 and represents Frankfurt am Main and the polarity between sector 2 and 8, which I am busy with in my life and that was also a theme for the workshop. My birthday on 22 April means that I have my sun in Taurus and Medium Coeli in Scorpio and this was also the sign where I started to do my first explorations in the Operative Training in Astroshamanism.
With a roof-box full of meditation cushions, yoga mats and blankets I was then off to Frankfurt airport to pick up Franco as my first passenger in the new car and with other workshop participants to follow. Our plan was to warm up already the Friday evening with a presentation by Franco about Astroshamanism taking place in our Frankfurt flat. The weather was smiling and this enabled us to try for the first time to move our living room out on the roof terrace where we put our sofas enabling us to free up space in our living room for a lot of chairs.
We regularly do meetings in our flat with an NLP peer group that has developed more into a group of personal and spiritual development in general and we also regularly host Reiki exchange but so far never had more than maximum 18 people at the same time. With Franco coming we now had a new record of 25 persons, which was exceeding our capacity of chairs but then the meditation cushions came handy as a complement. During a little meditation exercise that Franco proposed I was looking for an intent that pleased me. However, my son Maxence came running towards me completely naked and happy after just being released from his mother who had taken off his pamper full of shit with the intention to clean him in the shower. When his mother again captured her son, who had escaped to dad playing a game and feeling excited of being naked running around the flat, I was left with the smell of shit on my hand. As the meditation had already started and everybody were connecting to their intents I hesitated to go and wash myself directly but could also not focus on any honourable intent my romantic mind wanted me to. On the contrary, I could only focus on my strong resentment to the smell of shit and my desire of keeping all shit out of my life with a kind of obsession to get rid of dirty laundry, dishes etc. as quick as possible. Therefore, when Franco told us that emotions are neither good nor bad but it is a matter of how we channel the energy I made a new discovery. The strong disgust of being in the shit that has followed me for many years could all of a sudden be turned into a mighty ally and energizer by channelling its strong emotions in a positive direction.
Virgo energy: Later that evening while bringing some of the workshop participants back to their accommodation we experienced together that one of the hotels I had recommended based on an Internet research of optimised proximity to railway station and attractive price was indeed at the heart of the very busy red-light district, which made me embarrassed. Although it was an opportunity to connect to the Virgo sector of Frankfurt and the Scorpio energies of the underworld and criminality, this was not a choice I would have been comfortable with if I would have known what this street looks like in the night. Anyhow, this particular experience also summarises some of the particularities of Frankfurt in a nutshell. The centre of the banking world (European Central Bank) has the same address as the centre of the underworld in Frankfurt. It all takes place in Kaiserstrasse transforming itself from its ugliest side close to the station to the more noble part 500 meters away where the Eurotower and the big euro symbol is located.
On my way back home at 11:30 pm at the end of the first evening I realised that I was hungry and had forgotten about food. This has rarely happened to me in the past and therefore I think it was not just a matter of being too busy in the day with organising and the excitement of the workshops coming up, new car, Franco arriving, etc. There was also an additional element of being completely inside my own Taurus energy by manifesting into physical form a workshop I have nurtured as a dream for long and I was simply at a point of just acting out without considering other aspects of life.
Integrating Scorpio and Taurus energies: Next day, on a beautiful Saturday morning, we started workshop 1 (trance dance) in the gym located in the basement of my son’s kindergarten, which is also situated in the Scorpio area of Frankfurt. In the first round when the 13 participants were asked to reflect what brought them to the workshop and what were their feelings when they first heard about it, I realised that the very concept had been born the previous year during a meditation I did in our own meditation room situated in our weekend house outside Frankfurt. This idea was born out of a desire to share with other people the positive energies and experiences that we regularly receive from our own personal power points that we have created and nurtured. Interestingly enough this workshop took physical form during the month of Taurus when I was busy anyway with the concept of manifesting my dreams in the physical reality. Thus, once again life experience showed me that when I am busy connecting with certain energies they start to live their own life mingling with mine. In the end I am no longer sure about what I am provoking myself, what happens by chance / coincidence and what could be triggered by events / powers beyond me.
During the first day of the workshop, including two trance dances and a number of circle dances, I personally had a great need of simply releasing a lot of pent-up emotions related to my fears of showing myself to the world the way I am. Once again I felt the intuitive need of being able to release stuck emotions through dance and body work without having the need to first rationally understand what processes were going on within me or even understand what all these emotions were about. Through previous experiences I have discovered that this process is fundamentally good to me even if most of the time I might not feel very well during the process itself. Nevertheless, this is an excellent way of honouring also these feelings in me of not feeling good. I am still preformatted at suppressing difficult emotions to the extent that it often happens automatically. Over time I have developed a number of escape strategies. More recently I also gain a new awareness to catch myself when this is happening.
At the end of the last long trance dance we were asked to draw a card expressing the energies we were having in that moment and then exchange our respective energies in pairs. When I saw sector 7 Libra I was not sure what it meant as I started my first exploration of the Zodiac in sector 8 Scorpio. However, when I gave this energy away to my partner for this exercise (Vera) and received Scorpio energy from her in return I perceived the progression from 7 to 8 very natural. It reminded about my start of the astroshamanic operative training when I was waiting to get started in Scorpio but while still being in Libra I started to receive pain in my intestine that I perceived so strongly that I felt a spontaneous prompting to connect to the direction West to ask for guidance. The pain was related to worries about the past and Franco’s workshop in Göttingen helped me to release some war traumas and subsequent work in Sector 8 revealed the importance of bringing up subconscious stuff from the Underworld for healing. When I now received more Scorpio energy I could easily accept it as it came from my friend Vera who really personifies this energy. The message for me was that the healing is not yet complete despite the fact that I have already managed to get rid of a chronic intestine inflammation in particular with the support of Astroshamanism (this I consider as a great success even more so considering the medical doctors’ theory that this disease cannot be healed).
As an exercise at the end of that day we were told to bring our energies back and work with them during the night opening up to any messages that could come. The next morning I had no recollection of a particular dream but knew that the night had been active. When I woke up I suffered from belly pain and diarrhoea, which again reactivated my repulsion for shit. However, the pain was released with the support of my wife giving me Reiki and using a positive affirmation originating from the kinesiology that works well for me in those moments: “I am fundamentally good and clean and I deserve to be loved”.
Despite feeling miserable at the start of the day it turned out that the second day involved for me a lot more pleasant feelings than the day before. Interestingly enough the workshop was taking place in another part of Frankfurt. We moved from the basement of the Kindergarten in the Scorpio sector on Saturday to a skyline deck in the Taurus sector on Sunday. This was a divine coincidence enabling us to also contribute to the work with the energies of the city, doing ‘acupuncture’ on different parts of Frankfurt by our being present on different spots. As Franco expressed it, it helps bringing healing to separated parts in us as well as in the city. The new place, overlooking the green river banks of Main as well as the impressive skyline, was indeed a very different atmosphere compared to the previous day. I felt uplifted and inspired by the fantastic view on a sunny Sunday and also relieved that the pain from the morning had left. It was a perfect stage for dancing overlooking the city and disbursing our positive energy in all directions. We didn’t start by analysing and exchanging experiences of the night but simply got together in a number of circle dances which allowed me to release some of the remaining worries from the past related to my ex-wife. I didn’t know what it was but it just came to me like an intuition that I could let something within myself go during the dance. In the dance we alternated between the big circle and dancing with a partner and for each round the partners got closer and closer. I noticed for myself that 2/3 of the times I ended up with Harry and felt good about it despite having a natural inclination to rather have a woman as a dance partner. However, in the sharing when Harry said “Ich hab dich lieb” I naturally and honestly replied the same. Thus, this was for me also a learning experience to be able to exchange expression of love in a way that is not gender dependent, transcending my conventional and old belief system.
In the next exercise, we went into a long trance dance that was a very powerful, intense and ecstatic experience for me. While dancing I was in a state of bliss, feeling the warmth of the sun, the people dancing and the intimate atmosphere of being with like-minded people who I trust and with whom I can openly share. I realised also that dancing together like this on a Sunday is actually representing everything I would look for in a church, but would normally not find there. This is the reason that I rarely visit churches, not because I have something against them, but more because I have other places of worship that feels closer to me. A dream that I have nurtured regularly recently of becoming a ‘corporate’ shaman in the business environment also came very strongly to me in the dance. I don’t know yet what it really means but the concept attracts me and I feel it is on my way. Therefore, it felt very natural to dance on a skyline deck contemplating directly the skyscrapers, symbol of the financial sector in Frankfurt. Moreover, the Frankfurt skyline is a power-point with tremendous energy, with erected antennas connecting sky and earth. During this workshop I became gained new awareness how much I am linked to and working with these energies together with my wife.
After a silent integration of the trance dance feeling exhausted and sweaty there was a very nice sharing in the form of astroshamanic touch. At first we connected to each other with our eyes still closed and then afterwards also with open eyes. Again I experienced how limited our verbal communication is and how much easier it is to express emotions and share experiences in a non-verbal way.
The sacred box resting on the volcano: On Monday morning we were starting the third and final leg of Franco’s German workshop tour with 9 participants gathering in the meditation room in the natural park of Vogelsberg. The place is situated 75 km North-East of Frankfurt. Our house is at 500 meters situated on the outskirts of a village. The whole area is the oldest and biggest volcanic area in Europe with the highest peak at almost 800 meters. This beautiful and mountainous area received us with all the spring flowers in full blossoming and with fresh green leaves on the trees. Thus the spring energies of Taurus were fully present to accompany our three-day advanced astroshamanic retreat. Franco immediately defined the meditation room as our sacred box within which according to the rules we were all united as different parts of the same body whereas outside the box we could return to our own individual and separated egos.
Franco explained that Astroshamanism could also be seen as a game or a strategy. In a similar way as football is just a game and not the reality but when you have agreed to the rules and are in the game it appears to be a reality for most of the participants. Anyhow, the issue is not whether it is reality or not but simply using the game metaphor relaxes the critical mind.
The first game we played in the advanced retreat was to identify each one which part of the body we represented without telling the other participants. We were then rearranged by Franco in a way that the body parts could experience their respective positions and roles in the system as a whole. We exchanged our experiences in groups of three first by nonverbal and then by verbal communication. Following my experiences in the previous days it was beyond doubt that I represented the arse in this constellation. This created some amusement from the other body parts but I felt a lot more respected than in conventional reality. I could also experience how much I have myself looked down at this part instead of accepting that it is also a part with a very important function helping us to regularly release all shit, which is necessary for both our survival and well-being. In our group of three-party sharing I was surprised that we had a constellation of one arse and two genitals. Thus, it was a new experience to take part in a sharing from within a community of taboo areas. However, our own inside perspective was very different to the conventional outside perspective of the same body parts. We didn’t perceive ourselves in any negative, inferior or dirty way. Rather our perception was the opposite that we managed to connect to the higher-self identity of these respective parts that is in a serene position above normal human perception. For me the release / integration of this lost part come through this new understanding that I can start to appreciate something that always disgusted me in the past. During the general sharing also with the other parts head-throat and heart-solar plexus areas we discovered that we had all chosen a particular part for a reason and the constellation / game enabled us to work on our respective issues.
Gibberish business discussions?!: The second game on Monday was an Executive Board meeting where we each represented an area and had to convince the other board members about some company action that we felt necessary from our particular perspective. However, we were not allowed to use conventional language but had to use Gibberish combined with gestures. It was quite amazing to see how different languages we used and how intense the sharing was. I had the important task to convince my fellow board members that we had not sufficient compost to use as fertiliser for new growth. Several parts of the body were keeping their shit to themselves and this prevented my department from collecting enough compost to support the growth process. Therefore, I encouraged my colleagues to release their own internal shit more readily as it is necessary for the common goal of growth represented by some flowers I brought into the presentation to make my point visible, i.e. compost / shit is a precondition to get to the beautiful flower and it could not be grown from a clinically clean vacuum even if this would please my romantic side. As another personal reflection after all this intense shit work I hope that I have now earned my way to be able to focus more on other higher parts also in coming workshops after having had to go through all this ground work. However, this time there was no way around it.
Integration: On Monday evening as it got dark the atmosphere intensified in our sacred box and we were ready for a Basic Ritual of the Sacred Cone. The principle is a three step approach expressing first polarity 1 and thereafter the opposite polarity 2 (i.e. everything that has not been able to be expressed under polarity 1). Finally in stage 3 an integration could take place between polarity 1 and 2 or alternatively a new third polarity creating confusion. We were invited to walk around the sacred circle represented by the 12 sectors and the 7 directions (East, West, North, South, Upper-, Middle and Lower worlds). For the occasion Franco invited me to use my own sacred stones as they belong to the place and I felt both pleased and honoured to welcome the participation in the game of all these energies by doing my own ritual in my mother tongue Swedish. After walking around the circle clockwise and trying to connect to the stone / energy that most spoke to me in the minute I finally ended up in front of sector 8 Scorpio that happens to be the darkest (black) stone I have. In the second stage we were invited to walk anti-clockwise to find the energy expressing the opposite polarity. I was immediately attracted by the brightest stone (white) representing sector 6 Virgo but thought that this might be too much of a logical mind projection to move from black to white. Therefore I had to walk around sometime before I was really convinced that I could not genuinely connect with any other stone. Therefore, I was already more relaxed to end up at sector 7 Libra for the integration between the black and the white. At this stage I was ready to accept that the perfect fit of Libra 7 balancing the opposite energies of Scorpio 8 and Virgo 6, and that the Libra stone was grey in the middle between the darkest and brightest stones of my whole Zodiac. This exercise allowed me to once again integrate the Saturday energies where I drew the sector 7 and received sector 8. The new element here was sector 6 which seems to make a balancing composition to the dark underworld energies I am confronted with in Scorpio, when I connect with Virgo my need for cleanliness could also be honoured and Libra will ensure that the reality is balanced somewhere in the middle i.e. a place that is neither too dark or too bright. In the following sharing of our experiences we also brought along a forth energy to exchange with our sharing partner. For this part I connected with sector 12 that I gave away in return for sector 8. Thus, with so many promptings from sector 8 I feel that Scorpio energy is quite present in my life for the moment. Franco told us that this game was traditionally done in Greek temples to get solutions to problems etc. and that the participants then slept over night in the temple to have the solution revealed to them in their dreams. Vera and Harry both picked up on this and spent the night sleeping on the floor of the meditation room. The sleep was not really deep but maybe this is exactly the purpose of being closer to your dreams.
The Tuesday started by a non-verbal sharing of the previous night by using hands and knees to communicate and we were all sitting outside in the sun on two benches facing each other and 5 persons on each side. Each person had to transmit to the next what he / she just received and it turned out to be quite a difficult and time consuming process. The afternoon was scheduled for a nature experience and interestingly enough this was the only time in a week where the skies went dark, there were a few raindrops and a thunderstorm threatened to come over us. In the end nothing happened and we were kept dry. Nevertheless, Mother Nature told me a lesson that we are there on her conditions and I just have to adapt. In a meditation sitting on the top of a hill connecting to a stone I had the image of war approaching and my tribe was protecting a serpent’s nest that was very precious by hiding it. After that we walked in pairs in silence to the next exercise that was connecting together with a tree releasing our own excess energies and receiving something in return. As I had in the moment some tensions built up in the morning from sensing some conflicts the practise worked very well and I could receive harmony and stability in return. In the sharing we realised that I had only been communicating with the middle part of the three but my partner with the roots and crown.
The last evening we were again back in our cosy sacred box and divided into two teams. I received a request from Paloma “I want to better trust my feelings” and I went out with my team to connect with the stars and receive a message corresponding to this request. The message was a boat on the sea and the suggestion to Franco who was to execute / transmit the reply back to Paloma was to rock her in a way that resembled a boat. Therefore, back in the room Franco took the lead for our team to lift up Paloma who was resting on a lambskin and to gently rock her. I myself received a message from the stars through Vera to transmit a black light to Harry. Apparently this corresponded very well to the request he had. Neither the giving nor the transmitting team had a clue what the messages were about. We were simply the messengers. When we reversed the teams I requested for me to be accepted the way I am and also received feedback that supported this.
Closing and new opening: On the final day Wednesday morning my son Maxence was sitting in my lap for the first half hour sharing in the sacred box. It felt comfortable to have him with me and he behaved well in the context. Afterwards for the final integration we were asked to go out in the garden and connect and when we heard Franco clap three times to group together with the person we first saw and realign the integration between the two of us. I connected to the power stone in the front of the garden that Beate also did so it was natural for us to find a common way to integrate the workshop. Our idea was to walk together from outside in a spiral pattern towards the stone and then reverse opening up the spiral to the outside. This we both felt was a perfect way to integrate our experience and go to the centre and thereafter taking these new found energies and inspiration with us returning back to the outside world again.
At the very end we sang together the whole group a Lappish song celebrating the sun. With my Nordic origin I could particularly relate to the mystic words of this song. It was a great ending to a fantastic few days in different places and the experiences of being in a very protected environment. The element of astroshamanic touch was new to me but I immediately recognised during these precious days how important it is to have a possibility of non-verbal sharing in an environment with clear rules and which is protected and supportive. This corresponds to a deep and fundamental need in me and I am sure that this form of channelling energies can prevent many potential blockages to occur.
Thanks for sharing these experiences to all participants Harry, Vera, Christine, Monika, Paloma, Maria, Kirsten, Beate, Sonja, Aisun, Hannah, Jürgen, Kerstin and Barbara. My gratitude to Franco for his revealing insights, his love and authenticity.
Letter from Maria: When I decided to write something for the PAN about my experiences and feelings during the two workshops in Frankfurt, I was hesitating at the same time. As I used to read all the articles workshop participants have written, their feelings of being touched or sometimes overwhelmed by the arising of new and unknown emotions or energies during Franco's workshops. I felt I didn't want to repeat anything. So, this is what I experienced during the workshops. Before I came to Frankfurt I was really in a very desperate state in my life. I seemed to have lost anything in my life, that made my life worth living. Finally I got the impression I'm not able to hold anything good in my life. Everything I started failed and in the end I gave it all up and was completely tired of life. I even thought I'd better die and didn't make any effort to change anything as it seems to be worthless When I came to Frankfurt I just thought I need to hold out till the end. I couldn't feel any joy as I usually do during Franco's workshops. I felt like having given up any hope since months. Then gradually there was a shift after a couple of days, first it was more like a little whisper especially in the morning, as if I could see the sun a bit among the clouds. I don't know when and why it happened, but the sun succeeded to come through my mind even more from day to day. I could laugh again and enjoy things and people as I used to do. I felt like something soft and gentle has pulled me out of the darkness, where I felt to be lost. I still feel somehow fragile and uncertain, as if I've been in a foreign unknown territory and now I'm back to life with all its joy and tasks. My weariness with life has totally gone, it really seems to be like a miracle to me and great healing work as I see it (Franco would say). Thanks again, Love, Maria. In the opening picture see Maria by the holy stone in Vogelsberg.
Letter from Hannah: While I did not have clear expectations what astroshamanic dance was really all about I was then fascinated about the concept as it turned out in reality. Especially I never thought I would enjoy and be able to dance more than one or two hours in a group but nevertheless only by myself with closed eyes without any effort and to go through the different motions and emotions, including joy as well as depression and anger, but also including a levitation of my arms! After the two dancing sessions I was always in a deep state of relaxation, peace, and wholeness and a feeling of being connected. In addition, the body energy work with partners of the whole group felt great and it was a pleasure for me to give what I had to give and to receive what I needed and was able to receive. Love, Hannah
Report from Sonja: I first felt a high resistance of going to the seminar. I think it was mainly because of an inner blockage and the vision of wild dancing people pretending to be in trance. However, once the decision was made, I was pretty happy about that (even though the decision making process also happened because of a deep feeling of trust towards Erik.)
I got to Frankfurt with a total lack of sleep due to too much work but was looking forward to the seminar. People were arriving step by step and seemed to be nice. I started talking to one girl. We had some kind of connection right away. We started with a phase of “warming up” using some group dancing. During the first individual dance session, I felt dizzy in the beginning. I needed a phase of warm up in which I wasn’t moving much. Then, one major issue popped up, which was also the major issue during the dance session: my relationship. I was crying through parts of my dancing session. This was the first time that I was really forced to think of this topic without being able to escape. I couldn’t think of anything else. When we stopped dancing, Franco wanted everybody, one after the other, to look at the others and give and receive a thank you. I was still very close to tears and when it was my turn I had trouble to suppress them (which I tried). I started looking at the people and had a very strong reaction (tears) when I met V’ eyes. During lunch break, I was talking to a girl and I realized that we have actually some similar problems going on, even though mine seem to be less bad than hers.
I felt a lot happier during the afternoon session. While dancing, the lion vision came up again. I saw a lion walking in a desert around a pyramid in front of my inner eye. Suddenly the term lion heart came up within me and I could feel my own heart. During that time I had the feeling that I was moving like a cat in parts of the dance. It felt very nice. In the end, I was somehow too lazy to think at all and I just enjoyed the moves. I wasn’t able to tell how long the dance had been going on. It could have been 10 minutes or 2 hours. My feeling for time was gone. In the end we were exchanging gifts in the group. A girl exchanged her gift card with me. She gave me Pisces (which I did not really understand, but maybe it was a reminder that this is my mayor energy and that I should not neglect it…?), I had Aquarius for her.
In the evening I was first with Erik, Valérie, Franco, the kids and a friend. Later on, I had a great discussion with Erik’s friend. He has kept some of his scepticism (such as going to a trance dance workshop even though he was totally curious and said he wouldn’t say he’d never do that) and seems very convinced about “the path”. I like him a lot. Then a night without (at least no memories) dreams. I woke up with a terrible migraine.
We started dancing with a group session again, which was great fun. That one lady with the beautiful dress told me that I have a very beautiful and warm smile. That’s nice. But the same I thought about her and I also told her. That feels good. I think a warm smile is a way to open up people’s heart. However, there was total emptiness and pain in me in the individual dancing. It wasn’t very inspiring for me this time and even my foot started to hurt. But in the end of the dance we had to touch the ground and everything we could feel. So people started to touch and embrace each other in the end. That was a very nice feeling and it made up for my pain before. Also my head got better.
After lunch, the headache came back. We had a long meditation with Franco. I was very tired and almost sleeping, yet enjoying to be somewhere between being awake and asleep.
In the end, we opened our eyes again and everybody was supposed to work with the counterpart in the Zodiac. I was working with F. The interesting thing was, that we were really counterparts: me being Pisces and him Virgo (according to the calculation it was just the other way round in the circle: Me being Virgo and him Pisces). In 2s we started to share our experiences with looking in each others eyes. I tried to show F. with my eyes what I had lived through during the seminar – all the highs and lows. I saw that tears were running down his eyes. His eyes looked as if he understood what I was trying to express. What an interesting guy! I was balancing somewhere between happiness and lion heart and tears. We were afterwards discussing what we felt. He told me that he could see some of the things that were going on in me. He saw some pain, but happiness in the pain. I think he is right on that. I can sometimes be very happy and miserable. But there is always a deep trust in life and a happiness of being here
We were afterwards exchanging energies through the hands. For that, the people in the outer circle were moving around so that several exchanges took place. The most intense exchange for me was with Franco. With others, I did not feel that much. There was just one more person, and I thought it was a male hand. Later on, someone told me that he saw my soul while exchanging energies. It was some beautiful blue and green sparkling stones. I think it’s nice he told me. I thought to myself: Maybe it’s a Pisces soul? I felt a bit bad about my initial feelings for him: I had initially pigeonholed him as a “Seminar-tourist”. However, on the 2nd day I realized that he was probably among those most desperately searching for something. So my feelings and my perception changed. For me, I realized that I am often too judgemental towards other people and maybe even more towards myself.
On my way back to Erlangen, I was still suffering a bad headache, which lasted until Monday. On Monday, I felt like being in a bad movie during a business meeting were people had to vote for the future of certain people. All these people that were throwing dirt and judging one another have in my opinion skeletons in their own closet. How bad! I decided that I will stay away from the voting. One way or the other will not solve the real problem of this organisation that has totally forgotten about its meaning of public utility. On my way back in the evening, I met this blind girl just before leaving the train in Hanover Tuesday evening. I was standing in front of the train doors waiting for the arrival with a bunch of people. I had a lot of stuff and this heavy suitcase to carry. The blind girl was waiting in front of the doors in the next car of the train and she asked whether anyone could tell which side was the way out. I just got there when she asked. One man then said: It's to your left. I just thought: Why doesn't anyone offer to help? It would have been much easier for the others to get there, as they did not have so many things to carry. Well, finally I made my way up to her and asked her whether I can assist a little bit. She was very happy about that. I said that I have quite some things to carry, but it'll work. She then offered to help me with my bags. A typical win-win situation and nobody had to feel dependent. At the station, I walked her to the stairs and we were talking about university (she studied in Hanover) and about my job and so on. This was a wonderful experience and I could feel the harmony from the workshop once again.
New Moon in Gemini Sermon: The astroshamanic path is much more than self-realisation, emotional release or rituality. It is an experiential search of the unseen non-HAC reality which generates the physical world, as it is humanly perceived. It is a direct communication with beings abiding in other dimensions and whatever exists beyond my limited perceptive field, as it is defined by HAC. Many individuals are aware of the existence of other entities and realms, yet they are afraid to establish connections. The denial of non-ordinary relationships is so rooted in current cultures that, unless I also conform to this attitude, I risk to be ostracised by my human environment. On my part, I have done my best to deny and disregard other dimensional beings, in order to become a real man, as I perceived it advertised from different HAC sources. Yet, I have never succeeded, for these beings have always continued to be part of my life. I have spent a lot of time trying to analyse what they meant, whether they were psychological projections of my frustrations, an unconscious makeshift to avoid facing true responsibilities, the deceptive recycle of my emotional blockages, or a strategy to restrain my frantic sexual obsessions. For long I was tormented with the idea that everything, included me, had to be interpreted and dissected, that nothing could be accepted simply as it is. Then, I became aware that what I saw or felt was merely what it is. I could certainly interpret something or someone that simply is, yet I will not get any clue about what it actually is. All I would receive were simply further definitions of my human conflicting notions about who I want or do not want to be. I then realised that when, mainly inadvertently, I forgot about the human idea I had of myself, I would truly discover about me and others. Then I understood that there was truly nothing to interpret or investigate.
Everything is simply what it is. The stars do not make the effort to shine in the night sky, they just do it. This is the general attitude both in the visible and the unseen universe. Nothing tries to be what it is, it just is. Nobody tries to discover his purpose in life, he simply is that purpose. This state of being is instinctual and devoid of any definition. It has nothing to do with the human concept of individual being or of self-development. On the contrary, from this latter perspective it appears as nothing. There are often moments, especially when I wake up or after an ecstatic experience, that I truly need to make a huge effort to align with this human idea of being an individual on an evolutionary path of self-growth. I did my best to look within me and discover who this individual was. The more I went deep into myself, the more I found an effortless state of being, which literally appeared as nothing. It was out of this nothing that I began to uncover what had always been there, veiled by my insane creed of being something else. It was the state of simply being who I am, instead of trying hard to be something else based on the assumption that what I am, is not good or enough. Acknowledging who I am, involves fully accepting to express my nature and refusing to pursue others. It is like an almond tree that rejoices at producing almonds, instead of trying hard to generate oranges. This is also the nature of everything in the universe and of so called non-ordinary beings, as I perceive them. These beings become visible once I enter in the space of nothingness, which I also call the empty space or void.
The first types of beings I disclosed in the void were the famed Bhi Jinah.[iii] Here, I would like it to make it clear that when I mention the Bhi Jinah, I do not refer to imaginary or symbolic representations of human consciousness. I mean real beings. Yes, of course, from a very wide perception they are merely an illusory projection of the mind, hence they are not truly real. Yet, this applies to everything and everyone, including me. As I experience them, Bhi Jinah are quite real and, if I could make a comparison, they are much more real than humans. This does not mean that this statement is truth. I may also be insane, and this is something that I often take into account. Yet, whenever I try to heed this consideration, hence giving up Bhi Jinah and exclusively relating with ordinary human beings, my direct and indisputable experience is that I do in actual fact become insane. When I began to explore shamanic cultures, it was a great relief to meet shamans that shared the same experience about Bhi Jinah. I call them Bhi Jinah, yet this is not the way Bhi Jinah identify themselves. They are so unconcerned about definitions and so absorbed in their nothingness, that I assume they do not even have a term to name themselves. According to each shamanic tradition, they receive various names, for names are the only way to draw human attention. The beings I see have anthropomorphic features, yet they incorporate both genders, and also various possibilities of age, although they may at times separate their polarities or adjust to one specific age for strategic reasons. They can appear anywhere to those who are in a sheer state of being, abiding right in what they effortlessly are, without any attempt of being someone else. New Moons are special for they offer a major opportunity to attain this condition.
The New Moon in Gemini - which starts the next lunation cycle precisely at 5:27 on 27 May 2006 – stimulates an inner flow in communication, provisionally interrupting the offensive of projections and unveiling the link with our authentic resources. This is an open invitation to acknowledge and articulate such resources, no matter how trivial they may appear. Qualities reveal their value when they are communicated and shared. In this fashion, I can become aware of their value through the feedback of those who receive them. Using the New Moon to acknowledge who I am and what I can contribute to the world right now, without any effort, is indeed one of the most heroic enterprise I can involve myself with during this time. By recognizing, articulating and sharing who I already am, I can sense the immediate satisfaction of playing my role for the benefit of the whole. This also allows me to be seen and easily receive from the whole those qualities that I seem to miss. By giving of what I already am, I allow space to get what I appear not to be. This sets the conditions for realising that I am much more of what I believe to be.
On the astroshamanic pragmatic front it would be ideal to take some time off during the New Moon in Gemini. It would be preferable to be on one’s own and spend some time in a relaxed state of consciousness, being still in a quiet environment either indoor or outdoor and breathing deeply for at least five minutes, letting your thoughts go and staying simply with your breath. Then gently stretch yourself and ask yourself: what can I express in this moment of life, for my benefit and that of the whole? After you have asked this question, immediately jot down whatever comes to your mind no matter whether it makes sense or not. Take at least five minutes to write. Please feel free to share on this Network (using the address what you experienced. Some notes might be selected and distributed through PAN.
3.1 (Sun in Gemini and Moon in Aries) blends Mutable Air with Cardinal Fire, integrating Gemini’s lightness, dexterity and flexibility with Aries’s initiative, courage and assertion. Those who resonate with this combination[iv] are most alert, persuasive and combative beings with particular regards to the field of communication and verbal confrontations. They are at their best when involved in hyperactive enterprises and situations requiring mobility, shrewdness and vigilance.
3.2 (Sun in Gemini and Moon in Taurus) combines Mutable Air and Fixed Earth, integrating Gemini’s communication, sociability and humour with Taurus’s pragmatism, delight and sensuality. This combination bestows great attractiveness and popularity combined with an easygoing nature, remarkable intellectual qualities, practical flexibility and common sense.
3.3 (Sun in Gemini and Moon in Gemini) This is the New Moon binary climaxing all the Gemini qualities. These folks are most mentally active and agile beings, capable of embracing a wide spectrum of fields and establishing connections among them. Their function is vital in networking enterprises and whatever concerns viability, communication and flow of the web of life.
3.4 (Sun in Gemini and Moon in Cancer) combines Mutable Air with Cardinal Water, blending Gemini’s sociability and lightness with Cancer’s sensitivity and nourishing qualities. This combination enhances intellectual focus and sensitivity, with the ability to provide comfort and nourishment at that level. The communication and networking qualities of Gemini embrace the sphere of original traditions, ancestral inheritances and romantic enterprises.
3.5 (Sun in Gemini and Moon in Leo) combines Mutable Air with Fixed Fire, integrating Gemini’s versatility and lightness with Leo’s radiance, confidence and creativity. This binary shines its mental qualities into the world, drawing attention for the charismatic nature of its communication and the capacity to hold it with extreme agility in all types of situations. This configuration is ideal for using movement and language to express one’s intent, or simply as a way of generously dispensing power and passion.
3.6 (Sun in Gemini and Moon in Virgo) combines Mutable Air with Mutable Earth, integrating Gemini’s mental dexterity with Virgo’s practical sense and attention to details. These folks have sharp minds and a spontaneous propensity to be constantly at work, unceasingly carrying out tasks and even performing most of them simultaneously.
Epic of the Sacred Cone References: The Epic of the Sacred Cone is a provisional collection of documents and transmissions, which constitute the strategic reference of the astroshamanic cosmology and lineage. A purposefully simplified compendium of one of these documents is provided in the “Appendix” of Astroshamanism: Book One. A major structural feature of the Epic is represented by the Handorian States System. This is a mythical matrix reality aimed at integrating 3rd-dimensional perception with multidimensional states of consciousness, i.e. HAC with non-HAC. Its functions sustain both the undoing of separation and its preservation. These functions, although apparently contradictory when expressed through conventional languages, constitute the foundations of the ecstatic multidimensional realms existing beyond human limited perception. The Handorian States System consists of 12 States, each composed of 12 Nations, and one Central State, called Handor. The strategic counterpart of Handor is Rodnah. In this section we attempt at providing a most concise and provisional description of the Nations associated with the current binaries.
The State of Tudor: The sign of Gemini and Sector 3 are epically related with the State of Tudor, the 3rd State of the Handorian States System. This state plays a vital role in the traditional structure of the Handorian States System with particular relation to the third dimensional realm. It is also the residence of fourth dimensional lovers, the access to everlasting romance as it may be dreamt about on Earth. The firm union of such lovers is based on the uncovering of the third polarity, of which Tudor provides the keys.Tudor is one of the first states that I remember. Its heroes were so prominent and pristine that they seemed to overshadow those of the other tribes. This is the State of the Winged Messengers, it is here where the angelic identity of the Handorian States System inevitably transpires.
According to the astroshamanic system of the 144 binary rapports, or Paheka Rubhe[vi] the binaries of 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 are associated with Kador, Svanor, Tudoral, Magdor, Trevor and Sangor respectively.
3.1 – Kador: whose capital is Prinsjor, has close associations with the United Kingdom. Kadorians are particularly supportive whenever courage and honesty is required in communication, as well as to initiate pioneering enterprises in terms of exchanging information, from shape-shifting to writing an article. It is also ideal for establishing connections with guides and non-ordinary beings, being open and direct, and get what is needed or, better, desired…. yes, definitely desired This may be an opportunity to have a try.
3.2 – Svanor: as a communication binary state preceding the New Moon, it plays a major role in the functioning of the Sacred Cone, for it represents the culmination of the release stage: the crucial time when I let go of the last layer of projection and unveil the true essence. Svanor is a remarkable Nation for it was here that the chant Kahesha Opa was originally generated and then delivered to the central nation of Tudoral for its final definition and transmission. Kahesha Opa is an experiential term indicating the highest possible Intent. This Intent is so high that there are no words to describe it. For this purpose the term “Kahesha Opa” has been created: to express the unexpressable, which is a traditional challenge for Tudorians. A later version of Kahesha Opa comprises also other terms identifying further intents. The traditional chant is “Kahesha Opa, Kahesha Opa, Pahai Sadoh, Pahai Sadoh, Kurandah, Mandira, Etnai, Etnai”. These words are surely familiar if you have attended astroshamanic workshops, for they are regularly in the air. A most partial, inaccurate and provisional way of translating the above would be: “I am here for a most sacred purpose, yet I have lost memory of it. This purpose is in the term Kahesha Opa. My mind is currently too narrow to unveil what Kahesha Opa is. Yet, since I am restless like a Tudorian and I have to do something otherwise I go insane, for the time being and, of course provisionally, I decide to do what follows: to operate the Sacred Cone, to connect with the Guide, to heal, to build the sacred temple and to gather my people, yes my people!” Also other terms may follow, still identifying other intentions. What is stressed over and over in the traditional loop of the chant is that, no matter how many intents are listed, Kahesha Opa always has priority. This means that the moment when I become aware of what Kahesha Opa is, I will fully and ecstatically embrace it, joyfully releasing all other intents. Again, this is a forlorn and erroneous translation, for the true essence of Kahesha Opa is drawn by the chant itself, which is the reason why it is actually chanted.
3.3 – Tudoral: This is the nation hosting the Tudor State Capital, which is part of the Handorian State Capital Trinity, including Hartem and Handor, and the traditional Handorian States System Core Territory. Its major feature is the vast orange shining palace of Tudoring. The Tudor team is indeed the most famous of all Handorian teams. They wear a dark orange suit and feature heroes such as Slim, Naxbunor, Handor Friaan, Hannain and Salinger.
3.4 – Magdor: The capital of this nation, Marg, is a major resort for erratic multi-dimensional romances characterised by light and playful passion.
3.5 – Trevor: Together with Trevilan, in the Handorian State of Friaan (Sector 8) this is a nation devoted to the glory of Trevilian, a most celebrated Handorian heroes. He is above all known for having devised the Trevilian stones, potent multidimensional healing carriers of Handorian information. Although these items may appear as stones, they incorporate all traditional 3rd-dimensional nature kingdoms (mineral, vegetal, animal) together with the 4th-dimensional kingdoms. These stones are more than ever useful to support the formation and development of sacred relationships and connections. In particular, when applied to alien or mutant human characters,[vii] they seem to draw and integrate their original potential and intent. The emblem of Trevor is Trevidor. This is a multi-dimensional flower very similar to an earth sunflower, with the difference that, since there are three suns in Tudor, its orientation randomly shifts from one sun to the others. Refined Trevidor-seed oil, besides being used to seal the Trevilian stones, is a major ingredient in Tudorian and Hartemian cuisine.
3.6 – Sangor: The main feature of Sangor, whose capital is Cres, is that, although it is a most prominent place in the Epic of the Sacred Cone, it does not have the same popularity of other Tudorian centres. It is in Cres that the first complete Circle of the Sacred Cone was manifested. This is also a major networking centre with the capacity of conveying messages on a most expanded scale, especially through movement and dance.[viii] It is the original land of Sangor, the swiftest heroic master of the Game of the Sacred Cone. As you may recollect, if you read the Abridged Compendium of the Game of the Sacred Cone,[ix] a 13th special rescue team of Handorian master pioneers was formed in order to launch a gigantic multidimensional enterprise aimed at retrieving the matrix of the 144 original pioneers stranded in the Grey Sphere. Sangor was part of that squad, yet compared to popular masters such as Zlim, Bunos, Nax, Hafran, Hannain and other trendy Handorians, he was virtually ignored.[x] This is the motive why, although he miraculously managed to hastily retrieve the matrix of the 144 original pioneers right at the very start of the game, his achievement did not receive attention. Firstly it was too premature. This was supposed to be a colossal game mega-production enterprise, and here swift Sangor comes and does it suddenly all on his own, spoiling the expectations of a most prolonged entertainment. Secondly, Sangor himself was not totally aware of his startling accomplishment. Yet the plain truth is that the 144 pioneers had already been retrieved, and there was no apparent point in setting off the gigantic enterprise which followed. This is what happened though. Only in the very end Sangor’s high-speed mind-blowing deed was hesitantly acknowledged. Receive major blessings from Sangor, the one with "thunders in his footsteps and lightning in his fists".
The United Nations picks Findhorn as site for the first UK training centre: Our eco-village at the Park, in Findhorn has been chosen as the location for the United Nations' first training centre in Britain. Regular seminars and training sessions will be hosted at this Findhorn centre for local government officials and diplomats from around the world. The decision to site the centre in Moray was recently announced in Geneva. Further information below:
Calling Trance Dancers: I am doing a research on the healing effects of astroshamanic trance dances and, in this respect, I am gathering comments from participants. If you have found astroshamanic trance dance effective, I would appreciate your feedback on what was useful for you as well as any significant experience you have had during the work. Since this material may be meant for publication, please let me know if you wish your first name (or even your full name) to be acknowledged or if you prefer that I use an invented name. Please send your e-mails to:
PAN on-line: From 18 May 2006 you can find an abridged edition of the latest issue of PAN on-line at The Italian edition is available at
Franco’ books Astroshamanism: A Journey Into the Inner Universe and Astroshamanism: The Voyage Through the Zodiac, and various drumming and trance dance CDs are NOW available by mail order from the Phoenix Shop at or +44(0)1309-690954
Astroshamanic Performing Arts: Are you interested in organizing, devising, setting up, taking part in and contributing to live shamanic drumming, dancing, theatrical and musical ritual healing events? If this is the case, please contact me.
Blessings: PAN gratefully welcome blessings, visions and reports on astroshamanic experiences, involving healing, forgiveness, ecstasy and whatever you deem significant. Also please feel free to send comments regarding what inspired you in reading PAN. For this purpose you can use
Astroshamanic Net (AN): This is our official astroshamanic forum. For information on how to join, please contact Liza Behrendt at
Calendar of Astroshamanic Events
For further details or information please see or contact Franco In the Findhorn Foundation website you can find now a special page on astroshamanism at
To book Findhorn Foundation workshops, please contact or Bookings, The Park, Findhorn IV36 3TZ, Scotland. Tel. +44(0)1309/691653. To book other workshops please contact the related address.
Ongoing events at Findhorn: Findhorn Astroshamanic Core Group meet every other Monday from 7.15 to 9.15 pm. Astroshamanic Trance Dances every other week, 7.45-9-45 pm. Astroshamanic workshops: monthly on Sunday, 2-5 pm.
Johannesburg (South Africa), 27-30 May 2006, Basic Course in Astroshamanic Healing and Touch
Johannesburg (South Africa), 3-4 June 2006, Astroshamanic Trance Dances, Drumming and Chanting Information: The Grange, +27 (0)11 967 2330.
Findhorn, 1-7 July 2006, The Original Quest: An Astroshamanic Journey into Space and Time:
Tolé (Italy), 23-30 July 2006, Emilia Summer Advanced Retreat: The Way of Astroshamanic Touch
Findhorn, 19-25 August 2006: Settimana Astrosciamanica: Via delle Sacre Relazioni In Italian with Franco and Irmgard Stadler.
Findhorn, 2-8 September 2006: Sacred Theatre with Sandra Hughes and Franco.
Findhorn, 16-23 September 2006: Astroshamanic Healing: Restoring Sacred Relationships
Corvaro (Rieti, Italy), 29 September – 1 October 2006, Latium Astroshamanic Retreat For information on Corvaro see
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Disclaimer: All information provided in PAN is presented solely for inspirational or recreational reading, and it is not meant to substitute the recipient’s direct experience and investigation. The information is also given to strategically exemplify the different features of astroshamanic cosmology and is not intended to reflect Franco’s opinion or astroshamanism in general. Franco does not necessarily endorse any of the ideas and views expressed in this literature.
Binary and Trinity Systems: The Astroshamanic Binary System (ABS) comprises the 144 combinations between the Sun and the Moon position in the 12 Sectors of the Sacred Circle. The 12 Sectors are associated with the 12 zodiac signs and houses given in their natural order: 1 Aries, 2 Taurus, 3 Gemini, 4 Cancer, 5 Leo, 6 Virgo, 7 Libra, 8 Scorpio, 9 Sagittarius; 10 Capricorn, 11 Aquarius, 12 Pisces. The combination is described by putting together the number of the Sun’s Sector followed by the number of the Moon’s Sector, separated by a dot or hyphen. Hence, for Sun in Libra and Moon in Aries, the reference is 7.1. The Astroshamanic Trinity System (ATS) also incorporates the zodiac sign of the Ascendant. The position of the Ascendant follows the Sun-Moon combination. For example, Sun in Virgo and Moon in Scorpio with Ascendant in Scorpio is described as 6.8.8. To sum it up, the first number is the Sun’s position, the second is the Moon’s position, and the third is the Ascendant’s position.
[i] HAC: This abbreviations stands for Human Arbitrary Configuration, which is the human consensus or ordinary reality based on separation and denial of other realities. The term non-HAC identifies non-ordinary realities in general.
[ii] All times in PAN are given in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).
[iii] For further information on Bhi Jinah see Franco Santoro, Astroshamanism: Book Two.
[iv] Astroshamanically we resonate with all combinations and can express them by simply attuning to their frequency. Astrologically there is a strong connection with this binary when it reflects in the position of your Sun and Moon in sign, house, ruling planets, nodes, transits, angles-Sun or Moon combinations.
[v] This information is given as a general reference, which is not meant to pigeon-hole celebrities with their Sun and Moon’s positions. Besides these there are many other elements that play a major role.
[vi] According to the Epic of the Sacred Cone, the current ordinary human DNA is limited to 2 sectors due to the block caused by the Paheka Rubhe. Such term, which can be translated as the Binary Net of Totem Spirits, indicates the 144 combinations of the 12 Paheka or Totem Spirits’ double polarities that prevent the expansion of human perception. Undoing these combinations and re-establishing the 12-sector system is one of the strategic tasks of astroshamanic work.
[vii] Alien and mutant characters are non-ordinary potentials or shamanic skills that can be astrologically identified by the presence of certain planets in specific points of the chart. The topic is considered in Franco Santoro, Astroshamanism Book One, Chapter, 10 “Non-ordinary Traits”.
[viii] It was with this configuration that last year the Channel 4 crew filmed part of an astroshamanic trance dance, which was then broadcasted on national television on 8 November 2004.
[ix] see Franco Santoro, Astroshamanism Book One, pp. 172-183.
[x] Please be aware that human male-female gender subdivision does not apply to Handorians. Bearing in mind that there is no way in which I can explain it properly in human terms, any Handorian could be defined as man or woman or both according to game circumstances:
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