PAN International, Issue 48
PAN Provisional Astroshamanic News
Core Network Edition, 5.10-3, 5 August 2006, Issue 48. Editorial Director: Franco Santoro.
Cluny Hill College, Forres IV36 2RD, Moray, Scotland. (+44(0)1309-672289. +
© 2006 Franco Santoro. All rights reserved. Permission must be granted by the author for publishing and use on websites. For permissions contact
What is Astroshamanism?
Dear Friends,
This PAN covers the second round of Leo, including the remaining binaries and the Full Moon in Aquarius. It also features a series of inspiring articles, whose reading I tenderly recommend.
Herewith I also bring awareness to a major forthcoming event: Astroshamanic Healing: Restoring Sacred Relationships from 16 to 23 September 2006, at Findhorn (please see feature articles below). This will be followed by the Latium Astroshamanic Retreat from 29 September to 1 October 2006, in the mystery Mountains of the Dukess at Corvaro near Rome. My summer calendar also features two one-week workshops in Italian at Findhorn: the Italian Experience Week from 5 to 12 August, and the Italian Astroshamanic Week: The Way of Sacred Relationships from 19 to 26 August.
Full Moon blessings, Franco
Once Again on Shamanic Relationships: Discriminating between 3D (3rd dimension) and 4D (4th dimension) is the touchstone for restoring sacred relationships. 3D is the physical reality, a setting based on 3D forms, where beings acknowledge themselves as physical bodies and value their interactions according to what such bodies do. 4D is the emotional realm, populated by 4D forms endowed of a 4th additional element: the capacity to move through time, which is formally precluded in 3D and in the Human Arbitrary Configuration (HAC). HAC beings do not employ 4D sight. What they see is limited to 3D, although they also do abide in 4D, which is experienced similarly to the way a blind person perceives the outer world. I sense 4D, yet I cannot see its forms and get a false perception of what is going on. As a human being I live both in the past and future, constantly shape-shifting into different time forms. Past and future are specific 4D locations with a huge variety of scenarios and identities. This means that I hold several 4D selves with diverse stages of development I can move into. From the shamanic perspective, the aim is to release and heal grievances, or graha. These are energies blocked in the gap between 3D and 4D, which generates loops endlessly continuing to repeat themselves until they are liberated. The problem in HAC is that human rapports are based on the exclusive acknowledgement of 3D bodies and the exclusion of 4D bodies. These latter bodies modify all the time, instigating inexorable turmoil in human relationships, which is the fundamental cause of sufferance and soul loss. The 3D body is merely a vehicle or piece of clothing for 4D bodies. This means that a 3D vehicle legally registered in HAC as Franco can be driven by a huge variety of 4D beings. The fact that in HAC such beings do not have legal status, and therefore do not exist, produces the fracture between 4D and 3D, which is indeed what HAC appears to promote to guarantee its capricious survival. Bridging the fracture between 3D and 4D is the primary healing enterprise in astroshamanic work. This fracture is the crucial zone of all pain, traumas and wounds. Human beings do experience peaks of ecstasy and love, merging into one another and unveiling their original unity. Yet, if they are unable to understand the difference between physical and emotional bodies, the same ecstasy and love inescapably turns into terror, resentment, hate and all kinds of grievances. This is what occurs in most human relationships behind their apparent glamour. This is also the grievance that keeps being recycled collectively from one generation to another. In this respect, on the astroshamanic path, the first healing step entails acquiring an unbending integrity and pragmatism regarding 3D interactions. This involves developing and strengthening skills in 3D intention and agreement setting, endurance and completion.
The measure of assessment of sacred relationships is based on the awareness of mutually and formally acknowledged 3D agreements (sacred accords), as opposed to hidden agendas, emotional blackmail and assumptions. A 3D sacred accord is such when it can be acknowledged and measured at a 3D pragmatic level, and not on arbitrary 4D postulations. For example, I may make an agreement to meet with P. for one hour every week during three moths and have a walk in the local park. During this time, we decide first to share in turn for 20 minutes, with one speaking and the other listening with full attention. Then we walk in silence for 20 minutes holding our hands and spend the remaining time sharing about our experience and finally blessing each other. Here the measure of the integrity and loyalty in our relationship is the capacity of honouring this agreement. If P. or I would like to do something else besides walking in the park, this could be part of another contract as long as we both agree and define the 3D details. If there is no agreement nobody can claim anything. Agreements are educational device aimed at teaching how to discriminate between what I have actually decided with P. in 3D and all my fantasies regarding A. in 4D, which have nothing to do with my 3D accords with P. Provided that P. still continues to walk with me for one hour a week during a period of three months, it does not matter what P. does in the other moments of her life. This also includes the possibility that P. may decide to walk in the park with R. If I get to know this, I may be envious and resentful, yet this is 4D stuff and has nothing to do with P. in 3D, unless as part of our 3D contract it has been decided that I am the only one with whom she can walk in the park. The fact that my envy and resentment are 4D stuff does not mean that there is something wrong about those emotions and that I should repress them. On the contrary these emotions are very powerful energies and need to be expressed, yet in the context where they belong, which is 4D and not 3D. This is possible only if I hold the unbending clarity that my grievances, since they have nothing to do with P., need to be dealt with at a collective archetypal level. Grievances have apparently been triggered by P. simply because of my incapacity to see the 4D. Hence it is my responsibility to find ways to retrieve my sight and find out what is truly going on, and this implies not involving P., unless I have a specific contract with her that implies assistance in such circumstances.
The way of dealing with grievances in 4D is to address the archetypal level, which usually proceeds through shamanic practices, such as the Basic Ritual of the Sacred Cone or recapitulation. These practices are also part of agreements, yet involving the 4D. The training ground for the genuine implementation of such practices is the integrity in my 3D agreements with human beings. A customary HAC objection is that living a life based on agreements, inhibits spontaneity and the excitement of life. On the contrary I can be more spontaneous and liberated when I relate with people that respect boundaries and do not manipulate with their emotions or hidden agendas. Emotions are sacred collective energies, which in astroshamanism are used to manifest healing intentions. Among such emotions love is the most manipulated and abused of all. Here genuine love involves being able to love someone to the extent of letting him or her go, yet without affecting in any way that love. When this is not the case, love is being abused and not employed for healing purposes.
In the Basic Ritual the stage of release is preceded by the stage of intention, which provides focus and containment for grievances. Once the intent is set and honoured, then emotions can erupt and be held. These emotions can be extremely disruptive and is very rare that two or more individuals can manage their impact unless they have created a solid foundation of trust. Yet, this trust, as I see it, is not based on emotions and feelings. It is based on pragmatic adherence to agreements, which can be proved and verified through the physical senses. It is founded on fully honouring the contract with my fellow human beings.
The first step is to establish clear contracts and honour them. This also implies releasing people who prove not to be capable of doing this no matter how they insist on the contrary. When people are not open to respect the boundaries of agreed contracts and persist in wanting you to fulfil their 4D fantasies regarding their paradigm of love, they end up building a cage from which it can be very hard and painful to get out of. Here it is vital to let go of them before it is too late. Yet again this does not mean to withdraw the love, which for a person on the path will still be there although the HAC-oriented person involved may not perceive it anymore.
The problem with shamanic oriented folks is that their capacity to love is much larger than ordinary people. For them the relationship continues also when the relationship has apparently ended, just like life continues after death. Their love is not based on the ego perspective, which acknowledges only 3D bodies. It embraces the soul level encompassing both 3D and 4D. The danger here comes from a HAC environment which is in fearful denial of 4D. This brings accusations to shamanic folks of causing sufferance, of not making any sense, of being detached, unable to open one’s heart or promiscuous. This blaming is unfair for shamanic oriented folks are much more sensitive than ordinary people. They feel the grievances their partners go through and their level of empathy is such that they can hardly make any difference between their feelings and their partner’s. This is because they dwell mainly in 4D and in that realm emotions are collective and do not belong to anyone. As a result, when their partners are in pain and insist on denying the 4D, shamanic folks cannot be of any help for their perception is based on another configuration. Nevertheless their empathy may be such that they can even release their zone of expanded awareness and dive into their partner’s arbitrary configuration with the genuine desire to be of service. The fatal risk here is that they can experience the most unbearable tortures once they get trapped in HAC and lose sight of the configuration they truly belong too.
The forthcoming workshop Astroshamanic Healing: Restoring Sacred Relationships from 16 to 23 September 2006, at Findhorn, will be specifically focused on some of the above issues.
Remembering by Carol Day
I remember last summer when your body and mine shared a frequency. When a force moved through them like a snake of pure love. I remember the days and the mist of magic that surrounded my being. The visits to Goddess sites with your loving ghost. Everything was heightened, like we had somehow worked out how to give one another access to those missing parts. The balance of the masculine and the feminine pulsated within me and everywhere I went I was buzzing with wholeness. I remember sharing this joyfulness with all I met, and with the land and the sky. I felt so lucky to be alive.
I remember the times when we would meet. Days change quickly. Our bodies would express different dimensions of the self, of the universe. And I remember it was like a story book of journeys to lands, times, stars and memories. I don’t have to exaggerate here or colour my memory with the distortion of longing. I remember being inside the gentle rapture of you and I, wondering at how the present could finally be such a perfect place. I could never predict what images would flood through me when we touched. I could never repeat a story. I just travelled on this glorious wave of you and I, picking out the times from dimensions and spaces as they moved in and out and discovering with you that I could be anything.
There are characters who remain. Parts of myself and my journey through time that I have been able to locate. They remind me of my soul journey and my quest. Pieces of myself our loving brought to the surface. And I feel so grateful to you. Grateful that you could help me understand what making love was truly about. Grateful that you could let my body be a filter for the frequencies of my lifetimes, that my mind could pour out the insights and the visions and the bearings and the map, that my heart could pour out the emotions, tears often gushing for the sadness of being so otherwise staticised in one time and one place. With you I could be time traveller, looking for the healing parts, retrieving the pieces of soul and the jigsaw pieces which would restore my multi-dimensional self. With you I felt safe because you shared the vision too. You respected the visionary I am and gave me permission to find myself.
I hope I did the same for you. I know you express your parts in different ways to me. Your essence articulates itself with your own unique pattern and to that you have returned As this time has passed, as our bodies have reconfigured, let each other go, preserved the memories but found out how to not need to merge like this anymore, I look back and I feel a sadness, like a lifetime has again been ruptured. It is a place I can gain access to through memory and imagination, but it is not a place I can re-enter now, because it would not be the same, and because my awareness has changed.
I simply want to express that sadness. Express it because it is there. It is so deep. I don’t want to fix anything. I don’t believe there is anything to fix. But this sadness haunts me and I need it to be acknowledged. It speaks as loudly as the joy of last summer. We can’t go back. There are other priorities now. But I can’t swallow this sadness, it will blow me up. I have to speak it.
The sadness is the collapsing of the ego. The part that would like to get applause and hold onto this magic forever. But my higher self knows that this magic does not belong in the ego-world. It came through, as it comes through in so many other moments, but it is not a magic I can trap in the story of you and me.
It is a magic which speaks of a new order, the order of love. What happened outside of this love, was a hurricane-site. There was no peace around this magic once it had settled in. Our lives were blown to pieces and it was only the focusing on the belief in the love that held us together as friends now. It was impossible to hold it together. What we have learned is that there has to be awareness and responsibility to ground this love. And what we seem to be embarking on are separate ways of installing this structure which will land the web on earth.
But it’s sad. Ironic but sad. Sad to be so effortlessly connected and in tune. Sad to be so at peace with one another and separately self-assured. Sad to be okay with one another to go our separate ways, bearing torches lit from the same flame. Sad to be knights of truth. Alleged to the same cause. On our own paths.
My mission for now at least is clear. I have to find this male-female balance within myself. I have to work with unconditional love and forge out my path of healing. I have de-prioritised union with a mate at last. Finally I recognise that I can take complete responsibility for myself and find balance within. I am too emotionally battered, too essentially insecure and irresponsible to merge with a man right now. My need is to gain awareness of who I am and to dismantle my ego before I can play in love again. I want to be able to unconditionally love myself.
I feel trust and happiness for you, but I do also feel pained thinking of you on your journey. My ego screams with abandonment that you will find other women who are strong enough to love this way. That you will find other women who can love you unconditionally and that they will take my place. That I haven’t been the loveliest and the best. I laugh at myself. It’s ridiculous that I can be so wise and still feel this way. It’s hard to let go of wanting to be the best.
But we all have to be best. We all have to feel the best and see the best in everyone else. Share the glory of being full of wonder. For we all embody the perfect whole.
So I hold you in my heart with the image of my bestness, and your bestness and everyone’s bestness. I step out into the world and I match those moments of happiness with you with all the other moments of bliss and wholeness. I shine the love I have touched into every moment and every meeting, whenever I can. I won’t let the ego hook it up and tear it apart. I listen to my ego crying in desperation and rejoice because I know one day she’ll rejoice and find happiness that she never would have imagined.
Thank you for uncovering our bit of the lesson of love with me. Thank you for knowing the language. Thank you for being a reference in time, a man with a rose, for not believing in captivity, for permitting me to free our love, emit our love and let our love be pure, their love, everywhere love, unconditional liberated love. Our higher selves know the way.
Emilia Summer Retreat: The second edition of this workshop heralds remarkable progress in researches on the non-HAC 4th-dimensional body. The event again took place at Lodola, a rural complex in the ancient Etruscan mountains of the Western Bolognese Apennine, a few miles from Tolé and Marzabotto in Emilia. Once more this year the retreat centre proved to be an ultimate location for astroshamanic work, also thanks to the contribution of a matchless team of assistants, featuring Nunzio Santoro (Franco’s father), Grazia Romano (Franco’s first wife) and Giorgio Triani. The event officially started in the evening of Sunday 23 July 2006 (same starting date of last year). 13 seekers took part (same number as last year) plus Grazia, Giorgio, Nunzio and Franco as part of the workforce. Altogether we were again 17. Due to the delicate nature of the retreat, aligned with the 2nd stage of the Basic Ritual of the Sacred Cone, the details of this workshop are not documented. The retreat also included assessment of agreements and brought increased awareness on the effects of misconduct. In most astroshamanic touch practices eyes are kept closed as an absolute requirement. Astroshamanic Touch entails shifting identification from 3D/HAC to 4D/non-HAC. In these situations opened eyes easily escalate grievances and may cause serious damage. This is the traditional black eye (malocchio), which is what preserves the hallucination of separation.
The week also included a visit to the Etruscan town of Misa and Monte Ovolo with the aim of consulting the Etruscan Oracle, the haruspex (shaman) with tutulus (conic hat). Monte Ovolo is the Etruscan oracle center, the Sacred Mountain or Navel (Omphalos). It is also a controversial Knights Templar area with a XIII century church and a chapel reproducing the sacred scenario of Jerusalem. At the top of the mount, which is the place of the Oracle, there is an old stone coffer. There is also a circle of 12 cubic stones.
Once again during this retreat Nunzio Santoro, Franco’s father, made one Hartemian tutulus, the white sacred cone cap for each new participant.
In the Emilia Retreat I particularly enjoyed the catering bit. I was impressed by the alignment of Grazia, Nunzio and Giorgio. It was the second time that this constellation came together. Most participants deeply benefited from the experience, generously contributing their best juice as well as releasing their poison. For some of them, such as Rob (see his letter below), it was love at first sight…
Dear Franco, I would just like to say how much I enjoyed the retreat. I feel I have learnt much there, and have taken a large step towards my next stage of development. I found the work we did to be the deepest I have yet experienced from your workshops. I was honoured to be around your family, and I am completely taken by Italy, the language, culture, and food! People seem so alive and expressive in Italy, and I feel perfectly at home there. I wondered if you have any ideas about work and accommodation in the region? Well anyway, at the moment all I can think about is moving there. If I do go, it will be some time as I have to be sure of what I want, and I’m also trying to convince my Girlfriend! Love and Blessings, Rob
5.10: This is a blend of fixed fire and cardinal earth. The pattern Sun in Leo and Moon in Capricorn mixes Leo’s warmth, generosity and vitality with Capricorn’s ambition, discipline and determination. Those who resonate with this combination have a vivid clarity regarding their goals and the capacity to strenuously manifest major results. They may expose a joyful, beaming and playful attitude, while simultaneously radiating unbending integrity and purpose. Their public impact and repute in the marketplace is impressive, as well as their ability to climb the ladder of success. All they need to do in this respect is to fully embrace their veritable life calling and let it shine spontaneously, accepting the right to employ all the necessary resources, being available to manipulate physical forms so as to attain the desired goal and feeling entitled to rule as vicarious representative of the solar power.
5.11: This combination blends fixed fire with fixed air, holding Leo’s warmth, generosity and vitality with Aquarius’s originality, rebelliousness and collective consciousness. Those who resonate with this combination are highly extroverted and goal-oriented types, with a spontaneous capacity to shoot into the public arena mainly motivated by humanitarian, creative and revolutionary intents. 5.11 integrates HAC, which is the limited idea I have of myself as an individual, or my personal script, with CMI, or who I am in the context of the whole. On one side my personal script is amplified in Leo through the acknowledgments I receive by others, while with Aquarius, the focus shifts to the collective, the community or the group. Here relationships are seen for what they can offer for the benefit of the community and the larger reality.
5.12: This is a blend of fixed fire and mutable water. The pattern Sun in Leo and Moon in Pisces mixes Leo’s warmth, generosity and vitality with Pisces’s imagination, romanticism, shape-shifting and emotional sensitivity. Those who resonate with this combination have a profound empathy and alignment for whatever is around and within them. As a result, they possess a large amount of intuitive powers and the capacity to interpret many roles on the stage of life.
5.1: Sun in Leo and Moon in Aries generate huge quantities of energies, which those who resonate with this combination can employ to launch themselves into enterprises requiring courage and fighting spirit. 5.1 folks are natural, dynamic, outgoing warriors and leaders. They go after what they want with no hesitation, pursuing it with confidence and imperial stance. The challenge here is to replace instinctive desires with Intent, directing impulsive drives towards the creation of honourable results. Results are honourable when they draw from the ancestral realm and bring benefits to both current and future generations. This is a Disseminating Moon or Waning Gibbous Moon binary. It is traditionally a receptive time, when existence may either ask or offer something. This makes it an ideal moment for tuning in to the original Intent and operating with coherence. What I have put in motion, needs to be concluded with integrity and commitment. When I do not complete my creative cycles I tend to separate myself from the flow of life and feel confused or depressed. It is also a time of communication where the information I release in my interaction with others can contribute to create balance and clarity. This requires the alignment of the Intent with the Function, my individual perception with that of the whole. Given the fiery 5.1 nature of this Disseminating Moon, there is something that needs to be openly expressed and exhibited, with generosity, focus and courage. It is not a time for compromises or complex pondering. This is the opportunity to go beyond the traps of conventional self-consciousness, taking a leap into your inner flaming hero, landing in the spotlight zone of the stage and finally acting out your performance.
5.2: This is a determined blend of fixed fire and fixed earth. The combination of Sun in Leo and Moon in Taurus allows the energy of the Sun - with all its creativity, exuberance, playfulness, generosity, and majesty - to be firmly grounded in the practical reality. Those who resonate with this combination are potent and pragmatic beings with the capacity of venturing into enterprises requiring solid leadership and unbending focus. 5.2 folks are natural masters who know how to lovingly draw people and resources in order to get things done, generally in the best possible way.
5.3 (Sun in Leo and Moon in Gemini) blends Fixed Fire with Mutable Air. This binary mixes Leo’s generosity, vitality and leadership with Gemini’s cleverness, flexibility and communicativeness. The power of the Sun receives the devoted service of Mercury, its closest planet. Here Mercury unceasingly explores ways of promoting the solar intent, employing a large variety of skills and tools. Those who resonate with this combination possess most active and confident minds, able to dispense information with authority and appearing competent in numerous fields, entertaining, attracting and stimulating the social environment.
The Way of Solar Discipline:
The term discipline comes from Latin discere “to learn” and discipulus “learner”. Hence, it has no original reference to obeying rules, controlling or punishing. Discipline merely implies the availability to learn through experience. It is not about adhering to a specific doctrine or system of knowledge. This is not discipline, it is HAC encoding, which involves acquiring the capacity of reproducing information and applies to processing units, computers, androids and, alas, ordinary human beings. This is the way of HAC, the advocate of encoding, and a capricious connotation of discipline. Here discipline means control and repression, which are ways of separating something from something else. True discipline is experiential learning. Unless I experience something, I will not be able to learn it. No matter what I have been told about something and what ideas, emotions, feelings I hold about it, if I have not thoroughly gone through it, there is no learning. As a result, the lesson will hang around in a waiting chamber. I can provisionally ignore that chamber and choose to reside in a sheltered room. I can pretend other chambers do not even exist, glorifying the integrity of my sheltered room, with all its idols and gadgets. Yet, those who are hanging around in the waiting chamber will sooner or later get upset, and at a certain point burst out and invade my sheltered room.
Discipline is a learning process only when it comes out of direct experience. There are millions of books, movies and people telling me what to do or not to do, what things are good or bad. Discipline means putting aside this information and facing direct experience. Discipline has to come from my centre, the solar plexus zone, linking me to the Great Tree of the spine, reaching upward through the heart and downward into the roots of my being. This is solar discipline, the way of 5.10. When discipline comes from someone else, then I am being encoded. Hence, I become a processing unit, a HAC laptop, an android, a fully certified arbitrary human being. This is how I gain citizenship in HAC. Not surprisingly, pragmatic shamans, like 5.10 ones, are aware that this is a prerequisite. Hence, they do not challenge the encoding system. On the contrary, they use it to their advantage, employing it to promote true discipline and learning, using whatever they find at hand to sustain their intent. Concisely, they accept to be encoded so as to access HAC. Once they are fully integrated, they can then manipulate its resources according to their original intent, which is indeed one of solar discipline.
5.10 shamans are champions of solar discipline, which is the educational way of sacred selfishness. This implies being madly in love with myself, for I am indeed the closest learning device, the primary source of direct experience. If I am unable to acknowledge and learn from myself, if I cannot contact and love the closest zone, which is me, there is no way in which I can reach other beings or dimensions. All I can do is pretending to reach or love them, which is precisely the major policy of HAC. This is the encoding. This is the sheltered room, with my true self hanging around in the waiting chamber. Hence, in the solar discipline plan everything is organized. The time of the appointment has been set and nobody is waiting in vain.
Full Moon in Aquarius (5.11): For ages on this HAC planet conflicts between polarities have been the major cause of affliction and humiliation. As we move into a planetary path of fast spiritual reawakening it is vital to acknowledge the wounds produced by gender separation, strenuously promoting ways to heal them so as to retrieve the magnificence of our original unity. In this respect, considerable developments appear to take place in the contemporary world, unveiling the potential for a momentous shift of consciousness and, what has been described as, a major release and acceleration process, or a reactivation of Core Multidimensional Identity (CMI). Each human being, no matter how conditioned or unaware, is an inherent part of the web of life. This means that together with his-her personality, or HAC, he-she experiences the interaction with CMI, which is his-her true self. When two or more individuals join together with the intent of giving creative space to their true nature, they amplify the access to the web of life and the unity of human consciousness. These networks create the conditions for producing radical healing shifts in human values and priorities. In the context of the Full Moon in Aquarius (5.11), the basic shifts involve: fully acknowledging the issues, allowing each party to have total expression and space to expose grievances, without rushing a resolution of the issues themselves. This implies that transparency and the availability to listen are the first steps in healing, together with the capacity of translating personal history into collective history, which means thinking in terms of the collective, instead of the personal, and identifying with the global community.
The Full Moon is a dynamic and extremely thrilling moment, portraying the major elements of the power struggles between polarities, while also holding the climax and fulfilment of the original state of unity. Each lunar cycle starts with the New Moon and reaches its climax with the Full Moon. At New Moon, both the Sun and the Moon are conjunct. Hence, they are in a condition to experience their pristine unity and formulate a common Intent. The general question to explore here is: “What do I truly want?” or “What is my Intent?” The sign where the Moon is located at the initial New Moon, which in this case is Leo, colours the answer. Hence, in the current lunar cycle based on Leo, or Sector 5, areas of primary focus may be: self-expression, creativity, play, performance, power, or the golden quest for our authentic Intent and its open display on the stage of life. Questions more specific to this lunation are: “What do I choose to create? What have I chosen to create so far? What am I called to display on the stage of life? How can I express my inherited talents in the present? What can I generously and playfully dispense to the world? Shall I take the risk of embracing what I truly cherish right now?” On a New Moon I can receive authentic and honest answers, based on the simultaneous availability of both the solar and lunar energy. On a Full Moon whatever was conceived during the New Moon, calls for direct exposure and accomplishment. Hence, this is the moment when I confront myself with the practical implications of the questions and answers. This is the ideal time for manifestation!
I wish you a most energizing Full Moon! This event culminates when the Sun in Leo opposes the Moon in Aquarius at 10:55 on 9 August 2006. The major dynamics of this process will however be active at least one day before and after exact Full Moon. The key of this Full Moon is exemplified by the Epic of the Holy Grail, and the parallel Epic of the Sacred Cone, the search for our primal multi-dimensional identity and its fragmented pieces, which is the quest for who we really are. As a result, the energy of Leo and Aquarius combined bring light both into what has already been accomplished in terms of identity - i.e. the understanding I have of myself, including the gifts I bring to, and receive from, the world, and also my family and tribal consciousness – and into the awareness of the longing for essential missing parts. Hence, it reawakens the spirit of the quest, which implies provisionally leaving what is familiar in order to explore long forgotten territories and retrieve a wider definition of who we are. Here, this Full Moon highlights the multi-dimensional perspective and the rebellious shift of consciousness that brings true change. This is a process we carry out cyclically in our lives. We forsake the security of our tribe and depart for an extensive voyage. Then, after all kinds of challenges and enterprises, we return, sharing the gifts we have acquired with the original tribe, connecting our individual journey with the collective. At this stage, time is needed to integrate the new with the old, to help it ground and serve the environment, to receive a blessing from one’s tribe and regain full citizenship. Next, we may leave again on a further quest.
The combination 5.11 sheds light on your role in the above Epic. Here, the house position of the Sun at Full Moon (16° Leo 44’) in your astrological chart may indicate the nature of this role, where you intend to go and what gifts you are called to bestow or retrieve on your quest. The house position of the Moon at Full Moon (16° Aquarius 44’) in your chart identifies the area where you can tread a rebellious path, operating with integrity no matter what others think of you. Here you can also detect areas that benefit your beloved ones, from whom you may receive blessings and unconditional support. The awareness of this support is essential on the quest for it allows nourishment and power in times of adversity.
Full Moons inevitably confront with the sphere of relationships and whatever has remained unconscious in that domain. One element to bear in mind is that relationships are unavoidable. Hence, in this context, “being in a relationship” is inescapable and cannot be identified as an intention. We are all involved in relationships, whether we are aware of it or not, and what truly counts is defining the intent of such relationships, i.e. what are we actually doing together? If I am choosing to be in a relationship merely because I do not like to be alone, my intent becomes that of “being in a relationship”, which proves that I am missing the whole perspective. If, on the other hand, I acknowledge the relationships I am already in and consciously decide to use them for a specific intent, I move into a completely different paradigm. As a result, new relationships can develop and old ones can transform themselves. Here, I indeed release the encoding of HAC and enter into the gateway to the core multi-dimensional identity. The Full Moon in Aquarius deeply resonates with this shift of awareness, stimulating revolutionary changes and promoting major healing innovations in the field of relationships.
Triumph of Empathy: With 5.12 we reach the major flowering and blessing of Leo, which involves playing all the characters of the zodiac, enjoying them totally and being able to detach from them so as to move to other roles. Depending on the role involved, this also means establishing a different relationship with each one of the available characters, falling completely in love with them and also managing to release them in order to shift to another part. Leo is about getting attention and recognition, being visible in order to generously bestow one’s gifts to the world. Here both the primal multi-dimensional identity and the arbitrary human configuration are at work. The former identifies with the actor, or energy, the latter with the role, or form.
In the natal chart the types of role HAC more easily identifies with are those of the Sun and Moon’s house and sign, with the other planetary positions playing the additional 10 parts in the background. In this context my human arbitrary configuration, or ego, gets stuck in one of the 12 characters, while the binary counterpart and the remaining roles move into the shadow zone of my awareness and are played by the people I meet in my life. Periodically there is a shift of roles, which is the key of the human arbitrary rotation, i.e. the shadow dancing of life or what human relationships are truly about. All human love relationships are multi-dimensionally capricious unless they contemplate a full operative conscious acknowledgment of the human arbitrary rotation. This is the crucial operational dynamic of the Astroshamanic Binary System. Being more specifically a matter belonging to the second half of the binaries (from Sector 7 onwards), it might be treated at a later stage.
All binaries terminating with 12 imply the achievement of a provisional state of wholeness, a blessing prior to moving back into the following binary based on 1. Thus, 5.12 and 5.1 represent the grand multi-dimensional solar accesses They encompass the boundary zone, the gap between the bona fide horny bit (the direct link with the primal multi-dimensional identity) and the rerouting device (the diversion mechanism aimed at shifting perception from multi-dimensional awareness to HAC). This solar gap is the multi-dimensional gateway, or Bhi Jinah, the most illegitimate and out of bound zone for all ordinary human consciousness.
With 5.12 I reach the apex of solar, or conscious, expression and align with the Core Multidimensional Identity (CMI). Here I gain the ability of playing all possible roles, expressing their maximum amount of power, receiving the highest recognition and experiencing the peak of ecstasy. This is the triumph of the bona fide horny bit! Then, as I shift from 5.12 to 5.1, I am confronted with the rerouting device, which sponsors the separation process and the identification with a specific fragmented part. The 12 parts are shattered and I am left with one.
In the border zone between 12 and 1 dwells the mighty crack, the crucial point of the Sacred Circle, that place where separation achieves its supreme standards of performance. Trapped in the illusory perception of ordinary consciousness, energy reaches its apex, comes to an end and then starts again, back from Sector 1 and, unaware of its previous experiences, pretends to be born and set off for a new journey.
Please be aware of the shift of energy during the two days before and after the early morning of 12 August 2006, i.e. when the Moon moves from Pisces into Aries. This is the pinnacle of the human arbitrary rotation. Such a rotation can potentially take place in every moment, yet being aware of it in the transition between 5.12 and 5.1, allow you to be more vigilant at all other times. Notice in particular what your apex of joy and pleasure was and what experiences and promises it held. This is the blessing, the part aligned with CMI, the bona fide horny bit. Please find a tangible way to fix it in your awareness. For example, you can write or draw something about it. Also be specifically aware of the lowest point, the unpleasant bit, and the grievances that come to your attention. Here too make sure that you acknowledge this substantially through writing or drawing. This recognition allows you to shed light on the dynamics of the rerouting device.
The first step of healing involves simply being aware of the multi-dimensional gateway encompassing both blessings and grievances. This is tantamount to the first and second stages of the Basic Ritual of the Sacred Cone, which are the two leading and performing stars. The purpose is to experience two apparently different energies, to give them free space to express and narrate their stories. At this point, they simply have to be held like two small innocent and scared children, receiving attention, support and tenderness. This is the primary step of transformation. It is primary because in this initial stage nothing appears to transform. On the contrary, far from being binned, grievances are taken care of. Consequently, from the perspective of the human arbitrary configuration, conflicts seem to expand beyond measure. This is why only authentic healers are able to acknowledge the primary step. From the perspective of human limited perception it appears as a deterioration or failure, which is epitomized by the long series of steps backward from 12 to 1. Hence, this causes a major sense of frustration and disempowerment. I was once in 12 and here I am back in 1, having to start everything again. For example, last night I experienced an immaculate sense of unity with my beloved, a deep feeling of harmony physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. In the morning all these blessings annihilate and all I perceive is frustration, anger, betrayal, fear and other unbearable emotions. Here, I am helpless. Nothing appears to work. And it has happened also other times. Times I believed were forever gone. They are not. They are here again. This is not a defeat. It is indeed the foundation of triumph. It is where the chemical process of transformation is potentially put into decisive motion. Here I need to be aware that both 12 and 1 are still there. Holding them equally in my awareness allows the emergence of the third stage, which here involves the connection of my personal story to the collective epic. This process is devoid of any intellectualisation. It is not based on the rational understanding that my personal biography reflects the story of mankind. Although this notion can also help, what I am referring to here is a multi-dimensional experience incorporating physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. It entails the capacity of embracing past, present and future into one harmonious whole. It is the vivid sense of including all possible roles. It is 5.12, the theatrical triumph of empathy!
Celebrities: [ii] In this section please find lists of celebrities related to the above binaries. If available also the Ascendant (AS) is given in brackets. The AS may create an additional binary with either the Sun or Moon, or also provide clues about the integration zone between Sun and Moon. In this PAN you can find online information on each celebrity by clicking on their names. In bold you find some relevant non-HAC folks.
5.10: Robert Redford (AS Pisces); Arnold Schwarzenegger (AS Cancer); Napoleon (AS Scorpio); Yves Saint Laurent (AS Aquarius); Gene Kelly (AS Virgo); Deng Xiaoping (AS Aries); Nicholas Ray (AS Pisces); Alain Touraine (AS Libra); Dino Campana (AS Sagittarius).
5.11: Melanie Griffith (AS Taurus); Kate Bush; David Duchovny; Henry Ford (AS Virgo); Menachem Begin (AS Gemini); Peter Bogdanovich (AS Pisces); Andrei Konchalovski.
5.12: Robert De Niro (AS Cancer); Lambert Wilson (AS Sagittarius); Coco Chanel (AS Sagittarius); Richard William Wright; Robert Plant (AS Sagittarius); Mata Hari (AS Scorpio); Paul Claudel (AS Leo); Robert Mitchum (AS Leo); Percey Shelley (AS Taurus); Barbara De Rossi (AS Libra); Louis Pauwels (AS Libra); Sandro Paternostro (AS Cancer).
5.1: Antonio Banderas (AS Pisces); Jacqueline Kennedy (AS Scorpio); Whitney Houston (AS Pisces); Andy Warhol (AS Leo); Louis Armstrong (AS Aries); Kevin Spacey; Jerry Garcia (AS Libra); Alan Leo (AS Leo); Giancarlo Giannini (AS Sagittarius); Ludwig Feuerbach (AS Scorpio).
5.2: Abbe Pierre (AS Libra); Mick Jagger (AS Gemini); Bill Clinton (AS Libra); Carl Gustav Jung (AS Aquarius); Alexandre Dumas (AS Leo); Ian Anderson (AS Virgo); David Crosby (AS Aries); Marco Materazzi.
5.3: Benito Mussolini (AS Scorpio); Alain Robbe-Grillet (AS Virgo); Romano Prodi (AS Capricorn); Simon Bolivar (AS Aries); Shelley Winters (Gemini); David Crockett (AS Sagittarius); MIkao Usui.
The Epic of the Sacred Cone References:
The Handorian State of Hartem
Please click here for reports on recent binaries and their association with the related Nations of the State of Hartem. Information on the Handorian States is now available at:
Franco’ books Astroshamanism: A Journey Into the Inner Universe and Astroshamanism: The Voyage Through the Zodiac, and various drumming and trance dance CDs are NOW available by mail order from the Phoenix Shop at or +44(0)1309-690954
Disclaimer: All information provided in PAN is presented solely for inspirational or recreational reading, and it is not meant to substitute the recipient’s direct experience and investigation. The information is also given to strategically exemplify the different features of astroshamanic cosmology and is not intended to reflect Franco’s opinion or astroshamanism in general. Franco does not necessarily endorse any of the ideas and views expressed in this literature, including his own.
[i] All times in PAN are given in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).
[ii] This information is given as a general reference, which is not meant to pigeon-hole celebrities with their Sun and Moon’s positions. Besides these there are many other elements that play a major role.