PAN International Issue 54
PAN Provisional Astroshamanic News
Core Network Edition, 8.2-7, 4 November 2006, Issue 54. Editorial Director: Franco Santoro.
Cluny Hill College, Forres IV36 2RD, Moray, Scotland. (+44(0)1309-672289. +
© 2006 Franco Santoro. All rights reserved. Permission must be granted by the author for publishing and use on websites. For permissions contact
What is Astroshamanism?
Here again on this PAN you will find an eruption of information stemming from the volcanic core of the deep transformational process currently building up on the planet. This is the darkest time of the year, a momentous setting for celebrating the twists and tumults of life, expectantly leading to the composting and fertilization of forthcoming blessings. The power of this autumn seasonal cycle abides in the awareness of the continuity of life through death, the sliding from one universe to the other, the liberation from human arbitrary slavery and the ecstatic re-union with our multidimensional self.
I am most honored to have the opportunity to share news and articles with you through PAN. I understand that the ideas contained in PAN may appear rather cryptic or cause a large variety of reactions. What I try to convey relates to experiences that are not deliverable by ordinary human languages. In this attempt, I employ limited perspectives of observation. You do not need to believe or accept them. They are not absolute truths. They are just pieces of a puzzle that is waiting to be completed by your own experiences and visions. Hence I invite you to avoid straining yourself in the attempt of understanding PAN. Please relax and allow all the gaps of doubt or incomprehension to be filled with the revealing juice of your luminous imagination, the key to our pristine multidimensional nature, which is what PAN is primarily meant to support. .
With abundant love and a large planetary embrace,
The Scorpio and Taurus Full Moon: the Full Moon culminates when the Sun in Scorpio opposes the Moon in Taurus at 12:59, on 5 November 2006, in 12° Taurus 58’, yet the major dynamics of this process will be at work one day before and after exact Full Moon. Taurus identifies with the outer, most exposed, HAC parts and functions of the body, such as the mouth and the act of nourishment, while Scorpio relates with the inner, intimate non-HAC zones and functions, i.e. the genitals, organic release, sex, reproduction and also death. This polarity exemplifies the dynamic between outer and inner mysteries. The outer mystery incorporates what is acknowledged in the collective environment, the HAC traditions and customs of a specific culture or community. It mainly provides a sense of union with other human beings and secondly with the Divine, although the latter, as it is identified in HAC, may also be an impostor or fraudulent god-goddess. The inner mystery still aims at relating with the Divine, yet in a way that does not necessarily receive the acknowledgment of other human beings, at least of the majority of them, not to mention of the official HAC gods-goddesses. The outer mystery involves all the members of the community, for it defines and supports the collective identity of the tribe itself, as it is legally accepted in HAC. The inner mystery is a specialized non-HAC zone, which requires a specific calling and is not for everybody. In other parallel universes the inner mystery worked harmoniously with the outer mystery. The two mysteries are still quite different in their expression, with often opposed practices and ethics, yet they are seen as part of the same wholeness, like day and night. Since the cultures of those parallel worlds aim at creating a balance between polarities, outer and inner mystery are both accepted and part of the consensus reality or HAC (Human Arbitrary Configuration). The outer mystery involve a connection among human beings living on those planets and 3rd dimension (3D), whereas the inner mystery aimed at establishing a rapport with other dimensions, the 4th dimension and realm of the ancestors in particular. This relationship is not accessible to the majority of people, who however support it through their direct participation to the outer mystery and the acceptance of the inner mystery. Unfortunately the balance between outer and inner mystery is lost in the current HAC. Outer and inner mysteries live separately, with the former taking over and the latter being outlawed and persecuted. Astroshamanism purposefully aims at reactivating the bridge between these mysteries. (FS)
Common Bugs of a Predatory Universe – Part One, by Franco Santoro
According to most shamanic traditions this world is regarded as a sort of penal colony, zoo or prison created by incompetent and insane gods, perhaps for exploitation or entertainment purposes, and even by mistake. Traditional shamans are essentially practical and devoid of romantic connotations. They essentially know how the universe works. If you ask them about the reality of this world, demanding an honest answer, they will not speak about a universe founded on harmony, freedom, love, joy and peace, where you create your own reality, fulfil your luminous destiny or other HAC asinine spiritual advertising slogans. Of course, if they realise that you are delusional and these are the only things you can hear, they will not interfere with your dreams and may even support it in the hope that one day you wake up. Yet, if you are unbiased enough to receive at least a minute part of their experience, they will tell you that this is a predatory universe based on control, exploitation, war, conflict and other unmentionable things, which you may find most appalling and nevertheless remotely familiar. Here I am not saying that this is the plain truth. Truth cannot be communicated through our HAC languages entirely based on lies. Yet with our current human languages I can tell stories aimed at strategically reducing the impact of lies, and in this case I regard the notion of a predatory universe definitely far more accurate than the gullible idea of a perfect world. In their daily experience shamans are aware of most disturbing and shocking evidence regarding human life, a shrouded sinister scenario that has existed since the beginning of time and still persists to this very day. Shamans acknowledge a large variety of beings, some abiding in parallel realities, basically unaware of the existence of our world, and others operating in further dimensions, yet in close connection with mankind. The beings that can more easily interact with us exist primarily in the 4th dimension or so called astral realm. This is the domain of several creatures. Some seem to behave with dignity, respect and care, while others appear cruel, reckless and ruthless.
Don Juan and the shamans of ancient Mexico identify a particular species of inorganic beings, or entities of condensed darkness, as Voladores (Flyers). They feed on human awareness on a regular basis and appear to be installed at the top of the head, where they operate like octopus’s tentacles with which they leach our energy. These tentacles cannot be removed one by one, since more will grow and replace the removed ones. Carlos Castaneda said that the Flyers were responsible for the implanting of our ego minds taking place about 10.000 years ago.
Various esoteric sources and interpretations of ancient texts suggest that predatory alien visitors dismantled the original DNA of mankind and created versions of humans with genetic manipulation. The purpose was to allow them to control the planet, limit human perception, employ men as slaves and feed on their work, bodies, consciousness, fears and emotions. The Popol Vuh, the basic text of the Mayan epic recounts a similar process in the description of how the Mayan gods created mankind to act as slaves for them. In the ancient Sumerian traditions, the gods entertain themselves by producing terrifying beings and dreadful situations for mankind. The Zoroastrian Bundahishn (the Persian Book of Creation) narrates of an original pure couple that, after being contaminated by a serpent with two feet, ended up worshiping it. Many ancient texts recount that, far from being the sin of a couple like Adam and Eve, the cause of evil in the world is due to beings belonging to the angelic realm, which in the Christian tradition govern the planets and the stars of the universe. One of the most prominent systems of classification of angels is given by Dionysus the Aeropagite, who describes them in a descending rank of nine orders divided into three triads of three. Some of these orders (Powers and Principalities) appear in the New Testament as enemies of mankind. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Eph. 6:12). Also relevant in the context of the angelic realm is the role of so called Fallen Angels, such as Lucifer, who turned their backs upon God.
According to Gnostic teachings the misery and suffering of the world are not the result of the transgression of mankind. There was not any fall, rather everything was imperfect from the start and was originated by an imperfect deity. The true God is alien to the created universe and belongs to a reality that lies beyond. The bugs of this universe are due to a lower god, the universal ego, called the Demiurge (meaning "public craftsman" in Greek), after Plato. The basic Gnostic myth taught that there was the original God, the One or the first Aeons, from whom originated other Aeons, pairs of balanced divine emanations who comprise the realm of unity or Fullness (Pleroma). The lowest of these pairs were Sophia and Christ. According to Gnostic sources, Sophia wishes to reach the First Aeon. In her search for the One, she is decoyed by a distant light, which is indeed only the reflection of the First Aeon, and drifts away from the Pleroma. In the course of her journey Sophia begins to emanate a flawed consciousness, a Demiurge who becomes the creator of the physical world where we live. He develops the realm of separation (kenoma), which is an imperfect manifestation of the pleroma. This bugged cosmos consists of seven spheres, each of which is also a planet and angel, presided by the rulers of the seven planetary spheres (archontes).
A similar position is also shared by A Course in Miracles. “The world you see is an illusion of a world. God did not create it, for what He creates must be eternal as Himself. Yet there is nothing in the world you see that will endure forever. Some things will last in time a little while longer than others. But the time will come when all things visible will have an end” (ACIM, M85).
Michael Harner, eminent anthropologist and founder of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, in his early fieldwork with the Conibo Indians of the Peruvian Amazon in 1960, had a powerful shamanic experience with an ayahuascua potion. Giant reptilian creatures explained to him that “they were fleeing from something out in space [and] they had come to the planet Earth to escape their enemy. The creatures then showed me how they had created life on the planet in order to hide within the multitudinous forms and thus disguise their presence. [...] I learned that the dragon-like creatures were thus inside of all forms of life, including man. They were the true masters of humanity and the entire planet, they told me. We humans were but the receptacles and servants of these creatures.” Michael Harner was then stunned to find out that the details of his vision were already familiar to the local native shaman he contacted to receive professional opinion.
The Gnostic teachings of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Codices, documenting the wisdom of the shamans of ancient mystery schools, refer to the Archons as the primary predatory beings in this universe. The Archons did not create mankind, yet they indulge in the fantasy of being our creators. Hence one of their aims is to convince us that they created us, so that they can be worshipped and continue their predatory tasks. Jehovah, that the Gnostics called Yaldabaoth, is the Lord of the Archons, and is described as an alien reptilian type. The Gnostic texts explain that these predatory beings infiltrate our minds through parasitical spiritual belief systems and emotional viruses.
Similar views are typical of all major mythologies and many other shamanic traditions, such as the Aboriginal and Zulu. Here the common experiential assumption is that the earth, as we perceive it, is detained in an arbitrary configuration and is not part of the planet, but is trapped in it. In this respect humans are merely chickens in a coop waiting to be munched. The more we plunge in our human dramas, the better we taste for predatory beings. These have different diets, ranging from junk to organic food. They may feed on emotions based on terror, war, panic, anger, romance, power, harmony, love, peace. etc. They may breed their stock with consideration, love and honour or with cruelty, hate and terror. Yet in the end they all eat it! These predatory beings appear to have introduced an arbitrary twist (i.e. HAC) into human life that separated us from the multidimensional realm and web of life. Our responsibility is to detect and amend it, finding our way through the bugs of this predatory universe. A way out from such a gloomy scenario is developing a repellent type of consciousess that is impalatable for predatory beings, while at the same time feeding them on edible emotions and 4th dimensional vitamins transparently negotiated and generated. A major key for this development is represented by the path of Scorpio and find exemplication through the strategic use of release rituals, shapeshifting, sex, death and other controversial non-HAC practices. This is a path of unbending discipline and integrity, aimed at creating a firm silence and connection with our true original mind, or Core Multidimensional Identity (CMI), which has nothing to do with what we consider to be ourselves. Don Juan said that when someone manages to grab on to the vibrating force that holds us together as a conglomerate of energy fields, if that pressure is kept long enough, the Flyers' mind flees in defeat. Don Juan maintained that “the real mind that belongs to us, the sum total of our experience, after a lifetime of domination has been rendered shy, insecure, and shifty”. The aim is to burden predatory beings with disciplined inner silence so that our awareness becomes insubstantial for them and they inevitably move away. They will come back, yet not as intensively as before until one day they go away permanently.
Terence McKenna, popular psychedelic author and techno shaman, with Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Virgo and Ascendant in Scorpio (8.6.8), developed most intriguing views regarding the origin of HAC and the multidimensional realm. For a video shamanically exploring the topic of aliens and the manufacturing of HAC, click here. Relevant articles on the Space Time Continuum and Alien Dreamtime are in For the related video click here. For a video on Gateways and the Psychedelic Shaman click here. For a video on his musical views on shamans see here.
The Errant Arcanum of the Scorpio-Taurus Axis: The Scorpio and Taurus dynamic represent the most contentious, arcane and unruly polarity in this current HAC. It is associated with the deepest essence of the Bona Fide Horny Bit, the Errant Arcanum, which is persistently blocked or deflected by the Consciousness Diverting Mechanism (CDM). The bona fide horny bit is the gateway to our Core Multidimensonal Nature (CMI), from which HAC receives all the energy. Yet, since HAC is based on the total occultation of CMI, it follows that it also needs to conceal the actual nature of the bona fide horny bit, while at the same time allowing it to operate so as to allow energy to move from CMI to HAC. As a result, in this HAC, whatever is horny is utterly manipulated and diverted in order to hide access to out of bound zones and preserve HAC’s separate paradigm.
In the above respect the Scorpio and Taurus axis constitutes the setting where manipulation and diversion are primarily at work. It follows that those with strong combined Scorpio and Taurus values in their chart, especially those with Scorpio ascendant, may easily experience a perturbed time in HAC, particularly in the realm of relationships and sexual interactions. The point is that such folks are straight multidimensional sexual energizers, or non-HAC sacred prostitutes, living in a world where this is either a most banned issue or nobody has a clue about what it is, including them. Yet although they may not understand the implications of being a multidimensional sexual energizer, and even do their best to curb or ignore them, they cannot help feeling them. Since this current world is based on the denial of other dimensions, there is no space for a sexuality meant as a sliding gateway to other realms and parallel realities, which is what multidimensional sexual energizers potentially promote. Most Scorpio ascendant folks are profoundly called to engage with the matrix waves of life, fully embracing the bona fide horny bit and having a most energizing multidimensional sex life. They are erotic catalysts for the dissolution of the HAC ego and the union with the divine core multidimensional energy. Hence when their sexuality gets embroiled by allegiance to family, marriage, security, friendship, religions, taboos, shame, conditionings and other HAC elements, which is regularly the case here, they may end up breaking the non-HAC commitment to their original function. Scorpio’s aim is to instigate the energy, inducing and endorsing a bona fide horny bit response in others. It deals simply with the activation of the energy at a pure multidimensional level and this does not include the awareness or the concern about what is going on in the HAC reality of the subjects involved. Pure Scorpio is sheer bona fide horny energy and is not bothered by HAC bogus understanding or exploitation of that energy. Yet, since Scorpio folks reside in HAC, and can also be most sensitive beings, they easily encounter a lot of tribulations. If they confess what they truly feel and think, what they honestly wish and long for, given the taboos of this HAC world, they would be exposed to most uncomfortable and dangerous situations. As a result they develop a traditional secretive and shadowy attitude, which is merely a way to survive in this repressed world rather than a genuine feature of their nature. Before releasing for the time being this infamous topic, I wish to stress that Scorpio is an attribute of all individuals on this planet, no matter were their ascendant is, and that all humans potentially are multidimensional sex energizer.
According to the shamanic astrologers Daniel Giamario and Carolyn Brent, the Taurus-Scorpio axis (which applies to those who have either Scorpio or Taurus on the ascendant) has to do with sexuality and life force energy. These people “know if they are in the right relationship, if their batteries are getting charged or if there is an increase in life force energy. […] Taurus-Scorpio is not a giver place. It is not a place where one is drained at the end. The relationship intent is to fully experience the current of life with the partner, to be fully into the current of life, or on the tantric path.” [ii]The above authors identify three types of categories human beings refer to. One is about being, or aspiring to be, in a partnership for life. Another involves being sexually intimate only with one person at a time, which means that a relationship can also last one week, yet it has to refer to the same person. The third category includes people that can engage sexually with more than one person at a time. The Taurus/Scorpio path can express in all three categories, yet usually does not show up as a pair bonder primary partnership.
The observation of your horny dynamics during the transit of the Sun in Scorpio can reveal pragmatic details on your approach to the bona fide horny bit as well as the consciousness diverting mechanism (CDM). Here the question is: “What energetically truly turns me on?” The reference here is the blunt energy, devoid of any HAC conditioning or idea regarding what should turn on. When you energetic body is aroused, then you are approaching the bona fide horny bit. Notice every time you get suddenly and spontaneously stirred up at a physical level, abstaining from any interpretation or conclusion regarding your arousal. Please avoid considerations such as: “I am excited by him-her, this-that because….”. Merely acknowledge the bona fide horny bit and what is happening around or within you whenever you experience it, without coming to any conclusion. Astroshamanism entails healing the gap between the bona fide horny bit and the CDM. The latter operates via the interpretations that you ascribe to the bona fide horny bit. Once you are caught by these interpretations the shift of focus from your primal multi-dimensional identity to the arbitrary human configuration has taken place. When this happens your connection with the web of life is lost and you literally become a human zombie. This means that you consciously respond to impulses coming from a separated dead identity, while unconsciously drawing energy from the source of life. Hence, again pay particular attention to the bona fide horny bit and to the process that, through the rerouting device, leads you to the arbitrary human configuration. Here, the purpose is to identify the trigger of the rerouting device. Once you get to the trigger, then you may be able to be in control of the shooting mechanism. Scan your horny dynamics thoroughly. The aim is to achieve transparency in the most obscure zones of human consciousness. This is the shaman’s path and legacy. This is what the Astroshamanic Primal Embrace (APE) promotes. APE is part of the Astroshamanic Gateways Series and is an intimate, explicit and bona fide multidimensional erotic application of Astroshamanic Touch.
For a preview of a video on sex as the Great Arcanum, or Secret Gate to Eden click here
“The embrace that incarnates the hidden union... is not only a reality of the flesh, for there is silence in this embrace. It does not arise from impulse or desire; it is an act of will.” (Philip, 122)
Astroshamanic Touch is a potent multidimensional bodywork application of astroshamanism meant as a pragmatic tool for bridging the physical with the spiritual realms, HAC with non-HAC. A session of Astroshamanic Touch aims at grounding the solar system, the stellar firmament and the multi-dimensional universe in the cells, organs and tissues of the physical body. By operating with a qualified Astroshamanic Touch practitioner, you connect with your primal elemental energies and become a gateway, channelling healing power and directing it towards an honourable Intent. Astroshamanic Touch provides the energetic combination for awareness to get away from conditionings and grievances, reawakening the original purpose and claiming your multi-dimensional status. An astroshamanic touch basic session consists of a preliminary talk aimed at clarifying the intent and defining the boundaries of physical contact, followed by a general energy scanning of the body, the application of touch in three stages and a final talk aimed at identifying remedies and healing tools. An Astroshamanic Touch session does not entail any form of sexual contact and touch of genitals, anus, or other zones previously arranged by the parties involved. According to the comfort of the client Astroshamanic Touch can be applied either over the clothing or on the partially naked body covered by a sheet. Sessions of Astroshamanic Touch can be booked through or at the centres where Franco is offering workshops. A brief preliminary interview is recommended.
Report of the partner of a participant in the Operative Training in Astroshamanism
by Valérie Saintot
Witnessing an amazing transformative process of the participant
It all started in Findhorn in April 2002 when Erik and I went for a four-day Transformation Game (TG). During the stay, Erik was passing by again and again in front of the books displayed there and feeling a growing attraction for the book on Astroshamanism. I could not quite understand his reaction as it was not really anything he could relate to before, not to say that he was resistant to any of this type of knowledge. He finally bought the book and already back then a CD with drumming music. Also this from an HAC perspective was very puzzling. The building of a growing interest and the display of an incredible enthusiasm were for me completely astonishing, seeing him acting beyond his understanding, not knowing intellectually why but being convinced in his being that this was right for him.
Observing Erik immersing himself in the books and seeing so much fun in the discovery and deep interest for the new field of investigation was a blessing which made me develop a natural sympathy for the dynamics and learning Erik was going through. It triggered even curiosity for the teacher behind and who had the ability to stimulate such a development. In parallel, Erik had developed an interest for A Course in Miracle that he followed for a full year before starting the Operative Training. In this initial phase, the impact of AIM and Astroshamanism were rather combined and difficult to distinguish.
To make a long story short, I would summarise what stroke me most in a couple of bullet points.
Awareness gains for Erik from the witness perspective
§ there is more in this world than what I can think of
§ incredible resources can be mobilised
§ guides exist also at spirit level…and can be a little funny in their appearance and guidance
Healing gains for Erik from the witness perspective
§ regained joy to live
§ definitive impact on intestine disorder
§ more relaxed and overall increased life satisfaction
Professional gains for Erik from the witness perspective
§ co-creation with spirit world at the workplace
§ use of spirit guide in business
§ activation of the spirit of the SEPA project
Personal direct learning of the witness
What I liked most was the very dynamic learning process with a lot of space for individual experiences and discoveries. At the beginning I did not feel really attracted by the it. I felt very disturbed by what Erik was telling on certain sectors. He started in Scorpio: sign I thought I had nothing to do with and did not want to have anything to do with. Hahaha! Since then, I realise how many people close to us and also doing healing work have a lot to do with Scorpio energy. I started to discover an incredible healing energy in the presence of Scorpio!
From this discovery I used Erik’s journeys through the signs to particularly pay attention to all the sectors I had negative prejudices and started to gain completely new insights. I also gained awareness to witness many synchronicities between the energy present in a given period and the correlated happenings at very HAC level.
I have also taken the opportunity to practice some of the exercises recommended in the different sectors. One of the last ones I practiced was the non-judging exercise in September. Having been practicing under the hospices of the supporting energy brought me invaluable insights. I will for long remember this crazy but so healing invitation from Erik to practice this exercise. We were at my parents place. Saturday morning, after reading our usual Eileen dear book Opening Doors Within, Erik innocently says: what about practicing together non judgement for the week end and then we can exchange what we will have observed from one another. This would have been very fine if we would not have happened when staying at my parents’ place. But not-judging when I am suppose to meet my THREE sisters + my mother…..Well, brave hearted I committed. It resulted to be an amazing experience both at non-HAC and HAC level.
Benefit of the OTA for our family and our relationship
The stars, the planet, the moon, the sun are really loyal companions in my life. I am so happy to also be able to share this with my husband in a different way than the one I cultivated by myself until Erik stared the OTA, still with a very similar intent.
Erik’s contact with Astroshamanism made him interested in astrology. He got all the astral themes of his four children and ours prepared. He bought books and really received and gave input to all of us. He supported his eldest daughter in her independence process and got more understanding for resistance and blockage in his relation with his other two daughters. He brought to me some insights on my relation with our son and the tendencies of the relation that I can only but confirm!
For the work we facilitate in the fields of personal development and spiritual quest, Astroshamanism has brought a very complementary dimension that Erik starts to use progressively.
I also believe, feel and think that our intimacy has very much benefited from the process Erik went through and that I shared from a companion perspective. It has added new dimensions and some transcendence to our relationship. With gratitude, Valérie Saintot
What is the Operative Training in Astroshamanism (OTA)? The Operative Training in Astroshamanism is a complete ongoing system of teaching, devised for training healers and shamanic practitioners. The OTA comprises three autonomous stages of formation (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced) functioning within three distinct levels of initiation (First, Second, Third) and accompanied by specific home-study literature and manuals. The programme of the Training includes significant experiences with shamanic states of consciousness, as well as relevant opportunities to ground the work in ordinary reality. Participants will learn a wide range of shamanic techniques and directly explore the astroshamanic cosmology, as it is reflected in their inner and outer life. They will receive initiation in specific healing and ceremonial practices according to each sector of the Sacred Circle, integrating their shamanic experiences with information drawn from astrology and other esoteric sources. For further information contact:
8.2: a blend of Fixed Water and Fixed Earth, embracing Scorpio’s intensity, power of will, depth, magnetism and passion with the stability and practical sense of Taurus. This binary has a concrete and down-to-earth nature, with enormous capacity of concentration and endurance.
8.3: a mix of Fixed Water and Mutable Air, integrating Scorpio’s passion and magnetism with Gemini’s flexibility and communication. These folks can be very popular and charismatic, with strong mental capabilities and the ability to go into intense depths or dramas and easily get out of them.
8.4: a blend of Fixed Water and Cardinal Water, mixing Scorpio’s qualities with Cancer’s protective and nurturing qualities. These types are amplifiers of emotions and receptivity, with extreme determination, tenacity and feelings.
8.5: this pattern blends Scorpio’s intensity, magnetism, passion with Leo’s vitality, generosity and leadership, generating a most penetrating synergy of power. These folks have a tremendous focus and an unbending spontaneous determination that allow them to hold a significant influence in their environment. Their confidence, courage, pride and authority are adamant, as well as the passion with which they pursue their Intent. They may at times appear excessive in this regard, unable to accept signs of weakness from others or with strong expectations towards those who are close to them, including themselves. This is a magnetic, persistent, ambitious and dominant binary with ample potential and desire to succeed in whatever they set their Intent on, as Schiller (8.5.8) says “Of all the possessions of this life fame is the noblest; when the body has sunk into the dust the great name still lives.”
8.6: a blend of fixed water and mutable earth. Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) represent the power and reservoir zones of their own element. They consolidate and accumulate the elemental energy, which is then distributed by the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces), the advocates of mobility and integration. 8.6 merges Scorpio’s intensity, magnetism, passion with Virgo’s healing service, versatility, discrimination, precision and cautiousness. Those who resonate with this combination[iii] have an awesome capacity for analysis, introspection, concentration and multi-dimensional investigation. They are champions in advanced scientific and shamanic healing fields, requiring dissecting eyes for details and penetrating research into the most arcane aspects of life. Their ordinary awareness embraces many elements that other people fail to notice and this may cause problems when interacting both with the social and family environment. 8.6 are also masters of sexual energy and deep pent-up emotions for healing purposes.
8.7: a blend of fixed Water and cardinal Air. This produces most charismatic and magnetic beings, capable of handling deep emotions, intensity and passion in balanced and harmonious ways. In their relationships they are sensitive, intimate and devoted, inspired by good taste and exploration of secret, occult, horny aspects of life.
Celebrities: In this section please find lists of celebrities related to the above binaries. If available also the Ascendant (AS) is given in brackets. The AS may create an additional binary with either the Sun or Moon, or also provide clues about the integration zone between Sun and Moon.
8.2: Demi Moore (AS Pisces); Coline Serreau; Prince Charles (AS Leo; for a detailed chart and analysis see; Erwin Rommel (AS Capricorn); Luchino Visconti (AS Gemini; cinema director of Obsession, Death in Venice and other 8 movies); Richard Dreyfuss (AS Gemini); James Garfield (AS Cancer); Paul Sabatier (AS Taurus); Robert Beltran (AS Leo); Orso Maria Guerrini (AS Taurus).
8.3: Bernard Kouchner (AS Libra); Melina Mercouri (AS Scorpio); Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoyevski (AS Sagittarius); August Rodin (As Capricorn), Art Garfunkel (AS Leo); Keith Emerson (AS Cancer).
8.4: Sai Baba, Bo Derek (AS Aries), René Guenon (AS Gemini), Niccolo Paganini (AS Sagittarius) André Gide (AS Libra), Claude Monet.
8.5: Julia Roberts (AS Cancer), Monica Vitti (AS Capricorn), Stefanie Powers (AS Aquarius), André Malraux (AS Aries), Léon Trotsky (AS Leo), Johann Friedrich Von Schiller (AS Scorpio), Jean Seberg, Jawaharlal Nehru (AS Scorpio), Ezra Pound (AS Aries), Giovanni Giolitti, Veronika Lake, William Penn, Joseph R. McCarthy.
8.6: Jodie Foster (AS Sagittarius); Amanda Lear; Richard Burton (AS Aries); Jenny McCarthy; Alain Hades (AS Taurus); Virna Lisi (AS Virgo); K.D. Lamg (AS Virgo); Claude Lelouch (AS Cancer); Jack Osbourne (AS Leo); Adolphe Sax (AS Leo); Henry Winkler (AS Aquarius); Terence McKenna (AS Scorpio);
8.7: Leo Di Caprio (AS Libra); François Mitterrand (AS Libra); Marie Antoinette (AS Cancer) ; Sylvia plath (AS Aquarius); Bud Spencer (AS Virgo) ; Gilbert Becaud (AS Leo); Salvatore Giuliano (AS Aries); Gerd Muller (AS Virgo); Domenico Scarlatti (AS Cancer); Vincenzo Bellini (AS Sagittarius); Tazio Nuvolari (AS Sagittarius); René Clair (AS Pisces); Gordon Lightfoot (AS Scorpio).
Disclaimer: All information provided in PAN is presented solely for inspirational or recreational reading, and it is not meant to substitute the recipient’s direct experience and investigation. The information is also given to strategically exemplify the different features of astroshamanic cosmology and is not intended to reflect Franco’s opinion or astroshamanism in general. Franco does not necessarily endorse any of the ideas and views expressed in this literature, including his own.
[i] All times in PAN are given in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).
[ii] Daniel Giamario/Carolyn Brent, The Shamanic Astrology Handbook, pp. 71-72.
[iii] Astroshamanically we resonate with all combinations and can express them by simply attuning to their frequency. Astrologically there is a strong connection with this binary when it reflects in the position of your Sun and Moon in sign and house (for example, Sun in Scorpio or 8th house and Moon in Virgo or 6th house).
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