PAN International Issue 56
PAN Provisional Astroshamanic News
Core Network Edition, 9.4-9, 3 December 2006, Issue 56. Editorial Director: Franco Santoro.
Cluny Hill College, Forres IV36 2RD, Moray, Scotland. (+44(0)1309-672289. +
© 2006 Franco Santoro. All rights reserved. Permission must be granted by the author for publishing and use on websites. For permissions contact
What is Astroshamanism?
This PAN covers a substantial span of time, including the Full Moon in Gemini and the New Moon in Sagittarius, which is the peak of darkness. Wherever you are on your journey towards the culmination of obscurity, I invite you who read this to smash the gloomy hex of HAC limits, and align to the positive magnetism of your multidimensional self. Release your past traumas and disappointments, let go of your fear of future losses and failures. Remember your highest wishes and loving aspirations, bringing the light of consciousness into the night sky. Be aware that we can face any upcoming challenge, converting grievances into ecstatic luminosity.
The current PAN is delivered right on the eve of my Italian tour and shortly after the premiere in Frankfurt of the workshop Awakening your Multidimensional Self, which was also the debut of the Astroshamanic Gateways Series. Frankfurt was the perfect scenario for the opening event of this pioneering workshop (see report in the next issue), which will subsequently take place in Rome (16-17 December 2006), Edinburgh (6-7 January 2007) and London (10-11 February 2007).
This PAN encompasses the concluding stage of autumn, leading to the gap climaxing shift from 2006 to 2007, which I will hold at Findhorn with the workshop Manifesting Honourable Intentions from 27 December 2006 to 3 January 2007.
The first 12 years of this millennium are regarded as a strategic gap time of tremendous disturbance, heralding the emergence of a new HAC and planetary order. If this process takes a luminous development, it could imply the reawakening of our multidimensional body and true identity. The first six years of the millennium (connected with the zodiac signs from Aries to Virgo) are followed by other six years (related to the signs from Libra to Pisces), which are meant to escalate a radical shift in consciousness. This includes moving beyond the confinement of HAC linear time, embracing parallel realities, unseen spaces and whatever has been separated from human awareness up to the full alignment with the Core Multidimensional Identity (CMI). This may imply an unprecedented upheaval! The fact that I am stressing these conjectures does not necessarily mean that I ascribe to them. As far as we can go back into HAC history there has never been a time which has not been considered special or ultimate in some way. The meaning of events is manufactured by the HAC ego mind, and for a mind whose aim is to be special it is not possible to live in a time when nothing special is happening. Only in the past thirty years I remember at least seven points in time regarded as decisive or apocalyptic, and then ending up with apparently nothing happening. A legitimate deduction is that since conjectures about multidimensional shifts have periodically been devised in all ages, those I am herewith referring may be just another HAC scam. Yet it may be also true that their recurrent presence throughout human history show that potential for a multidimensional shift is available at all times. As well, since all configurations come ultimately to an end, just like our physical body when it dies, it is also reasonable to deem the possibility that our contemporary time may eventually be the fatal one.
This is the major time of the year devoted to the celebration of holidays. The following weeks leading up to Christmas and the New Year are a great chance for transcending HAC, setting aside our ego minds, unselfishly giving and receiving blessings, while co-creating a most fabulous collective multi-dimensional ecstatic experience. Hence I take this opportunity for wishing you all a most blissful non-HAC Christmas!
Significant developments on the astroshamanic healing front are in preparation for the upcoming year. Please contact me if you wish to know more about any aspect of astroshamanic work. If you are drawn by some of the themes dealt with in PAN I invite you to take part in forthcoming astroshamanic events, courses, trainings, group or individual sessions. You are also most invited to send comments to PAN and share your own experiences.
Tomorrow I fly to Bologna, which is the town where I was born. For a video on Bologna please go to the following web-page: Then I will move to Turin to hold a special course on astrology for astroshamanism. For a video about Turin click the following link: Also I would like to acknowledge that tomorrow I fly from Inverness, where I will return on 22 December. For a video on Inverness see:
Blessings, Franco
Common Bugs of a Predatory Universe – Part Three by Franco Santoro
The current HAC has been achieved through the direct denial both of the multidimensional realm and the non-human third-dimensional reality, i.e. the animal, vegetal and mineral kingdom. In HAC we do not have, and need, any direct connection with the multidimensional realms and also with the visible physical reality, except as for pursuing our HAC aims. Human beings define their own place in the context they live, manipulating the environment according to their visions, without any concern about the dynamics and purpose of other life forms, which are indeed considered only from the perspective of their convenient exploitation within the HAC paradigm. Humans “create their own reality” – a deceptive revolutionary New Age statement, which has been indeed the primary HAC’s motto of all times. The assumption of this paradigm is the authorization to exploit all available resources regardless of their functions in the multidimensional realm and even in our planetary third dimensional reality. From this latter perspective the whole human configuration is motivated by a predatory urge, breeding monstrous creatures, operating as a malign tumour or virus within the Earth, which may paradoxical imply that whatever causes mass human death may be the planet’s attempt to release HAC. Here I do not intend to support the idea of mankind being responsible for all the evil in the universe, which is also another popular HAC conjecture. Since HAC is exclusively preoccupied with its own separated individualisation and autistic paradigm, whether it plays the role of the persecutor, the victim or the saviour, is basically irrelevant as long as it can keep the star role. What I mean is that those who are on an honest shamanic quest for truth may gain in awareness and radically expand their horizons if they are willing to look at our connection not only with other dimensions, but also to the planetary environment. Shamanic work may reveal the interconnectedness of whatever exists and help us stepping out of our human separate reality, liberating our consciousness from the captivity of the exclusive identification with our bogus individuality whether based on our physical human body or eternal soul. Yet shamanism may also be employed to strenuously support HAC and continue to preserve our separated paradigm, with all my honest respect for its predatory implications and the hope that they may also play a function in the wider web of life.
In part two of this elongated article I used the term Earth Multidimensional Configuration to indicate this planet from a multidimensional perspective, which includes the Earth in a seemingly infinite number of parallel realities and time-space continuum, as well as all beings of any realm existing on Earth, seen and unseen. In this perspective our current human nature, as we perceive it, is a fragment of a multi-dimensional process involving various stages and settings. Here the current HAC may be strategically described as the environmental birth-place of non-HAC beings. This setting provides all that is needed for the gestation process, up until the time is ripe for multi-dimensional delivery. The birth involves leaving the womb and emerging into a wider configuration. Hence, HAC is here a multi-dimensional placenta, whose task is to give itself unconditionally, protecting and empowering the unborn creature, achieving the decisive goal of delivery and release from HAC itself. Hence from a HAC separated perspective this unborn creature is regarded as an emerging predatory being feeding on our world.
A multidimensional aligned placenta has a functional sense of timing. It knows when it is near its time and sustains the opening of the gates. Once birth takes place, what follows is the stage of upbringing and parenting, when still shelter and support are provided, yet with the child being already out, beginning to discover the environment and interacting with additional sources. These sources are entirely non-HAC, since the child is not in the placenta (HAC) anymore.
Relationships with beings, seen and unseen, serve a multi-dimensional purpose. They are aimed at offering power and support so as to face multi-dimensional gestation, delivery and upbringing. The apparent dramas and grievances experienced in human relationships are part of a multi-dimensional labour. A mother who is aware of the birthing process knows that the labour serves a sacred purpose. Hence her symptoms do not cause concern. They are accepted as part of the aim of giving birth. This does not seem to be the case in human life simply because shamanic pregnancy is not acknowledged. In shamanic pregnancy the labour mainly involves the emotional body and what occurs at that level in human relationships.
What we need to do as human beings is to wake up and realize what is really going on beyond HAC. This is the essence of the Sagittarius search for truth. In this respect we are strategically part of a gestation process which has meaning only if it is considered in the perspective of a wider cycle of events. When this process is taken only by itself, devoid of any awareness of the preceding and following stages, it loses all its sense. This is what happens in the current HAC. All human sufferance derives from lack of awareness of where we fit in the wider cycle.
AFS Bogus once provocatively said that this lack of awareness is merely the effect of the introduction of HAC consciousness anaesthetics in multi-dimensional gestation and delivery. There is no apparent nuisance and we can continue to indulge undisturbed in our separated reality, yet the result is that we lose sight of the process and have no clue of what is truly happening. We remain in the anaesthetic hallucination, obscuring all awareness regarding the extremely provisional and transitory nature of HAC and our related identities. HAC is a multi-dimensional placenta and, as such, it serves the function of giving birth, yet this birth implies the end of HAC itself. Since HAC is founded on the belief to be an autonomous unit, separated from whatever else exists, accepting its end is not coherent with the implications of its existential paradigm.
In this HAC planet the challenge is to align to our true parental calling, connecting with what is beyond HAC, rising above the uterus perspective, embracing the Sagittarius arrow and flying up in the sky to gain a wider view. As we locate our spot in the web of life, we will then know when we are near our time. We will be able to respond to the wake up call. This magnification of energy may either imply a redefinition of HAC, which would then accelerate the retrieval of fragmented soul components, a conscious delivery and the emergence of our multi-dimensional being, or the preservation of the current HAC and the creation of an alternative HAC. This depends, as AFS Bogus once pointed out, on the evolution of the ongoing debate within the Provisional Order, and the fate of a proposed amendment on the use of anaesthetics for multi-dimensional delivery.
Shamanic pregnancy encompasses a wider reality and acknowledges that we are in HAC as a result of a process activated somewhere else, in non-HAC. We are born in a human body and live on this planet merely because there are unseen realms making it possible. These realms send their delegates here to accomplish honourable intentions and dispense their medicines. Honourable intentions encompass the multi-dimensional, they honour past, present and future. They refer to the perspective of the seventh generation, which entails considering present events in the perspective of seven generations both past and future. They also acknowledge past and future as parallel universes existing simultaneously in the present and with whom it is vital to relate.
Physical life is part of a multidimensional agreement involving various realms. There is a wider purpose regarding the presence of each one of us on earth, and this purpose is obscured when we lose sight of the multidimensional implications of life. For shamanic cultures life is not generated at birth and it does not end with death. It is an ongoing process involving a huge development of possibilities. In the realm of unity all activities occur within the same organism and they are acknowledged as such, while in the realm of separation life is based on the competition and survival of fragmented and disassociated parts. Here I can regard gestation, delivery and upbringing either as the heinous predatory process activated by a child at the expenses of his family or as a mutually accepted predatory act of service on behalf of the multidimensional universe. Hence the final, yet provisional, question in this predatory universe may be: which kind of predatory strategy do I choose to employ?
Interview with Franco Santoro – Part Two
by MaryCatherine (Cathy) Burgess
The following is the second part of an interview given by Franco to MaryCatherine (Cathy) Burgess on 28 June 2003. The text is taken from Cathy’s Ph.D. thesis at the Edinburgh University. Part One was published in PAN issue 55.
Community for Franco reflects the interrelatedness and interdependence of all life. His world view is that all is ONE, which by definition draws people to each other in mutual support for their individual work of releasing any sense of separation and discovering connections with each other.
Non-ordinary reality for Franco is the Sacred Circle, which has a structure (a kind of geography) that includes sectors, energies, and archetypes that help all beings come eventually to awareness of ultimate unity. In this 'transitional' structure there are the 3 levels (i.e. physical, mental, spiritual), a vertical axis that reflects the three worlds (i.e. higher, lower, and middle), and a horizontal axis, which contains the four major directions (i.e. east, south, west, and north) and the 12 sectors (i.e. signs of the Zodiac) - all part of a cosmology described in the Epic of the Sacred Cone. Franco can travel to any part of the Sacred Circle to learn something important about life. He believes that each part of the Sacred Circle represents a way that leads to the Centre and is also an emanation from the Centre, since there are no true separations. As a shamanic practitioner, astrologer, and spiritual explorer, Franco sees how all these dimensions fit together, and he easily travels within these realms.
Regarding Religion as a Chain of Memory
For Franco, religion is an agreement among people about the nature of reality, the desire to share that reality, and a decision to also explore other realities. It allows for entrance and utilizes rituals as containers for moving from one reality to another.
Though Franco didn't formally define spirituality, the descriptions he has used for his work lead me to think he would call spirituality the process of awakening to the unity, or oneness, of all life. He told me religion and spirituality initially worked together, but sometimes when people changed their beliefs or understandings of reality, caretakers of the original agreements (religion) didn't allow for changes in those agreements. That kind of dilemma has often prompted those whose beliefs and perceptions have shifted to create among themselves new agreements about what rules, guides, and beliefs to employ, though the new agreements haven't always been perceived as carrying legitimate religious authority. In effect, they have often been excluded from being considered religions. Franco considers the shamanic tradition a 'public performance' of a shamanic world view, NOT an expression of a binding agreement with rules, guides, and beliefs. For him, shamanic traditions can respond to whatever is relevant and makes sense to those present.
As mentioned earlier, Franco grew up with a Christian heritage, but he also learned about yoga, shamanism, and astrology. Though he does not let himself be confined by self-imposed limitations in each of these traditions, he draws upon them freely, because he sees how they all eventually lead to ultimate unity. What has helped him connect with this unity is the central energy of the Sacred Cone. For him, it provides a model or structure that gathers chaotic, fragmented energy into a matrix with neutral containers - like a board game with its own kind of common language that was created to facilitate understanding and the wisdom of unity. He sees how the Sacred Cone allows individuals to map where they are in their lives and then create changes to help them more clearly take a road of inner experience toward the centre of unity. Franco said he also sees core shamanism as being this same kind of matrix with empty spaces that allow and support a spiritual process toward unity.
Following this and what was described in part one, the role of community for Franco is to facilitate that individual growth and development within the Sacred Circle. It does so by supporting personal spiritual work, but also by sharing in community ritual dramas that stimulate spiritual awareness and growth.
When he works shamanically, Franco invokes the central energy of the Sacred Cone and all the spiritual guides who facilitate movement, learning, and healing within the levels, worlds, directions, and sectors of the Sacred Circle. For him, its legitimacy and authority derive from his world view that all is one and that we can learn something positive and life-giving from all experiences. The need for a legitimising authority outside one's own experience would be for Franco an expression of the fragmented energy his life and work strive to heal and bring into wholeness.
Growing up, Franco learned to believe that he was living in a fantasy world, but everyone else was grounded in reality. This was so, because that reality was spelled out in rules and maxims that had been externalised and believed to be objectively true. However, his own experiences, along with his lifelong passion for learning and inner growing, led him to understand beliefs as strategies that can change IF they are based on experience and they 'work' or make sense. Beliefs are agreements about the way the world is, but they can and do change as our perceptions and experiences interact with and influence the continued validity of those agreements. In effect, believing has become for him a process of growing, expanding, and transforming his world view as that world view is regularly informed by his life experiences.
As mentioned throughout this interview, Franco calls upon numerous traditions other than shamanism, especially astrology and Christianity, because they are part of his heritage and learning. They also 'work' and make sense to him. Additionally, he has incorporated into his astroshamanic work aspects of ancient pre-Christian mystery religions, paganism, and Gnostic and Christian shamanism.
Shamanic Madness: In traditional shamanism, as described by Mircea Eliade in Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy, the main method and most respected way of becoming a shaman is through spontaneous vocation. The most common path that leads an individual to this work involves a deep crisis with close associations to madness. Madness is a short circuit in the Human Arbitrary Configuration (HAC), which results in an inability to function within HAC itself. It is the inevitable result of the exposure to alternative configurations or sub-configuration (human, non-human or alien ones) and to the Core Multidimensional Identity (CMI). It is also the overload charge, the simultaneous presence of sundry multidimensional fields, or various time lines, which are incompatible within HAC. “Madness” is experienced as such when the multidimensional alignment of a HAC individual is disturbing HAC. Basically, in a state of “madness” a surplus of Graha is being channelled. This is a huge share not processed by ordinary (that is “not mad”) human beings, which also constitutes the barrier of pseudo-terror separating HAC from other dimensional fields, orders or configurations. This thick layer is mainly represented by death and all its associations, which represent HAC’s final borderline. Hence, when a state of “madness” occurs in your life you tap into this border zone, a HAC’s out of bound area, containing both the bona fide horny bit (BFHB) and the consciousness diverting mechanism (CDM). This is a regular zone of transit for human beings, for this is where HAC gets the energy to allow its whole system to function. Being a simulated arbitrary configuration, HAC is unable to generate energy by itself. The energy comes from a multidimensional field or order, which is both HAC’s matrix and designer, just like a computer is plugged to a socket pertaining to a reality existing out of the computer itself. Here it is also possible to employ batteries, which need periodical recharging. The most distinctive recharge times are the nocturnal sleeping hours, when access to BFHB is easily allowed and then redirected by CDM to guarantee a complete return to HAC. Those with different recharging times (e.g. night workers) are less susceptible to CDM, and can thus be more “madness” prone. Shamanic practices, such as the Basic Ritual of the Sacred Cone, serve the purpose of vertically recycling the “madness” or surplus Graha at a multidimensional level, while at the same time honouring both HAC and non-HAC. Hence, although the implications of these practices are classified, they are part of HAC’s original operative system. Problems arise when there are conflicts regarding the administration of HAC at a multidimensional or matrix level. These recycling practices are operated by the Provisional Order. Also the Provisional Order (PrO) has its own configuration. Now the communication may appear much more cryptic. Hence please skip this final bit, if you have had enough. HAC is a sub-system of the PrO. Within the PrO there are three main configurations. One of the two configurations, apart from HAC, is composed of authorised regular “mad” beings. These are compatible with HAC and operate so as not to interfere with HAC itself. Their function is to preserve HAC’s veil of separation, yet ensuring that HAC receives the required dosages of energy, while allowing surplus Graha to be exported at a multidimensional level. The second configuration is rather controversial. This is the one that causes multidimensional conflicts for it seems to affect HAC. It is composed of illegal or irregular “mad” beings or I would rather say “not as legal as the authorised ones”. There is also a third configuration, the most controversial and paradoxical of all, which I call the Delegate Order. This works as a bridge between regular and irregular.
New Moon in Sagittarius: The New Moon in Sagittarius will be at 14:02, on 20 December 2006, in 28° Sagittarius 32’, right on the eve of the Winter Solstice, which at 0:23, on 22 December 2006. This is a supreme time for defining your Intent, aligning with what you truly long for and planning honorable steps to implement it in your life. Here it is essential that your goals focus on the essence of the experience you intend to manifest. Honorable intentions relate to your own soul’s journey and do not meddle with those of others. This means, for example, that an honorable intention is not about manifesting a love relationship with a specific person, such as Ann or John. If I am strongly attracted by Ann or John, a honorable intention is about manifesting a love relationship with someone like Ann or John, yet not necessarily with Ann or John. In pursuing this goal, if you consider Ann or John to be the elected ones, you may first focus on them, yet this intention is honorable only when you are respectful of Ann and John’s intentions, which may not necessarily be the same as yours. Ann and John could be inspirational elements in the quest for a relationship, a gateway who in the end leads you either to them or to someone else. In this case by continuing to insist on the gateway, you may miss what awaits you beyond the gateway. On the contrary when you do accept to move on, you tap into the web of life and gratefully acknowledge Ann and John as part of the luminous itinerary that brings you to the desired outcome, which after a given time will also become a gateway into another outcome when the desired relationship comes to an end.
New Moons are time of shamanic pregnancy and birth, the opportunity to start a brand new cycle aligned with the vibration of the lunation sign. Sagittarius invites truth and honesty regarding your motivation in life, and also challenges to commit and take direct action. Here the Archer teaches to expand the horizons and dart into novel territories, rising above the limits of obsolete belief systems and gaining wisdom from direct exposure to experience, which implies releasing outdated defense mechanisms. These are ideas and habitual patterns commonly based on fear and inherited from the past, which may not apply anymore to your current life and soul’s purpose. A New Moon in Sagittarius is a good time for composting outmoded believes and emotional patterns, using their combusting energy to reach out for genuine intentions. Sagittarius is associated with adventure, optimism, trust, faith, expansion and risk-taking, and these are all qualities, combined with some basic caution, that can inspire giant strides on your path.
The question on a Sagittarius New Moon is: “What do I truthfully aim at?”. Other questions may be: “What belief systems do I need to release? What kind of believes and fears keep me blocked, unable to expand and venture through the web of life? Am I willing to let go of them? Am I available to ask for support to my guides, teachers and helpers, investing in trust and confidence? Am I open to take a vital step regarding my Intent, to be adventurous and risk, or do I rather prefer to wait and continue to get what I have got now?
The degree of the New Moon, or Lunation point, indicate an area of life that will operate as Intent and driving force during the next cycle. In this New Moon it is 28° Sagittarius 32’. In astroshamanic work this position is first identified in the natal chart by noticing in which house is located and if there are planets nearby. The next step involves establishing a direct rapport with the Lunation Point by entering the Sacred or Spirit Circle. Here you position yourself in the corresponding Sector and stay there for at least five minutes, opening up to what comes to your mind, emotions and body, taking note of whatever calls attention, no matter how insignificant or distracting. Then you write it down. In the successive days, as the Moon moves in other signs, you follow its path and position in other Sectors, opening up to further insights and taking note of them. As you do all this, you are also aware of the position of the Sun and of what you experience regarding the binary relation of both Sun and Moon. Write down your remarks and keep them for future references.
Being in Sagittarius, this is in the physical sky of the northern hemisphere the darkest New Moon and firmament of the year, the climax of obscurity. This darkness carries a maximum potential for rebirth and transformation, all the nutritional fertilising elements of good manure. It only needs a seed, an Intention, a focus point. This is the time to stir up one’s best dreams and aspirations. It is the sacred stage of composting It may stink a bit, yet it is only a matter of holding one’s nose during the operations, having a bit of patience and taking it easy, being aware that this will be later copiously paid off.
9.4 (Sun in Sagittarius and Moon in Cancer) is a blend of mutable fire and cardinal water, integrating Sagittarius’s adventure, expansion, freedom and thirst for truth with Cancer’s sensitivity, compassion, protectiveness and tenacity. This combination produces romantic and adventurous beings, abundant with enthusiasm, optimism, idealism, talents, which they draw from their deep connection with their ancestors. They are driven by an overflowing enthusiasm and can easily tap into what truly triggers the motivation of the people and environment they come in contact with. Their goals may appear extreme and inflated, yet they do maintain a sense of caution and a productive respect for their tradition, which enable them to proceed with security and confidence.
9.5 (Sun in Sagittarius and Moon in Leo) burns mutable fire with fixed fire, merging Sagittarius’s adventurous and expansive spirit with Leo’s vitality, generosity and leadership. Those aligned with this binary are generous, warm, enthusiastic and honest beings. Often dedicated to a specific cause or ideal, they are direct, abundant with energy and fire in the accomplishment of their goals. What makes them outstanding heroes is the capacity of bringing light into the darkness, or darkness into the light, allowing arcane secrets and the obscure recesses of the web of life to finally and triumphantly come into full visibility.
9.6 (Sun in Sagittarius and Moon in Virgo) blends mutable fire with mutable earth, integrating all the Sagittarius’s qualities with Virgo’s efficiency, purification, selection and service. This binary has a broad and articulated minds thriving with ideas and ability to implement them. They are master in taking calculated risks, blending attention to details, pragmatism and care with sense of adventure and expansion. They are also most devoted and faithful companions, abundant with unconditional service and commitment.
9.7 (Sun in Sagittarius and Moon in Libra) mixes mutable fire with cardinal Air, integrating Sagittarius’s optimism, directness, enthusiasm, adventure and buoyancy with Libra’s sense of balance, friendliness, and charm. This combination excels in mediation and conflict resolution between HAC and non-HAC. Tolerant, diplomatic and intelligent, they are champions in establishing balance in the web of life, yet this may not be the case in ordinary HAC reality where their behaviour far from diplomatic can appear rather outrageous, shocking and unpredictable. Again, this is a Sector 9 binary, which involves bringing the Sector 8 compost into the light, yet possibly in an artistic way.
9.8 (Sun in Sagittarius and Moon in Scorpio) blends mutable fire with fixed water, integrating Sagittarius’s adventure, expansion, optimism and love for truth with Scorpio’s passion, intensity and magnetism. This combination produces beings with an adamant determination to pursue their targets, and capacity of investing emotional energy.
9.9 (Sun in Sagittarius and Moon in Sagittarius) this is the New Moon in Sagittarius binary, which produces a most adventurous attitude, abundant with energy and constantly on the go. The views of these folks are extremely expanded and optimistic, triggering immediate actions and explorations. They go beyond ordinary boundaries and reach out to new territories, grounding innovatory opportunities and inspiring insights.
Celebrities: In this section please find lists of celebrities related to the above binaries. If available also the Ascendant (AS) is given in brackets. The AS may create an additional binary with either the Sun or Moon, or also provide clues about the integration zone between Sun and Moon. By clicking on the name of the following celebrities you may get further written, visual or video information.
9.4: Jimi Hendrix (AS Sagittarius); William Blake (AS Cancer); Augusto Pinochet (AS Gemini); Tom Waits (AS Sagittarius); Thorwald Dethlefsen (AS Capricorn); Giacomo Puccini (AS Libra); Sonia Gandhi (AS Leo); Harpo Marx (AS Libra).
9.5: Sir Winston Churchill (AS Virgo); Jane Fonda (AS Capricorn); Gustave Flaubert (AS Scorpio); Nero (AS Sagittarius); Jean Genet (AS Leo); Jean Sibelius (AS Virgo); Willy Brandt (AS Aries); Benjamin Disraeli (AS Scorpio); Emerson Fittipaldi (AS Aquarius); Liane Foly (AS Capricorn); Otto Preminger; Katie Holmes (AS Leo); Laura del Sol; Gloria Velez.
9.6: Jane Birkin (AS Aquarius); Maria Callas (AS Sagittarius); Frank Zappa (AS Sagittarius); Jean-Louis Trintignant (AS Cancer); Sammy Davis jr. (AS Aries); Friedrich Engels (AS Leo); Alberto Moravia (AS Scorpio); Fritz Lang; Fred Buscaglione (AS Aquarius); Arnaldo Forlani (AS Virgo).
9.7: Ilona Staller (AS Scorpio); Joseph Stalin (AS Pisces); Walt Disney (AS Virgo); Toulouse-Lautrec (AS Scorpio); Gustave Eiffel (AS Leo); David Carradine (AS Pisces); Sinéad O’Connor; Liv Ullman (As Leo); Noam Chomsky (AS Sagittarius); Emily Dickinson (AS Scorpio); Jane Austen (AS Virgo); Alberto Lupo (AS Cancer); Agostino Chigi (AS Gemini); Jonathan Swift (AS Aquarius); Frances Yates (AS Sagittarius).
9.8: Bruce Lee (AS Sagittarius); Steven Spielberg (AS Cancer); Billy the Kid (AS Capricorn); Paul Eluard (AS Libra); Bette Midler (AS Aries); Hector Berlioz (AS Cancer); Emir Kusturica; Robert Hand (AS Cancer); Douglas Fairbanks jr (AS Scorpio); Sir Laurens van der Post (AS Libra).
9.9: Jacques Chirac (AS Aquarius); Ludwig von Beethoven (AS Scorpio); Lucky Luciano (AS Aquarius); Aldo Maccione; Joan Didion (AS Cancer); Elissa Landi (AS Sagittarius); Georg Kaiser (AS Libra).
Disclaimer: All information provided in PAN is presented solely for inspirational or recreational reading, and it is not meant to substitute the recipient’s direct experience and investigation. The information is also given to strategically exemplify the different features of astroshamanic cosmology and is not intended to reflect Franco’s opinion or astroshamanism in general. Franco does not necessarily endorse any of the ideas and views expressed in this literature, including his own.
[i] All times in PAN are given in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).
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