Saturday, February 03, 2007

PAN International Issue 60

PAN Provisional Astroshamanic News
International Edition, 7 February 2007, Issue 60.
Editorial Director: Franco Santoro.
Cluny Hill College, Forres IV36 2RD, Moray, Scotland. (+44(0)1309-672289. +

© 2006 Franco Santoro. All rights reserved. Permission must be granted by the author for publishing and use on websites. For permissions contact

What is Astroshamanism?

As the quiescent seeds of Spring silently hide in the chilly alchemical soil of Winter, our multidimensional nature peacefully rests, heeding the ecstatic carols of its upcoming rebirth. There is abundant non-HAC vitality in this luminous time of the year. Wherever you are in the world, including the southern hemisphere, which gloriously holds the simultaneous awareness of the other polarity, please accept copious blessings, relax and enjoy this PAN.
The end of February is the traditional time devoted to the Foundation Training in Astroshamanism, with two modules: 17-24 February 2007, A Journey into the Inner Universe: and 24 February–3 March 2007, The Voyage through the Zodiac. This is also the time of gestation of novel workshops. In this respect I recommend the following workshops: Astroshamanic Touch and Primal Embrace Intensive: Navigating into the Multidimensional Matrix of Sex, from 9 to 13 March 2007, in Copenhagen (If you wish to take part to this event please book as soon as possible and by 7 February, contacting Peter Vibe, tel. +45 47771977,; Multidimensional Portals of the Senses: A Gateway Course in Astroshamanic Healing Touch in Frankfurt (Germany) from 20 to 24 April 2007 (Erik Tel. 069/95504794 Mob. 0171-3493424) and The Grand Original Quest: A Multi-dimensional Voyage through Space and Time at Corvaro (Rieti, Italy), from 15 to 21 June 2007. All the above workshops are in English and represent prologue modules to the Astroshamanic Gateways Series. Further momentous events are in preparation and will be announced in the next issues of PAN.
Blessings, Franco

Editorial – The Shift by Franco Santoro
Since the beginning of 2007 (i.e. the start of the six-year cycle 2007-2012) I have received many e-mails and calls from members of this network. Most of them appear to experience a very hard time at a physical or emotional level. There seems to be a lot of upheaval going on in this initial part of the year. Here we do not necessarily need galactic speculations to explain this turmoil. Since ancient times in the northern hemisphere the period of Aquarius and the weeks preceding spring have always been a most critical time. Provisions and resources accumulated for the cold season fell short or vanished, while in the fields and meadows all life was still barren in the spectral sleep of winter. Many did not endure this time of scarcity and harshness. The fear that spring would never come again was strong, and so was the sense of an incumbent death. Facing this time required trust based on the experience of previous returns of the warm season. Yet, this was not given for granted and rituals were celebrated in order to promote the seasonal shift. The assumption was that if sacrifices were not offered, spring might not come back and winter would reign forever. Hence before referring to multidimensional shifts or other apocalyptic events, it is important to consider these ancestral seasonal connotations.
While it is factual that there are seasonal changes occurring every year, it is also scientifically and mythically true that there are more remarkable shifts encompassing wider amounts of time and with most radical effects. According to various sources this is the case for our current times, which appear to host the emergence of a radical change in human perception. This process is likely to bring major disruption in the way we have understood life so far. A lot of upheaval is significantly occurring at a fourth-dimensional level, and precisely in the planetary contentious buffer area between HAC and non-HAC, which I call Provisional Order. This zone is filled with fear, terror, anguish and all sorts of unmentionable grievances. Their purpose is to preserve HAC separation through fear, isolation and ignorance. Those who are sensitive to the shamanic or multidimensional path may be severely affected by this turmoil, and experience difficult moments. These folks also include apparently ordinary people who may experience an unexpected reawakening of their multidimensional nature.
If you experience moments of discomfort, please be aware that this may be part of a reawakening process associated with the current multidimensional shift. Such a shift is utterly experiential and devoid of intellectual connotations. As we wake up to our authentic nature, the bogus identities we have held so far gradually crumble, while the entire HAC world also falls apart. On one side our awareness begins its journey out of HAC, while on the other hand the HAC identity insists on clinging to its decomposing setting. As the old patterns fade away it is inevitable to experience distress and even terror. During this shift it is vital to keep the connection with the Core Multidimensional Identity (CMI) and other fellow travellers on the path. When the relation with the CMI falls short, our friends on the path will remind us, or we may remind them. The first recommendation when facing situations of distress is to step out of the isolation. The fear may still be too overwhelming to get rid of, yet we can release the isolation and move from personal to collective awareness. These fears are communal and ancestral fears. They are so ancient and pent up that there is no way we can comprehend their causes. Yet we can decide not to remain isolated, and connect with other fellow travellers on the global network of transformation, claiming our right not to be crucified by separation, inviting our veritable roots to emerge as well as their most luminous future development.
With this I do not mean that everybody on the path is going to have miserable experiences. On the contrary many individuals may feel more ecstatic, energised and powerful. Yet the lesson here is still the same. No matter what I go through, whether I am up or down, the point is to move out of the isolation. This means firmly installing the awareness that we are all part of a larger organism, and that the fact of feeling well or bad merely depends on the seasonal perspective from which I provisionally experience life and on which part of the hemisphere I abide. This perspective is bound to change sooner or later, just like seasons do. Hence if you are stubborn in the identification with this provisional perspective, you are bound to be deluded, and this will produce further grievances and separation. What count here is to expand our horizon, to grasp a larger view, intending to truly see what our HAC separated identity dreads to unveil, which is indeed the infamous confirmation that HAC identities have truly never existed apart from their roles as characters in a delusional dream, or rather in a non-HAC multidimensional television series.
Please be aware that when I refer to a multidimensional shift, I am not genuinely implying that the time we live in now is a special time, although I may promote this for marketing reasons. After all in the HAC western culture there is nothing more arousing and horny than to trigger Armageddon special feelings. Wanting to be special is one of the main features of our HAC identity. It follows that there has never been a time throughout HAC history when nothing special was officially happening. Nobody has ever wanted to live in a boring time, and if nothing special seemed to happen, it had to be invented. Only in the past four decades I can recollect at least eight years that were regarded by various sources as ultimately decisive for a multidimensional shift. This was the case also before I was born and in all human ages. This 2012 stuff is just bait. Multidimensional shifts have always occurred, for life itself is multidimensional and constantly shifting. Of course, I can pretend that this is not the case and withdraw in a static and autistic dimensional limbo, yet this will not affect the multidimensional shifting nature of life. Those who insist on remaining attached to HAC will not shift anything. The shift is not in HAC, the shift is within, it is in non-HAC.
Now and then HAC is totally updated. This is merely to provide the illusion of a shift to gullible human beings, while HAC basic separated paradigm continues to exist after the alleged shift, and alas even more substantially. Hence there are two shifts at work: one occurs in HAC and is meant to cunningly preserve separation through the simulation of a shift, while the other involves the full realisation that I am a multidimensional being and that my HAC experience is but one most limited aspect of who I am. There are infinite others and they are all part of an unbounded network. The authentic shift is an adjustment of perception towards a reality that has always been there. This is the process I consider when I refer to the multidimensional shift.
What I strategically perceive taking place in the next six-year cycle, involves expanding our horizon and facing what has been kept hidden for ages, covered up by thick layers of terror and shame. As part of the process, those involved in the shift are likely to experience upsetting emotions. HAC is merely a broadcasted virtual reality of where human attention abides. Unless I retrieve the power to shift my attention and move to other configurations, there is no way I can make it out of HAC. This means that HAC will basically remain HAC and the planetary shift will simply operate as a HAC marketing strategy to sell the updated version of the same product, i.e. Separation®. In order for an actual shift to develop, our HAC time and space reference needs to fade away so as to generate alternative parallel time and space references. This process may cause some discomfort. Here it is beneficial to keep the connection with other fellow travellers, for some of them possess the capacity to assist you in this awesome transformation process. The point is that you also have the power to assist some of them, especially and paradoxically when you perceive yourself as being at the lowest ebb, and the first temptation is to withdraw. This new cycle (2007-2012), as I see it, is not about individual enlightenment. It is about shifting awareness from personal identification to global and multidimensional consciousness, which implies operating as part of a wider network.
My invitation is to openly share how you are feeling through the Astroshamanic Network (AN). AN is an official astroshamanic forum in the form of a Yahoo Group. Sharing on AN is a potent way of releasing healing energy and allowing it to serve the collective. I encourage you to employ AN for this purpose. For further information please see article below. I have the privilege of receiving many e-mails and correspondence. I feel that it would be most useful if these e-mails could also be read by others, since this would expand their healing power and break out the isolation. AN can allow this possibility, together with workshops, circles, events, rituals, sessions, etc.
In this time of crucial changes it is essential to be aware that we are already fully aligned with our Core Multidimensional Identity, with the capacity to access unconditional power, ecstasy, love and health no matter what appears to occur in HAC. When I become aware that the ultimate shift takes place within and at a non-HAC level, then I develop the required detachment to contribute to the planetary shift and manifest honourable intentions in HAC. This entails releasing my personal attachment to given results, surrendering to their spontaneous development and accepting that manifestation may become tangible only for future generations, or even in another parallel realm. The basic requirement is to open up to the immediate manifestation of whatever we wish that already exists at a multidimensional level, letting go of the obsession to implement it here at all costs and as soon as possible. The shift involves creating a firm unconditional link between our multidimensional nature and our limited HAC identity. The unconditional bit entails allowing the HAC identity time and space to fulfil its purpose without pressure and with the acceptance that its process may differ from what we expect.
Hence, as we firmly adhere to our sacred intentions and embrace the veritable shift, let’s also relax in the ecstatic awareness that we are part of an incredibly vast configuration, whose purpose is love and bliss. And in case this configuration does not truly exist, let’s indulge in the fantasy that it does. Let’s become pregnant of its promising power, heralding the pioneering gestation and emergence of a novel creation.

Aquarius by Franco Santoro:
Aquarius ideally portrays the multidimensional shift implied in the current six-year cycle (2007-2012), which we have described on several occasions in PAN. This sign marks the potential shift from our HAC autistic consciousness to a wider configuration, encompassing our human past, present and future, as well as parallel universes and entirely different dimensions. Here we move beyond individual human issues, translating them into myths and taking a first vital step into the healing voyage, which entails employing our personal HAC history as a liberating gateway into the multidimensional path. This process does not necessarily involve the solution of human problems. Its function is to expand them into their original wider horizon, dissipating our painful feelings of isolation, which are indeed the primary cause of all sufferance.
The nature of Aquarius hardly adjusts to HAC life and it often expresses with extreme and uncommon enterprises. The drive for liberation may also deteriorate in destructive behaviours causing intolerant rebellion and refusal of any structure. Yet, if the energy of Aquarius is expressed harmoniously, it can bring major healing breakthroughs and innovations in a community and planet.
The upcoming New Moon on 17 February 2007 at 16:15 in 28° Aquarius 37’ is meant to further ground the energy of Aquarius and the implications of the multidimensional shift in consciousness. The New Moon is the beginning of a new cycle, an ideal time for setting honourable intentions. Defining these types of intentions is not merely an intellectual process. It involves having a clear and direct imaginary experience of its accomplishment with all your senses. An honourable intention is not aimed at changing other people. I can work with the intention of changing my attitude towards someone, yet not at altering his or her attitude towards me. Here Aquarius is a good medicine for gaining honourable detachment from HAC emotions and acquiring a multidimensional perspective on the true nature of our emotions. Honourable detachment is a most empowering quality for it allows loving unconditionally, while at the same time being able to take distance from the HAC implications of the release stage, when separation, fear, anger, possession and all sorts of grievances prevail.
The New Moon in Aquarius is a special time for seeding honorable intentions. This entails truthfully acknowledging what you most genuinely intend to manifest in your life at a higher octave and from a multidimensional perspective, which implied not being conditioned by the apparent limitations of your HAC life. It is a phase of multidimensional rebirth, aligned with the synergetic qualities of. Aquarius.
Synergy is the coincident action of various energies aimed at manifesting a specific intention. It is that property of systems whereby the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Such circumstances can produce an unpredictable and miraculous power of manifestation that extends far ahead the apparent content of the forces involved. “A social system high in synergy is one in which the conflict between selfishness and altruism does not arise, one whose language may lack these very concepts, one in which it is very difficult to hurt others because it is very obvious that such behaviour would be injurious to oneself”.[1]
Aquarius’s challenge involves laying aside our HAC emotional dramas of the H so as to allow emergence of alternative healing configurations. This process includes releasing the HAC scripts that mar our authentic nature, breaking out of our autistic existence and opening to those paradigms that truly serve your intentions. Aquarius is the exemplification of the shift from personal consciousness to global awareness. Its frequency is exceptionally advanced, residing somewhat in the future, far away from HAC concerns, and with a sincere concern for the destiny of the planet and mankind. During the New Moon in Aquarius there is a profound potential for quantum leaps and anything involving changes bringing about unprecedented advancements in life, as well as major shocks in HAC.
A relevant question on the Aquarius New Moon is: “What can be my contribution to make this world a better place both for the current and next generations?” The degree of the New Moon, or Lunation point, indicates an area of life that will operate as Intent and driving force during the next cycle. In this New Moon it is 28° Aquarius 37’. In astroshamanism this position is first identified in the natal chart by noticing in which house in your chart is located and if there are planets nearby. The next step involves establishing a direct rapport with the Lunation Point by entering the Sacred Circle.
Aquarius is also the seasonal time of Carnival, which this year officially takes place from 13 to 20 February, although it is basically celebrated throughout the whole Aquarius month. Carnival is the longest HAC holiday period of the year formally aimed at allowing expression of non-HAC. During this time the consensus social order is exceptionally and provisionally suspended, giving legitimate space to elements belonging to alternative configurations. The Carnival was originally an initiatory celebration into the mystery of the multidimensional realms and parallel universes. Duplicate of ourselves or entities from other worlds or times could slide into our earth and human beings could also shapeshift and take on other identities. Despite the separation from other dimensions, which occurred in later times, this awareness is still preserved by the custom of wearing masks and costumes at Carnival.
For a video on the carnival of Sciacca (Siciliy) click here. For a video on the tarantella Carnival of Montemarano click here. For a video on the carnival of Viareggio in 1929 click here.
Another Carnival, actually Carnivale, is an American controversial television series integrating elements of gnosticism, Christian esotericism and other non-HAC material. I have experienced it as a most powerful story about the battle between the two polarities with the third party in the background. At the start of the first episode one of the protagonist says: “Before the beginning, after the great war between heaven and hell, God created the Earth and gave dominion over it to the crafty ape he called man... and to each generation was born a creature of light and a creature of darkness... and great armies clashed by night in the ancient war between good and evil. There was magic then. Nobility. And unimaginable cruelty. And so it was until the day that a false sun exploded over Trinity,[ii] and man forever traded away wonder for reason.”

A Letter from Finland by Micaela Aminoff
Thank you Franco for your last posting concerning the great shift we are currently in. It was very appropriate and timely. We are truly living challenging times with strong new currents of energy seeking expression. Both the painful energies you talk about in the Provisional Order (or astral plane), energies seeking redemption on the physical plane through individuals vibrating in high enough frequency, but also new energies heralding the new era shifting the consciousness through wider contacts in different dimensions.
As you may know, since my time working specifically with Astroshamanism, I launched on the occultists path - submerged deeply in the teachings by the Tibetan Master Dwajl Kuhl. In my meditation-work I still connect with my guides and especially my guide from the Higher Worlds who support my redemption work. What do I mean with redemption work? Burning up the dross of ancestral energies, old bad/decay smelling energies that seek an outlet. It can be quite challenging and scary sometimes and puts a lot of strain on the body with overstimulation especially in the nervous-system. I have literally become a walking cleansing station and that is a tough blessing. But as we do this work, we do it for the group, for humanity and for the planet - and always the spirit world gives us thanks. Although I am physically alone a lot I feel an unwavering support from higher dimensions, from the spiritual Ashram of my soul-group and teachers on the other side of glamour and illusion or the world. For the little Micaela incarnated here now it is also nice and blessed to feel the support of likeminded people around the world, so thank you!
The Mayan calendar stops in the year 2012 - this does not mean the end of the world, only the end of one era and the shift to a multidimensional reality and understanding. Much of the fear that is currently circulating is due to a lot of misconceptions about the evolution of consciousness and who we humans as mediators between Spirit and Mater are, what role the human kingdom plays.
May we all have the courage, the perseverance and the well developed discrimination capability to see the real from the unreal, the light from the dark and the love from the fear.
Lots of love and support from up North to all in this network, may your travels in the worlds be blessed, Micaela Aminoff - (under construction)

The Calling: How you were first drawn to Astroshamanism? by Elaine Silverfire
This report grew out of the first cycle of the Astroshamanic Intentional Configuration (AIC) Visioning Project, a group project started in the time of Virgo, the time of harmonious relationships, in September 2006, under the inspired guidance of Franco Santoro. Out of group meetings focusing on creating a vision of an expansion of Astroshamanism into the wider community, came the idea to collect data on how people were drawn to Astroshamanism in the first place. One of the group members chose the task of e-mailing a list of people who had close connections with Franco and his work and of asking them how they were first called to Astroshamanism. There were so many wonderful reports (thanks to all of you who responded) and so many requests to read the final report that we had to publish it. So here it is.
Only one person mentioned any previous knowledge of Shamanism and what attracted people to Astroshamanism was Franco himself.
“During my week there [Findhorn Experience Week] I came across Franco. I knew immediately what he was. I kind of assessed him on a non-HAC level, and we had some kind of non-verbal exchange. After this I knew he was the right person to teach me, so I enrolled on the Foundation Course in Astroshamanism, then immediately went onto the Operative Training.”
“I saw him [Franco] …and felt an unexplainable attraction, curiosity of who this man is…I did not know anything about Astroshamanism, it simply triggered my curiosity.”
“When I talked to Franco … I was struck by his ability to understand and respond to quite abstract questions immediately …I received guidance that Franco would continue to be very relevant to my development. This has indeed proved to be so.”
“I emailed him to get a sense of his nature and to ask about if or how he created a safe space for his participants. He answered wonderfully with great care and love. He assured me that he could not do his work if people did not feel that they were in a safe space” “… what I remember so well was the next morning, having walked a long way with my suitcase to Cluny. Franco was coming down the stairs at the reception, seeing me the first time, saying: You must be [name removed]. I felt overwhelmed of being recognised and so warmly welcomed. I thought of Carlos Castanedas first meeting with Don Juan. Don Juan held Carlos with his eyes. Did Franco do the same to me?”
What continued to hold people was a feeling of connection to Franco’s work.
“… connection with one of my most profound authentic codes of my life…From that experience of unity, embracing my authentic code I knew that the work I am to do will somehow be interwoven with Astroshamanism.”
“Early onwards I discovered different abilities which were not so HAC conform and intimately cultivated them, in particular with relation to nature …when my husband started to work with Franco’s tools and trainings, many aspects were familiar to me…The cosmic part and the shamanic part were new in their form but not so much in their content.”
“After the second day of the workshop I was really travelling into space and time and it felt like I had found something that did belong to me.”
“I spent most of my life looking for answers…in hope of finding explanation about …my characteristics and sensations … After my attendance at his [Franco’s] workshop I decide to begin the [training]. It was the first time in my whole life in which I was really and deeply and simply sure to be on the right Path.”
People also spoke of powerful feelings stirred up by Franco’s rituals/workshops/ training:
“I took part …in an evening ritual…with Alessandra Belloni and Franco related to that week event of the Tarantella. During this ritual I retrieved back my tarantella roots”
“The [trance] dance was very powerful and they have continued to provide me with major insights since then.”
“My first workshop with Franco was not until January 2006 – I have done 3 more since then – which gives some idea of the value to me.”
“I came in touch with Graha from when I was 3 years old and was finally allowed to express my feelings on it, what a relief.”
“…[Astroshamanism] is paying me back with something of invaluable riches.”
“I feel astroshamanism pure and deep… I feel Franco as an ancient and venerable friend.”
One respondent also related why she has continued to be interested in Astroshamanism:
“ I remained interested in Astroshamanism because of 1) the wonderfulness of Franco himself, 2) how healing, on multiple planes, the work was for me and my co-participants, 3) the depth of new knowledge it brought, 4) the clear soul retrieval power it has, 5) how it expanded my consciousness, 6) how it provided a framework for understanding how the other planets are a part of our earthly energies, and 7) how it supported what has been unfolding in my understanding about remote connections, that is, how people and energetic entities do not have to be located in close physical proximity in order to connect.”

Image: Cyprian limestone group of Phoenician dancers, about 6½ in. high. There is a somewhat similar group, also from Cyprus, in the British Museum.

The Astroshamanic Net:
What it is?: The Astroshamanic Net (also referred to as "AN") is an online tool. It uses a web-based software program called Yahoo! Groups that has been tailored for purposes related to astroshamanism. It is free to join and you do not need to download anything onto your computer. You DO need access to the World Wide Web, and an email account.
How it works: To be a part of the Astroshamanic Net you first need to request to join the group. Then you must formally join the group, which is a process that happens online in a series of easy steps you will take. These steps are explained as you go through the process, and if you need extra help it is available upon request. Once you become a member you will quickly see how the technology works.
Why join? Members of the Astroshamanic Net regularly receive information related to astroshamanism from Franco. Members can also share information related to astroshamanism with other members. The technology provides an opportunity that is similar to an in-person dialogue, but instead of being together in real time, the Internet is the medium, and we can each visit the dialogue according to our own timeframe.
What does membership entail? Membership in the Astroshamanic Net allows you to choose your level of involvement. What follows below are the provisional guidelines.

The Astroshamanic Net serves the astroshamanic network and the Sacred Cone Circle. The aim of the Astroshamanic Net (AN) is essentially sharing experiences inspired by astroshamanic work. Members are encouraged to reference elements and practices of astroshamanism, with particular regard to the Intent and Function, the Basic Ritual of the Sacred Cone, HAC and non-HAC, the Core Multidimensional Identity (CMI), the rapport with Totem Spirits and Graha, the bona fide horny bit, Astroshamanic Touch, the Binary System and any other significant aspect of astroshamanism. The intent of AN is to allow circulation of visions and experiences, in order to promote acknowledgment of our multidimensional nature and its integration in daily life. We can inspire each other and learn more about astroshamanism together. We can also discover similarities in our experiences, hence breaking through the isolation, fear and shame that may surround these non-ordinary experiences.
Franco may post advanced information related to astroshamanism and special communication for AN members. Information may be in the form of synopses from workshops and other types of news and information.

AN is private and independent. AN is a private Yahoo! Group that is not listed in the Yahoo! Directory. Only people who are invited by the group leaders may join. Membership is available to people who have worked with Franco Santoro and/or read his books, and have had a direct connection with Franco through e-mail or other communication. The general public does not have access to the group or its postings.

AN has specific etiquette. The guidelines in this section, which are aimed at making the group successful. This section refers to "postings" and "sharing" and "writing" interchangeably, since AN is an online group that communicates through written, electronic messages.
1. AN is a sacred space. Please co-create this sacred space by holding these guidelines and all members in high regard, even if you carry different viewpoints. Please also note that all postings will be lovingly reviewed by Franco and/or his designate, along with the Wizard, who is a spirit guide for AN, prior to distribution to the AN membership.
2. AN is confidential. Please do not forward or otherwise quote or share any messages posted in AN with non-members, unless you receive written permission by Franco and any member involved.
3. Share your own experiences. Just as it is done in astroshamanic workshops, please use I-statements, writing about your own feelings and experiences, rather than someone else's, and acknowledging what you express as your own experiences and feelings. Please avoid making general statements, espousing philosophy, religion, or theories, or debating.
4. Share relevant, shamanic experiences. Share your direct shamanic or non-ordinary experiences, including everyday experiences that you sense link with shamanic experiences.
5. Stay relevant to the group. While we encourage personal sharing, please be mindful that you are receiving the attention, time, and focus of all members who choose to read your postings. If you are uncertain as to whether to post something, you are encouraged to seek council from your Guides and/or from the Wizard depicted in the image above, who is a Guide for AN. Alternatively, you can contact Franco or the Net Editor for guidance.
6. Refrain from interpreting your experiences. Adopt an attitude of acknowledgment rather than interpretation or judgment of your experiences.
7. Refrain from interpreting others' experiences. Please resist posting feedback about the experiences shared by other members or identifying members by what they share. The principle is that sharing is a form of release, to which we do not have to respond, we simply witness. If we respond, the healing flow may become blocked. For example, someone may relate a painful experience, yet this does not necessarily mean that he or she is in pain and needs help. Once a member has shared the experience, the pain may go, which is usually the case. Receiving messages from people expressing concern about the pain and giving suggestions and interpretations may bring the pain back. Please allow members to release and thereby transform.
8. Request permission if you wish to interact with members' postings. If a member posts something that you would like to engage, we suggest that you to ask your Guides for guidance, and if you're given encouragement, contact the member directly using private email. Ask the member whether it is all right to engage what he or she has shared, and do not assume that the member will accept your request.
9. Address the whole group with your questions. As an AN member, you are welcome to post general questions that are related to our group intent or technicalities of creating astroshamanic rituals, if you feel so moved, and everybody is free to respond or not, including Franco. Please do not use AN to address Franco with concerns that are entirely personal. Franco may be available for one-on-one consultation, but this is not the purpose of AN. [If you seek personalized attention from Franco, please contact him privately to discuss this possibility, and note that this is a paid service.]
10. Sub-laboratories may form spontaneously. Two or more group members are welcome to connect among themselves using private email, provided that these members freely agree to do so. This may create sub-laboratories aimed at converging towards the centre. A representative of any sub-laboratory that forms is encouraged to report back to the larger group regarding their group interaction if it seems of service to the membership of AN.
11. Collective silence is welcome. In times of collective silence, in which there are few or no AN postings, please know that the group is still connected, an entity held by Universal energies. Collective silence is welcome.
If you wish to join and receive the e-mail of invitation. please contact either Franco Santoro at Findhorn ( or Liza Behrendt in California (

Distance sessions - How do they work and how to arrange them.
Distance sessions involve a preliminary telephone consultation, followed by an astroshamanic healing practice adapted to the specific issue of the client and a successive telephone consultation aimed at examining the results of the experience. At the end we will discuss together what emerged in the session and what tools are available in order to achieve the most beneficial outcome. Each session is autonomous and is geared according to the specific issue and intent of the client. In a distant healing session I combine modalities such as astroshamanic touch, circle release work, trance divination, core multidimensional alignment, soul retrieval, connection with spirit helpers and ancestors, space-time voyage and integration of parallel universes. If the client finds it helpful, it is also possible to have two additional sessions and even to start a specific training programme. Fees for a distance session are the same as an ordinary session. Each 60-75 minute astroshamanic session is Euro 60 (£ 40). If you wish to arrange an astroshamanic distance session or training, please contact me to make an appointment at

Donations for PAN and Astroshamanic Healing activities: There is no charge for PAN, at least for the time being. It is available free to anyone who has attended astroshamanic events/sessions or simply wishes to receive it. If you find PAN useful, inspiring, appealing or perhaps even revealing, any donation (small, medium or big) would be greatly appreciated (for further details contact Donations will encourage us to continue on this path and possibly further develop PAN. Donations will also support our project of creating an Astroshamanic Healing structure. Also energetic support, helpful feedback and other forms of contribution are much appreciated.

Franco’ books Astroshamanism: A Journey Into the Inner Universe and Astroshamanism: The Voyage Through the Zodiac, and various drumming and trance dance CDs are NOW available by mail order from the Phoenix Shop at or +44(0)1309-690954

Forthcoming Astroshamanic Events

For further details or information please see or contact Franco
To book Findhorn Foundation workshops, please contact or Bookings, The Park, Findhorn IV36 3TZ, Scotland. Tel. +44(0)1309/691653. To book other workshops please contact the addresses given below.

Findhorn, 17-24 February 2007, A Journey into the Inner Universe and 24 February – 3 March 2007, The Voyage through the Zodiac.

Copenhagen (Denmark), 9-13 March 2007, Astroshamanic Touch and Primal Embrace Intensive: Navigating into the Multidimensional Matrix of Sex, Peter Vibe, tel. +45 47771977 email

Jesi (Italy), 31 March – 1 April 2007, The Way of the East – Fire and Spirit

Findhorn, 7-13 April 2007, The Blessed Way of Passion: Astroshamanic Healing Touch and Soul Retrieval

Frankfurt (Germany), 20-24 April 2007, Multidimensional Portals of the Senses: A Gateway Course in Astroshamanic Healing Touch, part 1 & 2 (Module of the Astroshamanic Gateways Series) Erik Tel. 069/95504794 Mob. 0171-3493424

Findhorn, 12-18 May 2007, Foundation Training in Astroshamanic Trance Dance - Basic Week: The second and optional advanced week is held from 8 to 14 September 2007.

Findhorn, 26 May – 1 June 2007, The Spirit of Cluny Garden (with Sverre Koxvold).

Corvaro (Rieti, Italy), 15-21 June 2007, The Grand Original Quest: A Multi-dimensional Voyage through Space and Time. A prologue module to the Astroshamanic Gateways Series. (In English & Italian). For further info contact Franco.

Jesi (Italy), 30 June – 1 July 2007, The Way of the South (Earth and the Physical Body)

Findhorn, 7-13 July 2007, The Original Quest: An Astroshamanic Journey into Space and Time.

Disclaimer: All information provided in PAN is presented solely for inspirational or recreational reading, and it is not meant to substitute the recipient’s direct experience and investigation. The information is also given to strategically exemplify the different features of astroshamanic cosmology and is not intended to reflect Franco’s opinion or astroshamanism in general. Franco does not necessarily endorse any of the ideas and views expressed in this literature, including his own.

[1] Bruce Nevin, Astrology Inside Out: A New Approach to Astrology, Para Research, p. 34.
[i] All times in PAN are given in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).
[ii] The "Trinity" test was the first test of a nuclear weapon, conducted by the United States in 1945.


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