Thursday, November 08, 2007

PAN International 74

PAN Provisional Astroshamanic News

International Edition, 23 November 2007, Issue 74.

Editorial Director: Franco Santoro.

Cluny Hill College, Forres IV36 2RD, Scotland. (+44(0)1309-672289. +

© 2007 Franco Santoro. All rights reserved. Permission must be granted by the author for publishing and use on websites. For permissions contact

What is Astroshamanism?

So here we are again, entering the last part of autumn, the final leg of the West tunnel, the climax of obscurity! This is the gateway zone of the ongoing cycle of light and darkness, carrying the promise of imminent blissful and joyful births.[i] Below a deceptive coating of shadows, grievances and sorrows, a realm of infinite luminosity is relentlessly booming, as the Archer unveils his golden arrow, bringing wings to speed us on the path of truth.

This PAN reaches you at the start of the Scorpio lunation cycle (New Moon on 10 November 2007 at 0:04 GMT). On 22 November the Sun will move into Sagittarius, which is what with explicit anticipation this PAN actually covers, while Scorpio continues its secret healing operations.

Sagittarius is traditionally considered the multidimensional gateway between truth and illusion, unity and separation, HAC and non-HAC. It is also the abode of the Galactic Centre, the portal through which multidimensional beings from parallel universes slide, the stellar womb from which both the virtual reality of separation and the redeeming Holy Spirit force of the original unity were conceived and born. Sagittarius is the mysterious time of the Immaculate Conception, celebrated on 8 December.

In the astrological sky there seems to be a lot of intensity going on in Sagittarius in this part of the year. Jupiter and Pluto walk together in this sign since late October and through December, right in the zone of the Galactic Centre. It is a meeting between the King God of the Middle World and the King God of the Lower World, amplifying their respective energies. This is an ideal combination for allowing open emergence of one’s deep passions and potentials, exploring stimulating, even most controversial, horizons with increased vitality and enthusiasm.

Sagittarius also encompasses the merry race into the Christmas season. In the forthcoming weeks we are likely to be assailed by heaps of advertisements urging to purchase this and that, to get yet another latest mobile phone, laptop, DVD, CD or book. This is part of the exuberant Sagittarius shopping spree quest, while it is also the Archer’s function to cut through the muddle, heading directly to the target of his veritable quest for truth. There are many tools that can facilitate this search, whose ultimate goal abides only within each one of us. Rather than using abundant resources and time to find out the best tools, it may be more productive to choose just one or a couple of them, allowing these to lead us to the border zone, where all good tools will inevitably escort us. This is the place where we confront ourselves with our one Self, the Guide who will then lead through that part of the voyage which no outer tool can unveil for us. However, also when that time comes, I perceive it useful to still get support and encouragement from outer tools and also to exercise my power of discrimination, identifying the tools that can support me in my quest and releasing those that do not.

Sagittarius is also the final sign of the West, leading to the place where “life is peaceful, where the skies are blue”, as the Pet Shop Boys sing. Hence, let’s Go West!.

On the front of astroshamanic workshops, Sagittarius and its vigil days involve a lot of travelling, from. 17 to 18 November I hold a Basic Workshop in Oviedo (Asturias, Spain) in Spanish, and another one in Locarno in Ticino (Switzerland) in Italian, from 24 to 25 November.

From 1 to 7 December 2007 at Findhorn I run the most recommended Manifesting Honourable Intentions: Planetary Healing from Inside Out, together with Sverre Koxvold (see details below), while later in Jesi (Italy), I hold The Way of the North (from 15 to 16 December).

During the suspension time between 2007 and 2008, from 29 December 2007 to 3 January 2008, The New Year Astroshamanic Healing Retreat I and the Findhorn Sacred Cone Circle hold an astroshamanic retreat at Cluny Hill College. This a meditative and healing retreat, highly recommended if you intend to revitalize your multidimensional body, release outdated clutter and switch on the New Year with a graceful sense of luminous purpose. Please let me know at your earliest convenience if you wish to take part in this unique event, about which you can also find more details below.

January 2008 features The Way of the North in Edinburgh (12-13 January 2008), the first directional workshop of the One Year Basic Course in Astroshamanism and Experiential Astrology with healing work on the energy of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Then I move to Italy again, holding an unprecedented workshop titled The Shamanic Way of Angels (19-20 January 2008), as part of the School of Angels: a three-year training on spiritual healing directed by Paola Pierpaoli, of which I am one of the teachers. Finally in January, from 26 to 27 January 2008, Multidimensional Portal of the Senses in Cupramontana, near Jesi (Ancona, Italy), the basic workshop of the newly born One Year Course in Astroshamanic Healing Touch, in Italian and English (see details below). The Course will take place in all probability in the Eremo dei Frati Bianchi, a legendary XV-century monastery partly built on caves. The international Astroshamanic Practitioner Training group programme will launch on 25 January 2008 also in Cupramontana, followed by the above workshop. If you wish to discuss whether these programmes are right for you, please contact me at to schedule a time to chat on the phone.

February 2008 includes Germany with The Way of the Spirit Guide (9-10 February 2008) in Frankfurt, and France with the Basic Seminar in Astroshamanism will take place in Paris (16-17 February 2008). Then, for those who have motivation for a full immersion into this work, the Foundation Training in Astroshamanism is their ticket. The training consists of two workshops: A Journey into the Inner Universe 23-29 February 2008 The Voyage through the Zodiac 1-7 March 2008, which may also be attended separately.

For detailed information on these events, please see the calendar below or contact

Peace and joy, Franco



A Global Soul Retrieval Workshop with Franco Santoro and Sverre Koxvold

Cluny Hill College, Findhorn Foundation, Scotland, 1-8 December 2007

Maximize your potential to generate an excellent year ahead, transform your challenges into potent allies, unveil and implement your authentic talents through a unique astroshamanic workshop specifically designed for manifesting honourable intentions.

Honourable intentions are your genuine wishes defined into pragmatic goals in alignment with your soul’s purpose and the web of life. This means that identifying and pursuing them brings benefit to you and to the whole human and planetary environment. As you work with integrity to define and implement such intentions you also simultaneously serve the honourable intentions of others.

Based on the recognition of the intimate connection between individual and collective processes, this unique week is designed to give time to clarify and embrace your authentic purpose. Drawing from the shamanic approach, we will share pragmatic and righteous ways of setting intentions, releasing disturbing patterns and converting them in fertilizing energy to support highest potentials. When you understand how grievances develop and feed on themselves in you, you can also recognize how they erupt on the planet. Then you can make the resolute choice to use the transformational power of deep emotions to encourage healing options and implement honourable results both in the inner and outer environment.

During the week we use healing tools and practices, such as soul retrieval, trance dance, medicine wheel, core multidimensional alignment and shamanic work. The astrological chart will be employed to map our experiences and receive further guidance on our potentials and their connections with the web of life. The programme also includes rituals for the global and local environment, and healing work in Cluny Garden. The aim is to use the power of intention more constructively and effectively to implement honourable results, bringing healing and well-being to ourselves, our relationships and the planet.

Bookings: The Findhorn Foundation, Bookings, The Park, Findhorn IV36 3TZ.

Tel.0044 (0)1309/691653 – -

The Dynamics of Forgiveness by Franco Santoro

The previous article (The Hidden Mechanics of the Ego), appeared in PAN, Issue 73, provided a basic description of the inner mechanics of the ego and its separated reality, or Human Arbitrary Configuration, using references from A Course in Miracles[iii]. We saw how the ego system runs around three key-concepts: sin (or separation), guilt and fear. These are all very strong words, which can cause significant reactions in some of us.[iv] Yet, according to the healing perspective of A Course in Miracles, sin is not a prohibited or wrong action. It is merely the perception of separation, a state of mind which requires correction and release, rather than punishment. The consequence of sin is guilt: which is a sense of strong discomfort that makes us feel inadequate as a result of realising that we have separated ourselves from who we truly are, as well as God, Spirit, Love, etc. This condition leads to the fear of being punished, which creates a vicious circle, upon which the ego bases its hidden dynamics.

The basic mechanics of the ego were dealt with in the previous article. In the following text we explore the dynamics of forgiveness, which is the healing answer to the separated reality of the ego, according to A Course in Miracles and many spiritual traditions.

Most religious, philosophical and spiritual teachings give great emphasis on the quality of forgiveness. This term has however certain meanings, which do not relate with how forgiveness is regarded from the perspective of this article. Here to forgive does not mean to feel superior and tolerate those who harm us. This is still part of the ego’s vicious circle aimed at creating separation between the forgiver and the forgiven.

“Forgiveness recognizes what you thought your brother did to you has not occurred. It does not pardon sins and make them real. It sees there was no sin. And in that view are all your sins forgiven. What is sin, except a false idea about God's Son? Forgiveness merely sees its falsity, and therefore lets it go. What then is free to take its place is now the Will of God.” (ACIM, WII.1:1-7)

To forgive here means to correct the whole idea that somebody did harm me. It is forgiveness for something that the other never did, not for what was done. It is the refusal to perceive grievances and, in case they are, to let them go, dissolving them from our consciousness. It is an unbending and ongoing shamanic recapitulation, aimed at systematically scanning and releasing the blocks to our true perception, ultimately unveiling the authentic vision that abides beyond.

“To forgive is merely to remember only the loving thoughts you gave in the past, and those that were given you. All the rest must be forgotten. Forgiveness is a selective remembering, based not on your selection” (ACIM, T354).

By avoiding considering any assumed wrong, I declare my exemption from it. With forgiveness the same tools employed by the ego to trap us in the world of separation and guilt, are used to release us. Through the external projection on people or situations, we have the chance to see the guilt that we have repressed within. It is an opportunity to watch the guilt outside, and then realise that it is inside and that there is no separation within and without. In this context, the most difficult situations in life are indeed decisive times that allow us to see beyond the perception of separated sight, revealing the unity we are not able to acknowledge with our ordinary body’s eyes.

The process of forgiveness can be effectively described in three stages.[v]

The first is about taking the projection from the outside to the inside. This entails using the opposite process of the ego and recognizing that the problem is not outside. It involves acknowledging that the guilt I have perceived outside in another is indeed what I have attacked in me. The problem is inside. The reason I am unhappy or miserable is my responsibility. If I continue to believe that the responsibility is outside, the solution will only depend on someone or something outside. This will place me either in the powerless role of a victim, with the only option for salvation being that of becoming an executor and supporting the vicious circle of attack upon which the ego’s system draws its force.

The trick of the ego is to confuse with thousands of problems in order to prevent me from facing the only real problem: i.e. separation. In this way, the ego, going through one unreal problem after the other, weaves an intricate web which is meant to support its own insane power. Here the ego’s dictates can be condensed as “Seek and do not find.” (ACIM, T-12.IV.1:4)

In the second stage, we accept responsibility and reinstall the guilt in our mind. I acknowledge that it is within, observing it, and realising that I have made an error of choice. This guilt comes from a false belief regarding my nature and the nature of God. It is the result of a decision taken in the past, which involved cutting our connection with our core multidimensional identity as Sons of God and adopting a bogus separated self. This is a decision that, in the present, we can choose to change. The awareness of the power of choice is a major point. Our own mind has created the illusive world that we perceive as real, and only that mind can choose to alter that world of hallucination.

The ego’s voice is a hallucination. You cannot expect it to say ‘I am not real’. Yet you are not asked to dispel your hallucinations alone. You are merely asked to evaluate them in terms of their results to you. If you do not want them on the basis of loss of peace, they will be removed from your mind for you” (ACIM, T138).

We have done our best to build a hell on Earth, a place where ecstasy and joy are just passing dreams. Although the insanity of this world is clear to most sensible minds, the trend to go on holding on to it is equally strong. When we are willing to forgive, to let go of the past, of our insane ideas about life, and to give up the urge for separation, then the ego system begins to subside.

The second stage is crucial for it questions our insane choices, implying the definite decision to let go of the ego and embrace our real Self, which leads to the third stage of forgiveness.

When you are willing to accept sole responsibility for the ego’s existence you will have laid aside all anger and all attack, because they come from an attempt to project responsibility for your own errors. But having accepted the errors as yours, do not keep them. Give them over quickly to the Holy Spirit to be undone completely, so that all their effects will vanish from your mind and from the Sonship as a whole” (ACIM, T131).

It is not up to us to remove guilt. We are trapped by what we have created and we need help from another source. Now we are not prey of the illusive rescue of the ego anymore. We have chosen to look for real help and to refuse to accept deluding solutions or to wait for the achievement of a perfection that will never come. In this way we acknowledge that we are ready to receive that help we were afraid to get before: i.e. God’s. “Your part is only to offer Him a little willingness to let Him remove all fear and hatred, and to be forgiven (ACIM, T-18.V.2:3-5).

He answers with the removal of guilt and the release of all its effects. The old dream vanishes. the virtual reality fades away and reveals what had always been behind it: love, peace, bliss, unity, joy, ecstasy. This is what A Course in Miracles means by miracle. It does not mean to multiply bread and fish or to walk on the surface of the sea. It means to radically change our perception of reality.

Projection makes perception. The world you see is what you gave it, nothing more than that. But though it is no more than that, it is no less. Therefore, to you it is important. It is the witness to your state of mind, the outside picture of an inward condition. As a man thinketh, so does he perceive. Therefore, seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world” (ACIM, T445).

The above operation is a deep transformational process, a major exposure of what we have decided to hide from our awareness. Rather than ignoring grievances and most distressed hidden feelings, trying to dismiss them or using the will to push them into the unconscious, here we learn to uncover their true nature. Then we begin to feel and accept them for what they are, instead of confining to an illusion of well-being, trying to retreat into a deceptive light or playing the role of the victim. Spiritual healing is about taking full responsibility about our presence in the material plane, giving up denials, acknowledging what exists on Earth and patiently undoing separation. True forgiveness and release occurs when we have fully seen and understood what we are letting go of. Honestly accepting the exploration of our shadows, withdrawing their projections on others and integrating them into the wholeness to which they belong, is the most valuable service we can offer to this planet.

The challenge is to practice forgiveness in as many situations as possible, especially when the impulse to attack or react appears overwhelming. We can contain this impulse by allowing ourselves to fully feel the energy involved and activate a sacred space while also connecting with our Guide, Holy Spirit, God. As a result grievances will flow and be transformed according to a higher purpose. In astroshamanism, this process is exemplified by the Basic Ritual of the Sacred Cone. The cone in astroshamanism and various ancient cultures is the strategic vehicle for forgiveness and release of the illusion of separation.

“You are not trapped in the world you see, because its cause can be changed. This change requires, first, that the cause be identified and then let go, so that it can be replaced. The first two steps in this process require your cooperation. The final one does not.” (ACIM, W-p1.23.5:1-4).

Songs on Forgiveness (selected by Franco Santoro)

Please find below some songs I have found with emphasis on forgiveness, meant in various ways according to the authors. The lyrics are in English, French, German, Japanese, Spanish and Italian. By clicking on the name of the artist (when underlined), you can get online information. By clicking on the title (underlined in blue italics) you can listen to the songs online and in most cases also see a video. If you get other songs on the subject, please let me know.

English: India Aire, Winds of Forgiveness. Perry Blake, Forgiveness. Hip Kitty, My Forgiveness

Rhonda Gunn, Forgiveness. Shannon McNally,Sweet Forgiveness. Engineers, Forgiveness. Cat, Forgiveness. Collective Soul, Forgiveness. Mission Driven, Save Me Savior. Dispatch, General. Bruce Springsteen, Book of Dreams. Goldfinger, Forgiveness. Sevin, Father Forgive Me. Jim Witter, Forgiveness. Patty Griffin, Forgiveness. R.Parker, Forgive Me. B.Raitt, Sweet Forgiveness. W.Nelson, Forgiving You Was Easy.. L.Bloom, Forgiveness P.Griffin, Forgiveness. E.Katzler, Forgive Me. P.Katz, Forgiveness. S.James, Forgiveness. Kenshin, Path to Forgiveness. Eve Kovacs, Forgive Me, Lord. Matt Nathanson, Forgiveness. Tatiana Blanco, Dancing to Forgiveness. Luna Halo, Forgiveness. Bob Carlisle, Forgiveness. Leona Lewis, Forgiveness. Aretha Franklin, Willing to Forgive. Spearmint, You Are Forgiven. Rebecca Lynn, Forgive. David Gray, Please Forgive Me. Pet Shop Boys, Can You Forgive Her?

French: Mireille Mathieu, Pardonne-moi ce caprice d'enfant. Mylène Farmer, Pardonne-moi (Forgiveness Club). Letitia et Didier, Pardonne-moi. Kyo, Pardonné. Vincent Malone, Pardonne.

German: Eric Fish, Vergebung. Alpa Gun Muhabbet, Verbotene Liebe. Marlene Dietrich, Mutter, hast du mir vergeben. Der Wolf, Vergeben ist goettlich. Wencke Mihre, Vergeben, vergessen

Japanese: Ayumi Hamasaki, Forgiveness.

Italian: Tiziano Ferro, Perdono. (for the English version click here). Caterina Caselli, Perdono. Orlando Andreucci, L’arte del perdono. Laura.Pausini, Mentre la notte va. Andrea Mirò, La canzone del perdono. Gino Paoli, Perdono.

Spanish: Lilly Goodman, Vuelve a casa. Danny Rivera, Perdon. Alejandro y Vicente Fernandez, Perdon. O’Neil, Perdon. Pambo, Perdon.. Anthony/Nazario, Perdon. Rocio Banquells, Perdon. Fabula, Perdon. Don Chezina, Perdon. Vico, Lo grande que es perdonar David Civera, Perdoname.

Movies on Forgiveness (selected by Franco Santoro)

Cinema and television can at times become the medium for offering opportunities to look within and provide healing inspiration. Here forgiveness has found various expressions in movies. Below I have collected for you a list of movies centred on forgiveness. Most of these movies are available for loan in large public libraries, and for rental or purchase in shops. Some of these movies contain relevant scenes on forgiveness.

In Changing Lanes, for example, two men enter into a spiral of revenge until they begin to question their actions and finally accept each other. In The War, Kevin Costner plays the role of a father who tries to practice non-violence and teach it to his children, who are regularly harassed and beaten by a group of violent children. A very touching scene is when the father rescues one of his children, after he has been badly hurt and takes him to his car, but stops on the way upon seeing some of the violent children. Here everyone would expect retaliation, instead he gives them a candy cone. His son is furious, but Costner replies, “They looked like nobody had given them anything for a long time”.

In Mission, Robert De Niro climbs up a mountain, carrying a huge weight of armour, to be forgiven and accepted by the people he once persecuted.

In Solaris, the protagonist arrives at a space station where physical replications of people familiar to each crew member are mysteriously created. There he meets his dead wife alive again and has the opportunity to reconcile with her.

In the television series Lost, which follows the lives of plane crash survivors on a mysterious island, each character faces his chance for forgiveness and redemption, releasing the grievances they had before the crash and embracing a new nature.

By clicking on the title you can get online details on each movie.

A.Bird, Priest. J.Boorman, In My Country. D.Fincher, The Game. T.Robbins, Dead Man Walking. E.Solomon, Levity. L.Hallstrom, An Unfinished Life. J.Moorhouse, A Thousand Acres. D.Lynch, The Straight Story. B.August, The Best Intentions. Les Miserables. Jerusalem. Big Fish. A.Rudolph, Afterslow. S.Elliott, A Map of the World. R.Joffe, The Mission. L.Dardenne, The Son. T.O’Sullivan, The Heart of Me. S.Lee, He Got Game. J.Zaks, Marvin’s Room. O.Assayas, Clean. C.Eyre, Smoke Signals. S.Soderbergh, Solaris. J.Brooks, As Good As It Getsl. T.B.Nelson, Eye of God. M.Rydell, On Golden Pond. T.L.Jones, The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada. P.Weir, Fearless. R.Lawrence, Bliss. D.Roos, Bounce, M.Foster, Stay. J.L.Brooks, Terms of Endearment¸ R.Michell, Changing Lanes. P.Leconte, The Widow of Saint Pierre. M.Leder, Pay It Forward. I.Gabriel, Forgiveness. T.Gilliam, The Fisher King. W.Allen, Decostructing Harry. O Borhter, Where Art Thou?. P.T.Anderson, Magnolia. J.Johnston, October Sky. P.A.Robinson, Field of Dreams. A.Parker, Angela’s Ashe’s. J.Avnet, The War. A.J.Inarritu, 21 Grams. L.Hallstrom, An Unfinished Life. E.Lubitsch, Broken Lullaby. P.Noyce, Catch a Fire. D.Menkin, 39 Pounds of Love. C.Scott, Hidden Secrets. J.F.Collier,The Hiding Place. A.Holland, Europa Europa. L.D.Slotoff, The Spitfire Grill. D.Anspaugh, Hoosiers. M.N.Shyamalan, The Sixth Sense. The M.S.Wade, The Price of Forgiveness. F.Darabont, The Green Mile. J.Ford, Wee Willie Winkie. M.Bloom, Masjavar. M.S.Haroun, Daratt. S.Raimi, Spiderman-3. S.Spielberg, The Color Purple. Abrams/Lindelof, Lost. A.A.Seidelman, Harvest of Fire.

There is certainly much more. If you know other titles, please send them to

Navigating Time Via Space: A Brief Look at Astrogeography by Franco Santoro

In our third dimensional reality, founded on the physical body meant as the core identity, time is experienced in a linear way and, as such, it cannot be altered, revisited or anticipated. Time dictates the way we, as physical bodies, are born, grow and finally die. When we identify ourselves with our physical body, life is bound by time and circumstances upon which we do not appear to have any control. Dissociated from our true self, we perceive ourselves as separated, limited and weak, attacked by constant dangers and dependent solely upon the forlorn support of the body. Yet, despite the confusion that the identification with our physical self generates, we cannot help having the experience of another identity. We perceive ourselves as two, on one side there is a part that dies and vanishes just like a dream, while on the other there is a being that does not die. This being is the Core Multidimensional Identity. It is the true Self, unconditioned by linear time, forever free and whole. This is indeed the only Self there is, the one Self.

You are one Self, in perfect harmony with all there is, and all that there will be. You are one Self, the holy Son of God, united with your brothers in that Self. united with your Father in His Will. […] This is your Self, the Son of God Himself, sinless as Its Creator, with His strength within you and His Love forever yours. You are one Self, and it is given you to feel this Self within you, and to cast all your illusions out of the one Mind that is this Self, the holy truth in you.” (ACIM, W95,13)

A multidimensional identity can be described as consisting of several layers or bodies, of which the third dimension seems to be one of the most separated, fragmented and distant ones. The third dimension has also been depicted as a dream, a nightmare, a hallucination, an autistic reality, a zone of captivity, a Human Arbitrary Configuration (HAC), within the infiniteness of our multidimensional universe. The third dimension is founded on the physical body, which is what in this reality stands for the legal identity, i.e. the HAC self or ego. The closest alternative to this conventional self abides in the fourth dimension, a realm inhabited by emotional bodies. One of the major features of the emotional body is that it does not experience time in a linear way. This entails the possibility of moving through time, just as in the third dimension we move through space. Emotionally we can move in the past as well as in the future, we can experience a wide range of feelings, no matter how and where our physical body is. We also have a fifth-dimensional body, which works through the mind, and a sixth dimensional body, which is the realm of spirit.

There are many spheres of existence, multidimensional realms other than the physical plan we appear to be on, realities where we meet the core selves of those we have known in the third dimension. We do not meet these beings in the roles we perceive them in the physical reality. They do not reveal themselves as our father or mother, partner, brother or sister. We may come across them in other roles, if we venture in a parallel universe, or meet them in their true and pure essence if we progress on our multidimensional voyage, layer after layer. Their pure essence is also our pure essence. When we do meet the pure essence of other beings, this is an ecstatic experience. It entails recognizing them as undivided parts of our Self, just as we acknowledge ourselves as part of their Self.

All these multidimensional bodies are experienced, at least unconsciously, by all human beings. Yet, although we regularly have such multidimensional experiences, they remain unacknowledged in the third dimension, which solely accepts what the physical eyes can see. Hence in the end, on this planet, no matter how many multidimensional bodies there are, we are constantly confronted with the physical body. In order for spiritual healing to be truly effective it ideally has to involve the physical body and third dimensional reality, so as to create a bridge from that level of experience to other realms. “The body is merely part of your experience in the physical world. Its abilities can be and frequently are overevaluated. However, it is almost impossible to deny its existence in this world. Those who do so are engaging in a particularly unworthy form of denial.” (ACIM, T2.IV.3:8-11).

Astrology is a multidimensional technique which can be very helpful in this respect, since it allows the multidimensional features of life to be understandable at a third dimensional level. The risk in this case is when astrology gets trapped in third dimensional reality and loses its strategic implications. Hence I wish to stress again the importance of using astrology with care, knowing that it can either serve our separated self or true Self, and being aware of the moment when it is necessary to make a choice in the above respect. What follows are some brief considerations on an astrological technique which particularly resonates with Sagittarius, usually called Astrogeography or Astrocartography or Locational Astrology.

Although from a third dimensional perspective, it is not possible to move into time, it is however allowed and generally accepted to shift our position in space. I cannot move from one time into another time, yet I can move from one space into another space. Hence if I allow the movement in space to be a symbolical representation of a movement in time, then I can get the experience of what it means to move through time and align with my multidimensional self. This means that through the movement of my physical body, I can create a connection with my multidimensional body and retrieve its awareness, reawakening my true nature. Since ancient times seeker and shamans have been aware of this possibility and have used many tools to implement it. Medicine wheels, sacred circles, temples, holy itineraries, pilgrimages are just some examples of how movement into physical reality can lead to a connection with other realities.

Astrologically, we cannot change the time and date of our natal chart, which remains the same during our whole third dimensional life. Yet there are certain features of the chart, such as angles, houses and their relationship with the planets that can change depending on our position in space. This means that if I move to a location, different from the place I was born, I can alter the impact of my natal chart. This may even change significant parts of the chart, for example, the ascendant or also allowing a planet that is dominant to become less prevalent or vice versa.

Astrogeography employs geographical maps to indicate in which areas planets or angles (Middle Heaven, Immum Coeli, Ascendant, Descendant) are prominent. In these maps, every planet has four lines, each related to one of the four angles. Since there are 10 main astrological planets, there are usually 40 lines. In certain periods of time, when there are relevant transits in specific areas of the chart, moving to some geographical locations may give significant support to the activation of potentials or balancing of excessive energies. This doesn’t mean that it is necessary to live or travel in those places. An energetic connection with the areas involved is often sufficient to cause major results.

With astrogeography the whole world becomes a Sacred Circle. Sectors and planets, with their related potentials or grievances, can be found on the maps and identified with specific locations. These areas can provide significant contributions in retrieving major potentials and letting go of grievances. If, for example, I intend to stimulate the energy of the Sun and find more creativity, power, vitality, focus and light in my life, I can consider the areas covered by the line of the Sun.

Astrogeographical maps are not only related to changes of residence or physical travelling. Their application covers also the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. If your Sun is exactly on the Ascendant in Buenos Aires, this does not necessarily mean that you have to leave your country and live in Argentina so as to express your Sun qualities. An alternative or subtle connection with the culture of that area may be enough to trigger that potential. For example, you could dance, or listen to, tango music, watch movies produced in the city, such as Buenos Aires Plateada or Buenos Aires a la vista, read books by writers who lived there, such as Jorge Luis Borges, Adolfo B. Casares, Ernesto Sábato, Pablo Neruda, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and Hugo Pratt, meeting people that belong to that culture, eating related food, etc. What counts is to tune in to the energetic power associated with the geographical area.

Please bear in mind that all locations have a potential or energy that can be used to support our healing work. If you realise that in your area of residence there are apparently unfavourable energies, rather then alarming yourself and thinking to leave as soon as possible, it is preferable to explore what brought you to live there, what was the original intent and how you can best serve it. This awareness will allow considering if it is convenient to continue to live there and, if this is not the case, where you could ideally choose to move.

For further information on astrogeography, please see the following links:

Findhorn, Cluny Hill College, 29 December 20073 January 2008,

The New Year Astroshamanic Healing Retreat

This retreat is an ideal opportunity to promote expanded awareness and planetary healing through meditation, astroshamanic practices and gentle inner work. We will alternate periods of silence and dialogue, stillness and movement, touch and contact, relaxation and activity, group and individual sessions, bringing careful attention to our inner and outer world, while also shamanically exploring our astrological charts. We will also spiritually scan the past year, extracting blessings and releasing grievances, paving a luminous healing way for the new. In your free time you can choose from various activities, including meditation, singing, beautiful winter walks, body therapies, dance, inspiring movies or music, and … rest.

It is a major opportunity to join loving forces with other friends on the path, creating healing networks and laying vital foundations for manifesting honourable intentions. The retreat is housed in the Scottish warmth of 19th-century Cluny Hill College, the campus of the Findhorn Foundation, surrounded by impressive woods and healing gardens, at the core of one of the most luminous spiritual centre on the planet. The retreat starts at 2 pm on 29 December 2007 and ends on 3 January 2008 after lunch. Please book at your earliest convenience if you intend to take part. For information and bookings, please contact Franco at

Cost of Retreat (excluding accommodation and full board): £ 159 (payable by participants with low income). £ 209 (payable by participants with medium income), £ 259 (payable by participants with high income). Bookings are thru a non-refundable deposit of £ 50, or payment in advance, payable to Franco Santoro by cheque sent to Franco Santoro, Cluny Hill College, Forres IV36 2RD. For non-UK residents other forms of payment are possible (please contact Franco). Bursaries are available.

Cost of Accommodation and Full Board at Cluny for five days and nights is: £ 225 (lunches on 29 December and 3 January are included). This amount is paid at Cluny upon arrival. It is also possible to attend the event non-residentially.

Cost including accommodation and Full Board: £ 384 (payable by participants with low income). £ 434 (payable by participants with medium income), £ 484 (payable by participants with high income).

Astroshamanism Book I: A Journey into the Inner Universe and Astroshamanism Book II: The Voyage Through the Zodiac feature the core teachings of astroshamanism. They are available, together with various drumming and trance dance CDs, from Franco and by mail order from the Phoenix Shop at or +44(0)1309-690954. Click here to order.

The Operative Training in Astroshamanism (OTA) is a certificate step-by-step course in core astroshamanism and experiential astrology which allows you to study at home as part of an ongoing interactive training. For further information contact:

Donations for PAN and Astroshamanic Healing activities: PAN is available free to anyone who has attended astroshamanic events/sessions or simply wishes to receive it. If you find PAN useful, inspiring, appealing or perhaps even revealing, any donation (small, medium or big) would be greatly appreciated (for further details contact Donations will encourage us to continue on this path and possibly further develop PAN. Donations will also support our project of creating an Astroshamanic Healing structure. Also energetic support, helpful feedback and other forms of contribution are much appreciated.

PAN on-line: You can find an abridged edition of the latest issues of PAN on-line at The Italian edition is available at or on request.

Forthcoming Astroshamanic Events

All events, unless otherwise specified, are held by Franco Santoro.

For further details or information please see or contact Franco

To book Findhorn Foundation workshops, please contact or Bookings, The Park, Findhorn IV36 3TZ, Scotland. Tel. +44(0)1309/691653. To book other workshops please contact the addresses given below.

Oviedo - Spain, 17-18 November 2007, The Way of the Spirit Guide: One Year Basic Course in Astroshamanism and Experiential Astrology (in Spanish) Información y reservas: teléfono(s): 985265465/656735597/656667607 email: y

Locarno - Switzerland, 24-25 November 2007, Basic Seminar in Astroshamanism (in Italian) Eliana Pedrioli

Edinburgh- Friday 30 November 2007, St. Andrew's Trance Dance (with Celia McKenna)

Celia has been holding an introduction to Astroshamanic healing at the Salisbury Centre in Edinburgh and this will conclude with an Astroshamanic Trance Dance on Friday 30 November at 7:30 pm. This event is open to anyone who has attended previous trance dances or workshops with Franco.

Findhorn, 1-7 December 2007, Manifesting Honourable Intentions: Planetary Healing from Inside Out: with Franco and Sverre Koxvold. Based on the recognition of the intimate connection between individual and collective processes, this unique week is designed to give time to clarify and embrace your authentic purpose. Drawing from his shamanic approach, Franco will share pragmatic and righteous ways of setting intentions, releasing disturbing patterns and converting them in fertilizing energy to support highest potentials. You will also explore how to use the power of intention more constructively and effectively to implement honourable results, bringing healing and well-being to yourself and others.

Jesi (Ancona, Italy), 15-16 December 2007, The Way of the North: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, One Year Basic Course in Astroshamanism and Experiential Astrology (in Italian)

Findhorn, Cluny Hill College, 29 December 2007 – 3 January 2008, The New Year Astroshamanic Healing Retreat (see details in the space above)

For information contact Franco at

Edinburgh (Scotland) 12-13 January 2008, The Way of the North: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, One Year Basic Course in Astroshamanism and Experiential Astrology. Foundation for Planetary Healing, 288 Portobello High Street, Edinburgh, EH15 2AU. Telephone: 0131-657 5680 E-mail:

Rome, 19-20 January 2008, La Via Sciamanica degli Angeli – The Shamanic Way of Angels (Scuola degli Angeli: Corso di formazione triennale per l'alta medianità e la guarigione spirituale) Per informazioni:

Cupramontana (Ancona, Italy), 26-27 January 2008, Multidimensional Portal of the Senses: A One Year Course in Astroshamanic Touch (in Italian and English)

During this seminar participants are initiated into basic astroshamanic healing touch, with particular reference to the connection with the vertical axis and core multidimensional body. The programme includes a complete experiential introduction to the three stages of astroshamanic healing work and is aimed at defining and deepening the relationship with one’s Spirit Guide. It is possible to take part in this workshop also if you are not attending the one-year course or as a way to find out whether the course is the right thing for you. The following seminars take place on 29-30 March 2008, 28-29 June 2008, and other dates in autumn and winter 2008. The workshops take place in Cupramontana, near Jesi (Ancona, Italy), in the Eremo dei Frati Bianchi, a legendary XV-century monastery partly built on caves.

One Year Basic Course in Astroshamanic Healing Touch

Cupramontana (Ancona, Italy) in Italian and English

Astrology and shamanism both demonstrate that we are all part of a vast multi-dimensional universe, that our physical body is merely the smaller scale duplication of a vaster body, from which human beings appear to have separated themselves. This first One-Year Course in Astroshamanic Healing Touch is devoted to the exploration of our multidimensional body and the retrieval of its fragmented parts. Astroshamanic Touch is an energetic bodywork application of astroshamanism meant as a tool for bridging the physical with our multidimensional nature. By operating with other human beings, you melt and become a gateway, channelling healing energy and directing it towards honourable intentions. Astroshamanic Touch provides the energetic combination for awareness to get away from conditionings and grievances, reawakening the original purpose and claiming our multi-dimensional status. In these workshops we will discover ways of employing physical contact and sexual energy to foster expanded states of consciousness, retrieve soul parts, reawaken healing talents and integrate them in everyday life. Through healing practices derived from shamanism, experiential astrology, the Celtic and Mediterranean traditions, the teachings of A Course in Miracles and other spiritual paths, we will receive visions and insights to deepen the work. We will also explore the multidimensional features of our relationships, sharing ways to release intense feelings, promoting forgiveness, transformation and unconditional love.

The Course consists of five week-end workshops. Each workshop deals with a particular aspect of astroshamanic healing touch as applied to the elements and the astrological wheel. The first introductory workshop takes place in Jesi, from 26 to 27 January 2008, with the title Multidimensional Portal of the Senses: A One Year Course in Astroshamanic Touch (in Italian and English). It is possible to take part in this workshop also if you are not attending the One Year Course or as a way to find out whether the course is the right thing for you. The other seminars occur on 29-30 March 2008 (Touch of Fire), 28-29 June 2008 (Touch of Earth), and other dates in autumn (Touch of Water) and winter 2008 (Touch of Air).

For those who are part of, or decide to join, the Astroshamanic Practitioner Training (APT), the One Year Course is part of the curriculum and also includes a late afternoon and early evening session on each Friday before the week-end workshop specifically addressed to APT trainees. Our international Astroshamanic Practitioner Training group programme will launch on 25 January 2008 also in Cupramontana, followed by the two-day basic workshop (26-27 January). If you wish to discuss whether these programmes are right for you, please contact me at to schedule a time to chat on the phone.

For bookings and information contact: Letizia Mocheggiani +39 0731206687 or 3489231998 or or

Frankfurt - Germany, 9-10 February 2008, The Way of the Spirit Guide: One Year Basic Course in Astroshamanism and Experiential Astrology (in English and German) Information: Erik Tel. 069/95504794 Mob. 0171-3493424. If you intend to take part, please book by 1 January 2008.

Paris (France) 16-17 February 2008, Basic Seminar in Astroshamanism: (in French and English)

The Foundation Training in Astroshamanism

Findhorn, 23-29 February 2008, A Journey into the Inner Universe

Findhorn, 1-7 March 2008, The Voyage through the Zodiac

Frankfurt, 19-23 April 2008, The Way of Fire + Sex & Death: The Ultimate Gateways

Findhorn, 10-17 May 2008, The Blessed Way of Passion

Disclaimer: All information provided in PAN is presented solely for inspirational or recreational reading, and it is not meant to substitute the recipient’s direct experience and investigation. The information is also given to strategically exemplify the different features of astroshamanic cosmology and is not intended to reflect Franco’s opinion or astroshamanism in general. Franco does not necessarily endorse any of the ideas and views expressed in this literature, including his own.

[i] Also here I wish to acknowledge that in the southern hemisphere Sagittarius leads to the peak of outer light. Although this is an obvious fact, it provides a firm insight on how reality is merely shaped according to our perspective.

[ii] All times in PAN are given in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).

[iii] References are given in brackets. T stands for the Text of a A Course in Miracles, while W for the Workbook.

[iv] A Course in Miracles utilizes various words that can trigger considerable resistance (such as Atonement, Last Judgment, God, Son of God, Holy Spirit, not to mention the use of a male-gender specific language), which could potentially be avoided or substituted by more comfortable words. Yet one of the Course’s purposes is to uncover such resistances, so that they can be acknowledged and released.

[v] This section is inspired by the writings of Kenneth Wapnick, founder of the Foundation for A Course in Miracles.


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