PAN International Issue 64
PAN Provisional Astroshamanic News
International Edition, 5 April 2007, Issue 64.
Editorial Director: Franco Santoro.
Cluny Hill College, Forres IV36 2RD, Scotland. +44(0)1309-672289.
© 2006 Franco Santoro. All rights reserved. Permission must be granted by the author for publishing and use on websites. For permissions contact
As the Holy Week bursts forth with passionate fragrance, the pioneering spirit of Aries valiantly settles, paving the way for the healing climax of Easter. This is an ideal opportunity for acknowledging any restrictive element that no longer serves you and be willing to sacrifice it. Glorious opportunities for renewal turn up with spring as consciousness becomes more available to embrace its legitimate heritage of loving unity. Easter is a time of luminous sacrifice, which entails releasing the nightmare of separation and embracing our true desires. “The time of Easter is a time of joy, and not of mourning. Look on your risen Friend, and celebrate his holiness along with me. For Easter is the time of your salvation, along with mine”. (A Course in Miracles, Text, p. 426)
This early cycle of spring is the ideal scenario for courageously burning away whatever is not truly you, while allowing uncontaminated blossoming of what is ready to emerge out of your deepest luminous passion. Allow your multidimensional self to show the path. Claim your ticket for the voyage through the web of life and find the blessed way to the original home!
I have just concluded the workshop The Way of the East in the charming town of Jesi (which is also the Latin controversial plural form of Jesus). Shortly, right at the apex of the Holy Week, from 7 to 13 April 2007, I run The Blessed Way of Passion at Findhorn. Then, after the glorious New Moon in Aries,on 17 April, I will fly to Germany and hold Multidimensional Portals of the Senses: A Gateway Course in Astroshamanic Healing Touch in the mountains of Vogelsberg near Frankfurt (Germany) from 20 to 24 April 2007 (Erik: Tel. 069/95504794 Mob. 0171-3493424).
This PAN is crafted with the intent of providing blessings on your multidimensional voyage through the spring of life. I wish you enjoy it and also consider taking part in one of our forthcoming astroshamanic workshops and sessions.
Healing the Fragmented Polarity: The Blessed Way of Passion (by Franco Santoro)
Our human third dimensional reality (HAC) is made up by binary electromagnetic energy in the form of separated polarities: negative-positive, male-female, dark-light. HAC is a mono-dimensional reality, which means that in order to be officially operative in this configuration, we need to release our multidimensional nature. This practically implies to let go of one polarity, so that one pole is allowed circulation in HAC, while the other is out of bound and remains in non-HAC. If I am a man, the male polarity will be visible in HAC, whereas my female polarity will stay unseen and vice versa if I am a woman. It follows that the greatest aspiration of a HAC being ultimately involves reuniting with the other polarity, which is also a forlorn hope as long as HAC continues to be based on separation. By truly incorporating the other half we return to the experience of oneness and unconditional love, the state that existed before HAC took over. From time to time, whenever there is a random frequency gap in HAC, or deficiency in our conditioning based on separation, we can retrieve this missed polarity, at least for a few seconds. Despite the shortness of those moments, the effect of having been exposed to their higher frequency produces a great sense of unity and peace, often continuing for minutes or even hours after the separation has been reinstalled. If the pressure of the consensus HAC reality, to which I return to, is strong, this exposure may result in nightmares, addictions, emotional upheavals, obsessions or dramatic confrontations with partners, rivals and antagonistic forces. These effects can be extremely disturbing, often causing severe trauma and loss of memory regarding the preceding experience of unity. When this memory is not completely lost, it is frequently regarded as the cause of all the pain that followed and becomes an area where the subject is afraid to return to.
In these strategic times of multidimensional reawakening it is very likely that frequency gaps and deficiencies in HAC will increase, deeply reactivating the memory of the state of unity existing before separation. This will create opportunities of temporary resurgence for multidimensional awareness and produce more experiences of retrieval of lost polarities. A way in which we may perceive these missing parts is through the relationship with the Core Multidimensional Identity (CMI), Spirit Guide or other significant non-HAC beings. With these entities we share profound multidimensional relationships in parallel universes, alternative spheres of time-space and other realities disconnected from our ordinary awareness. If from our separated perception these beings appear as distinct from us, from a multidimensional perspective they are indeed parts of ourselves, i.e. the selves from which we have separated and that astroshamanic healing aims at retrieving.
Many individuals strenuously look for their lost selves throughout their whole life without ever finding them. They search for those missing parts especially in the human relationship marketplace, yet all they usually manage to find is just some temporary satisfaction. They look for someone in the external world who can love them, bring fulfilment to their life, and share the human voyage with. In some exceptional cases they can meet folks who hold the same frequency of their Guide or other special multidimensional beings. These meetings provide a sense of profound alignment, which can reawaken lost memories and retrieve astonishing information. The people involved may experience overwhelming effects. Regrettably these can be easily misunderstood and interpreted according to HAC paradigm, forcing the subjects into conditioned roles having nothing to do with the true nature of their connection. Hence, despite the tremendous healing potential of the relationship, its multidimensional implications are mainly lost, causing painful dependences and disempowerment. The human separated reality takes over and re-establishes its paradigm, which gains in strength and vitality as a result of its provisional exposure to non-HAC. This dynamic is exemplified by the interplay between the bona fide horny bit and the consciousness diverting mechanism, which we have abundantly described in previous issues.
Since HAC is a simulated arbitrary configuration, it is unable to generate energy by itself and needs to draw it from a source existing in an alternative setting, just like a computer is plugged to a socket pertaining to a reality that is not part of the computer itself. The bona fide horny bit is the gateway to the source of energy, the direct link with the Core Multidimensional Identity, the original matrix, from which HAC receives all the energy that allows it to function. Yet, since HAC is based on the occultation of that matrix, its policy is to conceal the nature of the bona fide horny bit, while at the same time allowing it to operate so as to let energy reach HAC. Here the consciousness diverting mechanism plays this role, disconnecting human perception from non-HAC and the matrix of energy once HAC has received energy from the source itself.
In a man, the position of Mars generally gives details about the particular masculine frequency he tends to align with, or regard as a model, in order to attract the opposite polarity and allow her to tap into the bona fide horny bit. In a woman the placement of Mars can show what frequencies of the masculine energy tend to trigger her bona fide horny bit, causing attraction to, and projection on, external partners. In a woman, the position of Venus can indicate the feminine frequency she tunes in, or aspire to identify with, in order to attract the opposite sex and stimulate the bona fide horny bit, whereas in a man it may show what feminine frequencies activate his bona fide horny bit, causing attraction to, and projection on, external partners. When Mars or Venus are projected, by a woman and man respectively, they appear through a large variety of expressions ranging from the most ideal man or woman, according to the highest expectations of the subject, to the representation of the lowest male or female aspects. Although Venus and Mars typically embody the basic traits of polarities in relationships, also the other planets have features of the female and male polarities. Astroshamanic work here involves tuning into the frequencies which are projected outward and fully retrieving their qualities. This process leads to the creation of Blessed Polarities, a state in which the other polarity is fully integrated and acknowledged, no matter with whom I am in an external relationship or whether I am in such a relationship at all. This leads to the final union of the two polarities, generally identified as male and female, and to the full awareness, acknowledgment and embracement of the reality of multidimensional relationships.
The above is what we call the Blessed Way of Passion, which is also the basic focus of the forthcoming workshops The Blessed Way of Passion at Findhorn from 7 to 13 April 2007, and Multidimensional Portals of the Senses: A Gateway Course in Astroshamanic Healing Touch in the mountains of Vogelsberg near Frankfurt (Germany) from 20 to 24 April 2007 (Erik: Tel. 069/95504794 Mob. 0171-3493424).
Significant keys to the Blessed Way of Passion are astrologically provided by the position of Venus and Mars in the natal chart. These positions, by sign and house, are astroshamanically explored in order to dispense their power and gifts. Astroshamanic trance in seminars and sessions allow a safe experience of their dynamic and the unveiling of the vital energy. This can lead us to gain increased clarity regarding the way our energy truly functions. In this respect it would be useful to find out in which sign and house you have both Venus and Mars. Aligning with these positions can allow you to tune into what triggers your passion and some of the most arousing ways you experience the bona fide horny bit. This will help you gaining awareness regarding your true intentions in relationships and discriminate them from your unconscious and conditioned aims. Being clear regarding your intentions, no matter what they are, is vital on the path of the Blessed Way of Passion. It is not what you do intentionally that causes problems. It is what we do unintentionally that generates all the pain and separation we experience in this HAC world. If you would like to know more about the above topics, please consider enrolling in one of our courses or having an individual or distant healing session.
Astroshamanic Trance Dance
(by Franco Santoro)
The use of dance and sound as healing ways of releasing grievances and connecting with our multidimensional nature can be traced to the early years of human history and in all cultures around the world. The Mystery Schools of the Mediterranean cultures, as well as all the shamanic traditions of the planet, were aware that frequency vibration is the primary underlying force in the manifested universe. Hence they developed specific dances, chants and sounds to expand beyond the apparent limits of ordinary reality and connect with our multidimensional selves. Dance and sound are the most ancient forms of language and the main methods of communication with multidimensional realms. They are a channel through which we can best convey our authentic nature and express ourselves beyond the restrictions of conventional languages. As Zorba the Greek says “when I can’t find words to express what I mean, I get up and dance”. Life is a dance to Zorba, and his greatest wisdom is that “whenever life collapses around your shoulders, dance, dance, dance.”
Trance dancers are aware that there is a multidimensional intelligence abiding much further our ordinary mind. This intelligence is what ultimately creates the dance and the physical body is capable of connecting with it, bypassing the conditioning of our HAC consensus mind. The body aligns with its multidimensional nature and spontaneously moves accordingly. The HAC mind may continue to indulge with its autistic scripts, yet the body cannot help responding to its multidimensional matrix. As a result, major healing shifts can occur in the environment and the people involved. A mysterious, yet familiar, power is unleashed and transformation inevitably develops.
From the astroshamanic perspective all life is a dance and in this context there are many varieties of dance. There is a dance for each zodiac sign, planet, house and for all their combinations, such as aspects, transits, binaries, triads, spirit guide, power animal, angel, etc. There is a dance for every feature of life, as well as death. All beings are dancing specific rhythms, which may change in the course of one day, month or year, or as a consequence of connecting with other dancers and tunes. Every time we wake up and start our day, we also begin to dance with several other people. Some of them may be moved by the same music, others will dance to a different rhythm, some will be ideal dance companions, while others will present challenges, some will teach us new steps and others will learn them from us.
Astroshamanic Trance Dance is the result of the integration of dance, music, trance, shamanism and astrology. Its aim is acknowledging, retrieving and integrating the lost pieces of our soul as represented by the 12 Sectors. Each Sector has its own vibratory frequency and through dance we can align to its modalities of expression and incorporate them in our awareness. With astroshamanic trance dance we open to spirits, stars, planets, and whatever exists around and within us, asking to reactivate the memory of our ancient communion with them. By physically dancing and playing the Sectors, we enter into their rhythm, experiencing their energies and directing them toward honourable intentions. These practices stem from most ancient times and have played a major role in the development of all our cultures and religions.
In the Eleusinian Mysteries dancers representing the planets and stars danced around the candidate for initiation. In the Mysteries of Mithras twelve initiates wearing zodiac masks danced around the initiate. Similarly, in The Acts of John (97-102), the twelve disciples, representing the zodiac signs, hold hands and dance around Jesus. Before he goes to die, Jesus gets together his apostles in a circle, and, while holding one another’s hands as they circle in a dance around him, he chants a hymn to the Father. The patterns on the floor of many ancient Christian churches were designed as astroshamanic circular keyboard aimed at enhancing the practice of trance dancers. The Acts of John, together with many other Christian and Gnostic texts, were banned as heretical. The same veto applied to trance dance, which was since then considered insane, demonic, perverted and malefic. As a result trance dancers were heavily persecuted and many of them suffered horrible deaths. Yet trance dance is so grounded in the chemical and energetic structure of mankind that, despite its suppression, it has continued to survive and grow.
If you are drawn to explore astroshamanic dance and sound I recommend the Foundation Training in Astroshamanic Trance Dance - Basic Week from 12 to 18 May 2007 at Findhorn. This is the seventh one-week astroshamanic trance dance workshop held at the Findhorn Foundation, with the first edition taking place at Cluny Hill College in September 2002. The current version is most exceptional since it represents the first official training module in astroshamanic trance dance. Its aim is to deal with all the basic aspects of astroshamanic trance dance, including facilitation skills, healing dynamics, sound production, shape-shifting, shamanic drumming, and astrological analysis. The training is meant to provide opportunities to acquire first-hand astroshamanic trance dance healing skills, including elements of trance percussions and chanting.
The training consists of two workshops, which can also be attended independently. The second optional week is held from 8 to 14 September 2007. The first workshop (from 12 to 18 May 2007) focuses on personal healing and transformation, while the second week is designed to take dance a stride further, working on behalf of others and exploring one’s unique healing rhythms and gifts.
My initial relationships with trance dance date back to the late 70s. At that time I was trying to come to terms with the impact of two overwhelming experiences I had in 1976, one close to Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh and the other on the western bank of Loch Ness. On those two occasions, while I was observing the landscape I felt my body expanding through the whole environment, with my awareness entering into all the surrounding forms as if I were actually the land itself. It was a shape-shifting dance experience, yet I did not have any clue about what it meant. I was not under the effect of any drug and everything happened spontaneously. It was a most astonishing situation, yet what surprised me more was that, despite the paranormal nature of the experience, I was not surprised at all. I could not understand what was happening, yet it appeared very familiar, pleasant and safe. I also perceived an enormous amount of power, which was in dramatic contrast with the way I used to live then. This event later reawakened the awareness of a previous non-HAC experience in 1964. As a result of these events I began to do researches in the attempt of finding out more. In particular, since I continued to have recurrent visions related to the astrological archetypes, I decided to study astrology. While I was immersed in my astrological analytical work, I would often experience non-HAC states of consciousness with dramatic effects on my body and emotions. I could not manage to limit astrology to an intellectual or analytical level. The planetary energies seemed to seize me, affecting my perception and urging my body to act accordingly. Since the movements I felt impelled to release were not compatible with my social environment, I had to find ways to express them in situations were nobody could see me. Hence, I decided to operate mainly at night or in dark environments. This was not at all an easy time. Most of what l I learned here came as a result of extreme moments of despair, pain, alienation and fear.
In the early 80s, after a vision quest and following my association with AFS Bogus, I received guidance on how to face the above issues. This led to the gradual elaboration of a system integrating astrology, shamanism and dance, which I later defined as astroshamanism. From 1988 I expanded this approach through the connection with the Indian master Osho. Running the Osho Meditation Centre in Bologna (Italy) and the Osho Press Service (Osho’s Italian press office), allowed me to regularly experience the effects of trance dance. Major inspirations came from my training at the Osho Multiversity in Poona (India), the contributions of Kabir Jaffe, Frank Natale, Urahi, the Sufi tradition, and above all through visionary researches with the Mediterranean mystery traditions. This led to the definite emergence of astroshamanic trance dance. When I came to Findhorn in 1999 I incorporated astroshamanic trance dance in my early workshops. However, the first event entirely devoted to the topic was held at Findhorn only on 27 July 2001. Since then astroshamanic trance dances have been a regular feature at the Findhorn Foundation with events being held almost every week with the support of a special core group of trance dance assistants (Celia, Elaine, Geline, Naomi, Rossana, Sean). The apex of these developments is the upcoming Foundation Training in Astroshamanic Trance Dance.
Aries Films (by Franco Santoro)
“Do not try and bend the spoon. That’s impossible. Instead . . . only try to realize the truth. There is no spoon. Then you’ll see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.” (The Matrix)
As part of my astroshamanic research on cinema, briefly featured in the article The Shamanic Way of Cinema (see PAN issue 62 and 63), a significant task was to identify movies carrying the vibratory frequencies of each zodiac sign. The aim was to therapeutically employ those movies in order to enhance or balance the qualities of a zodiac sign, whose energy was either scarce or unstable in a subject. The simple act of watching the movie, especially using the guidelines provided in the second part of the above mentioned article (see PAN issue 63), was enough to induce relevant stimuli and provide powerful insights that the person could then expand with further techniques
Since the conditioning of our current HAC life tends to repress the genuine and unrestricted expression of most Aries qualities, these can often find space only through the realm of fiction and cinema. Social customs and protocols tend to support assimilation, compromise, negotiation and stability, rather than spontaneity, straightforwardness, passion and the transparent expression of feelings.
Aries movies are generally very popular for they allow emergence of repressed aspects for most contemporary human beings. Also in the realm of Aries belong the abundant movies related to the planet Mars, which is the most featured planet in cinema and literature after the Earth. For details on movies on Mars click here and also here.
Aries movies mainly cover the following genres: adventure (action, martial arts, epic, war, western, cloak-and-dagger, sport, road movie), crime (police and gangster stories, thriller), and also comedy, dramatic, musical, fantasy and Jesus movies whenever the qualities of Aries are dominant and themes such as competition, courage, passion, sacrifice, initiative, desire, assertiveness and force are at work.
What follows is a synopsis containing a provisional list of movies with Aries components. The list refers mainly to titles with wide international circulation especially in the English-speaking world. Each title in the list is preceded by the name of the director. By clicking on the title you can get online details on the movie.
As you can easily notice there is a lot of war, action and combat here. Aries treads the way of the warrior, which besides being the more obvious is one of the most misunderstood. Aries authentic war has nothing to do with war as it is perceived by the conditioned perspectives of both war and anti-war supporters. These frames of mind are part of HAC separate reality. This is what Aries movies need to comply with so as to find their way in the marketplace of our fragmented awareness, while hopefully and subtly conveying an arcane message for those “who have ears to hear and eyes to see”.
“A warrior lives by acting, not by thinking about acting, nor by thinking about what he will think when he has finished acting” (Carlos Castaneda, The Wheel of Time, Penguin, p. 41). Here war is devoid of intellectual considerations and unconcerned regarding gain or loss. True warriors know that all their outer battles are forlorn ones. They are aware that they cannot win such battles, because the enemy is not there outside, it is within the core programme of their separated minds. This is what ultimately wins in all wars, no matter what sides they seem to involve. Hence the Aries original warrior does not fight against another warrior, although this is what he may appear to do according to HAC scripts. He fights against the unseen deceit that generates HAC itself. This deceit abides in the ignorance we have regarding our multidimensional nature, in our narrow perception, in the belief of abiding in the separated reality where the war apparently takes place
M.Akkad, Mohammad: Messenger of God. R.Aldrich, The Dirty Dozen. P.Anderson, Mortal Combat. J.G.Avidsen, Rocky. L.Benedek, The Wild One. B.Bertolucci, Novecento. J.Boorman, Point Blank; Excalibur. M.Brando, One Eyed Jacks. T.Burton, Mars Attacks! J.Cameron, The Terminator. C.Chang-Ho, Invincible Boxer. M.Cimino, The Hunter. R.Clouse, The Ultimate Warrior. P.DeBroca, L’homme de Rio. E.Dmytryk, Broken Lance, The Young Lions. C.T.Dreyer, La passion de Jeanne d’Arc. R.Emmerich, Stargate,. F.Fellini, La strada. D.Fincher, Fight Club. J.Ford, My Darling Clementine, Stagecoach, The Searchers. J.Frankenheimer, Grand Prix. M.Gibson, Braveheart. The Passion of the Christ. T.Gilliam, Twelve Monkeys. H.Hawks, Sergeant York. W.Herzog, Aguirre. W.Hill, Undisputed. E.Kazan, On the Waterfront.T.Kotcheff, Rambo. S.Kubrick, Full Metal Jacket; Paths of Glory; Barry Lyndon. A.Kurosawa, The Seven Samurai. D.Lean, The Bridge Over the River Kwai. A.Lee, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. G.Lucas, Star Wars. (entire saga). A.Lyne, Flashdance. R.Mamoulian, Blood and Sand. J-McTiernan. Last Action Hero. G.Miller, Mad Max. R-Mulcahy, Highlander. P.Pasolini, The Gospel According to St. Matthew. S.Pink, Accepted. A.Pyun, Adrenalin: Fear the Rush. N.Roeg, Walkabout. F.G.Schaffner, Patton. V.Schlöndorff, Die Blechtrommel. M.Scorsese, Raging Bull; The Last Temptation of Christ. R.Scott, The Duellists; Gladiator. T.Scott, Crimson Tide. M.N.Shyamalan, Sixth Sense. S.Spielberg, Duel. O.Stone, World Trade Center. J.Sturges, Gunfight at the O.K. Corral. B.Tavernier, Conan the Barbarian. J.L.Thomson, The Guns of Navarone. P.Verhoeven, Basic Instinct, Robocop, Starship Troopers, Total Recall. K.Vidor, Duel in the Sun. R.Wallace, We Were Soldiers. Waschowski Bros. The Matrix; The Matrix Reloaded; The Matrix Revolutions. F.Zinneemann, High Noon. E.Zwick, Legend of the Fall.
Here follows a list of actors and directors with Sun and other relevant traits in Aries. Their names are followed by further astrological details given in brackets, such as the binary or triad and the presence of a stellium. A stellium means that five or more planets are in Aries. By clicking on the name of the actor you can get complete online details. If there are movies that proved meaningful for you with reference to Aries or any shamanic experience concerning the realm of fiction that you wish to share, please contact me.
Warren Beatty (stellium, 1.8.6), Jean-Paul Belmondo (1.7.3), Marlon Brando (1.1.9), Claudia Cardinale (stellium, 1.8.2), Charlie Chaplin (1.8.8), Julie Christie (stellium, 1.8.4), Joan Crawford (1.11.8), Bettie Davis (1.3.8), Doris Day (stellium, 1.3.6), Alec Guinness (1.3.1), Terence Hill (stellium, 1.4.5), William Holden (1.4.7), Christopher Lambert (stellium, 1.12.4), Akira Kurosawa (1.6.8), Eddie Murphy (1.8.5), Gregory Peck (stellium, 1.2.3), Anthony Perkins (stellium, 1.1), Anthony Quinn (stellium; 1.4), Omar Sharif (stellium, 1.3.7), Simone Signoret (1.7.10), Rod Steiger, Gloria Swanson (1.7.9), Spencer Tracy (1.3.10)
The Grand Original Quest at Corvaro (15-21 June 2007)
It's that time again! Time to join healing forces and come together in the summer season, drawing from the unique potent energies of the emerging transformational cycle (2007-2012). Two summer special events have been purposefully organised to support the above , namely the Findhorn Astroshamanic Summer Gathering from 20 to 26 July 2007 (see details in the calendar below and upon request) and the Grand Original Quest from 15 to 21 June 2007. This latter workshop provides a direct and experiential understanding of the many-sided of our nature meant as an emanation of the universe, known and unknown. We will employ various practices from ancient traditions, learning how to navigate through different energy fields, identifying apparent anomalies, fractures, blocks, power points, healing gifts and zones. We will be trained to use the astroshamanic system of the 12 Sectors, the binary and trinity codes, the basic cartography of stellar circuits and other strategic applications for the retrieval of our original 12-strand DNA. The workshop also covers the theme of parallel universes, time-space gateways and the multidimensionality of the physical territory, including the exploration of numerous aspects of occult and non-ordinary geography. We will investigate our most ancient roots, connecting various parts of our ancestral life, releasing old blocks and wounds trapped in our inner and outer landscape, unfolding luminous potentials and promoting healing in the environment at all levels. The programme includes: soul retrieval, time-space voyages, distant astroshamanic healing, trance dance, astroshamanic touch, visionary walks, activation of multidimensional portals, advanced applications of the Basic Ritual of the Sacred Cone and other practices, which will develop spontaneously according to the motivations and visions of the participants.
The retreat takes place in the medieval village of Corvaro (one hour from Rome), between the lake of La Duchessa and its wild mystery mountains. It starts on the last New Moon of Spring and culminates with the Summer Solstice. The dates and place of the retreat have purposefully been chosen to support this type of work. The event is open to participants of all nationalities and is held by Franco both in English and Italian. This is the first prologue workshop of the Astroshamanic Gateways Series, a series of events devoted to the experiential understanding and astroshamanic exploration of multidimensional gateways, alternative configurations, the Sacred Cone and the Provisional Order. If you are interested to take part, I invite you to book at your earliest convenience. For bookings or information please contact: Franco or Liliana Cozza, +39/0746.306529, or 3478853271 or 3490724072.
Disclaimer: All information provided in PAN is presented solely for inspirational or recreational reading, and it is not meant to substitute the recipient’s direct experience and investigation. The information is also given to strategically exemplify the different features of astroshamanic cosmology and is not intended to reflect Franco’s opinion or astroshamanism in general. Franco does not necessarily endorse any of the ideas and views expressed in this literature, including his own.
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